Winter veranda

Tips and ideas

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Not so long ago we talked about how to warm the gazebo and prepare it for winter. But this is not the only option, because you can also re-equip the veranda at the dacha. And so, today the winter veranda is on the agenda, its equipment and maximum comfort increase.

Not everyone in the country has a gazebo, as, in principle, and a veranda, but since we talked about the winter gazebo, in which you can move during a cold snap, we think that you should think about the verandah too. Re-describing the process of building a veranda, which is already on the site article, and we will not talk about insulation. And we will spend time on the description of how to bring the veranda in order and make it really winter. After all, it is here that you can now drink morning tea, have lunch in the afternoon, talk before bedtime, or even get together on weekends, with a kebab and strong drinks.

So, the winter veranda is on a turnkey basis, or the most comfortable equipment for this room, which after our recommendations you can completely transform.

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Requirements for a comfortable winter terrace

To the veranda to be comfortable in the winter, you should look at it completely from the other side. This is not the same recreation area where in the summer you basked with lemonade under a fan, and in the evenings you were going to dinner for your family. Now it is a closed room, which should be comfortable and warm, and therefore it is necessary for it to make slightly different requirements so that you can feel really good on the veranda at any time. You can learn how to build a porch in the country with their own hands.

Veranda repair

Should start with the repair. After the summer, all the materials of the extension were a bit out of date due to frequent visits, due to changes in humidity and temperatures, and therefore it is necessary to put the veranda in order. Puttying and painting surfaces, replacing some parts, renovating walls and preparing them for winter, making minor repairs. It may be necessary for someone to overhaul, but it had to be thought out even in the summer, because in the fall, when it is damp and cool outside, there is a lot of repair work to be done. Wall-paper disappears because of humidity and drafts, the putty on the walls does not dry, exactly like varnish on wood, the smell of paint does not disappear for a long time. Therefore, capital repairs are now transferred to the spring, but we first study the finishing materials in this article!

We also recommend to read: Heating at the cottageWinter arborHow to warm the veranda at the cottageConstruction of the terrace at the cottage

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Thermal insulation of the veranda

Without special details (as you can read about quality insulation here), but just for the sake of a reminder. The veranda will be warm if you work with high-quality insulation materials. It can be foam or mineral wool, propening joints, eliminating drafts and minimizing cold bridges, from which the temperature changes seriously. You can get acquainted with the material - a winter garden with your own hands.

Also, if you turn an ordinary veranda into a winter one, you need to take care of the windows, because they will stop the penetration of the cold inside.

You can install new windows, or you can simply repair old ones, which we suggest reading in a good article on the restoration of windows and the creation of high-quality double-glazed windows.

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The arrangement of the veranda

Each owner will have a winter porch different from the others, and this is a fact. Someone will make of this extension a small closed room where products will be stored in winter, someone will equip a simple smoking room and a place for morning coffee from it while you “wake up” in the morning, but many will bring the verandah to mind by installing furniture and appliances here , heaters, chairs or even a sofa to sleep, because it is very real. This is what we want to talk about in more detail, about what needs to be done in the veranda so that it is cozy and comfortable.

Furniture for the winter veranda

Surely, in this room there is already something from the summer terrace - table chairs, couch, lockers.

All this is good, but you can after all, and a little to complete the package, for convenience, you need a little more than we have indicated.

We recommend installing a good meal table on the veranda, a small table for cooking and cutting food, a few chairs or benches near the table, and also upholstered furniture.

A sofa and a few chairs for lovers of conversations until late, when you can turn around in a blanket and chat until midnight, several shelves for dishes, a bar under a bar or a coffee service - all this will be very useful here.

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Decorating the veranda

If in the summer we needed little on the veranda, today it is a complete room in which maximum comfort is needed. And comfort is created by accessories and decor. Well, this is the concern of our housewives, who can hang beautiful curtains on the windows, spread a tablecloth on the table, and a rug on the floor.

Pictures, good lighting, dishes, a small coffee table, pillows and blankets - all this can come in handy on the veranda, if space permits!

Veranda heating

An open veranda autumn can be heated by gas heaters, the characteristics and operation principles of which we cited in this article. But if the room is closed, you will need heating devices that do not emit toxic substances in the form of combustion products.

For the decision on the choice of a heating device for a veranda, we recommend reading this material, from which you can learn about useful heating devices not only for a summer residence, but even for a home!

Warming the room and installing a small oil radiator or infrared heating here, you will forget that it is raining or snowing, wind or frost outside ... there will always be warm inside, which is very important!

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Ventilation device

The winter veranda is an enclosed area, and if it is kept there for a long time, the air in this room will be stagnant. Therefore, in the veranda need high-quality ventilation.

It will be enough to let in fresh air from the street through the new windows, the flaps of which open, but you can also install several hatches with special valves, or an exhaust hood that forcibly pulls the air outside or even automatically replaces it with fresh air.

Arrangement of a veranda (video)

Installation of equipment

On the winter terrace is warm, cozy, you can sit in a comfortable chair, drink warm cocoa or dine with your family. But in such situations light music will not hurt. Therefore, it would be possible to install a radio or a small music center here. If you like to watch the evening news or your favorite TV series, then a small TV, and maybe a DVD player will not hurt either. In general, only you can think of technology, but we recommend not to forget about it, because the complex of work and sleep (without any entertainment) quickly leads to a state of apathy.

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The problem of cutting off the cold

Veranda - the room immediately after the entrance, that is, from the porch directly into the house. And this is understandable, but a serious problem remains that allows a huge amount of cold to penetrate inside. As soon as you open the doors and enter, cold air immediately flows behind you, and a part of the heated from the veranda irrevocably goes out into the street. This issue is solved in many ways, and one of them - insulation and covering the porch. This topic will definitely be raised by, since it is quite relevant, but in the meantime, we will advise you to use cut-off devices - special devices that prevent the ingress of cold air into the interior. If you have the opportunity, be sure to consider these devices.

Arrangement of a winter veranda is a matter of literally several days. It is clear that this time and certain financial costs, but just think that literally over the weekend you can add another dwelling to your summer cottage - quiet, warm, cozy and comfortable.