Yellow tomatoes

Tips and ideas

351 Yellow Tomatoes
In addition to the usual, beloved red tomatoes, gardeners are very popular unusual varieties. For example, yellow tomatoes, varieties of which are very diverse. This vegetable is ideal for those who are allergic to red tomatoes, it is a great antioxidant, has an excellent sweetish rich flavor. Today, yellow tomatoes can often be found in the beds and greenhouses.

Breeders offer a wide selection of varieties and hybrids of yellow tomatoes of different sizes, shapes, with excellent taste.

351 Yellow Tomatoes

Hothouse varieties

Some varieties of yellow tomatoes are recommended to be grown in greenhouses for maximum yield.

351 Yellow Tomatoes

They take root on the ordinary beds, but the fruit will be noticeably worse. The best known varieties are as follows:

  • Large-fruited variety "Persimmon" is medium-early and medium. Plants reach 0.8 - 1 m outside and 1.5 m in greenhouses, require a garter. Powerful bushes have numerous light green leaves. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly flattened, the color is yellow-orange. The first tomatoes are quite large, their average weight is 300 grams, and some up to 600 grams., The rest of the fruits gain about 150 grams each. From one plant you can collect 3.5 - 4 kg of tomatoes. The fruits have a rather hard peel, which allows them to tolerate transportation and long-term storage. Tomatoes are sweetish in taste, the flesh is dense, there are few seeds. The disadvantage of this variety can be considered a significant deterioration in taste in case of late collection - over-ripe tomatoes become bland, tasteless.
  • "Koenigsberg Gold" is a medium early variety with elongated large fruits. Sometimes this variety is called “Siberian apricot” because of its sweet taste and very high beta-carotene content. Independent variety - the height of the bush can be 2 m. These yellow tomatoes are unpretentious, require fertilizer, normal care and obligatory garters. Inflorescences are formed after 1 leaf, in the hands grows up to 6 fruits. From one plant get up to 3 buckets of tomatoes.
  • An excellent early grade for greenhouse cultivation is the Amber Cup. The first fruits ripen in 105 days after germination. Indeterminate bushes grow to 1.7 m, they tolerate high temperature well, are resistant to diseases of tobacco mosaic, fusarium, verticillus. Tomatoes are quite unpretentious - for good growth and fruiting, they need regular watering, pasynkovane, dressing, garter, mulching. Fruits reach a weight of 90 - 120 g., Juicy, sweet, oval-shaped with a dense skin. They can be stored for up to 2 months and transported without problems.
  • 351 Yellow Tomatoes

    Tomatoes, variety selection (video)

    Varieties for open ground

    Tomatoes grown in open field should have a high resistance to temperature extremes and diseases. One of the most sustainable varieties is considered the “Wonder of the World”, or as it is also called gardeners - lemon-liana. Its bushes are similar to creepers, therefore, for a high-quality garter, each plant requires several supports. Fruit brushes consist of 4-5 tomatoes weighing up to 100 grams.

    The undersized variety "Golden Queen" is also popular. The height of these tomatoes is about 60 - 80 cm. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, with a bright yellow color, very tasty, have a tender, juicy flesh, weigh 150 - 300 grams. The Golden Queen is distinguished by high yields under various weather conditions.

    351 Yellow Tomatoes

    For cultivation in the open field is suitable grade "Honey spas." This is a tall (up to 1.5 m) plant that needs a mandatory garter. Tomatoes have a reniform shape, honey-yellow color, fruit weight 300 - 500 gr. the variety is disease resistant, high yielding. Because of the pleasant sweet taste it is recommended to use for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The name of the variety "Lemon Giant" speaks for itself. Its first fruits weigh an average of 0.8 - 0.9 kg, the next - a little smaller. Tomatoes are fleshy, almost without juice. They make excellent salads, sauces, juices. Plants need to be regularly fed, stepchild, tie up. With proper care from one bush harvest up to 5 kg.

    Cherry varieties

    Yellow varieties of cherry tomatoes can be grown in greenhouses and open ground. Small fruits weighing 15-20 grams. grow in clusters - on one twig there can be 12-15 tomatoes. As a rule, they are used for the preparation of various fresh salads, preservation for the winter and for decorating various dishes.

    351 Yellow Tomatoes

    One of the most famous varieties is considered to be the medium early Honey Drop. This name accurately describes the appearance of the vegetable - the tomatoes resemble a drop in shape and are painted in a warm yellow color. And their taste is very sweet - just like honey. Plants can reach 2 m in height and require binding. This variety does not need to be staved, which greatly simplifies the care of it. The advantages of "Honey drop" can be attributed, and good resistance to disease and high yields.

    351 Yellow Tomatoes

    Another excellent yellow cherry variety is the mid-late Yellow Date. It is very similar to taste and color in taste and color. Yellow glossy tomatoes perfectly carry storage and transportation, are used for preservation and raw. The plant itself grows well in open ground and hotbeds, reaching a height of 1.5 m. These tomatoes step to the first brush. "Yellow dates" are low-leaf, high-yielding.

    Canning yellow tomatoes (video)

    Gallery: yellow tomatoes (15 photos)

    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes
    351 Yellow Tomatoes