When they can be fined for cooking kebabs in the country

Tips and ideas

A fine will have to be paid if in the region where the cottage is located, there is an official order to introduce a fire protection regime, or if you make a fire or use a brazier in the wrong place, thus violating the fire safety regime.

“Cultivation of fires at the dacha is possible, but certain requirements must be met. For example, from a building to an open fire there should be a distance of 50 meters. Naturally, on 6 acres to comply with this requirement is almost impossible. Therefore, a citizen who decides to fry shashlik may face a fine under Article 20.4 of the Administrative Code of the RF. On the other hand, if the Ministry of Emergency Situations does not conduct a special raid (this, for example, was last year during the May holidays), it is rather difficult to prove a violation and bring a citizen to justice, ”says lawyer Sergey Kormilitsin.

What is the size of the fine?

From 2,000 to 3,000 rubles, with aggravating circumstances - up to 5,000 rubles. For violation of fire safety in conditions of a special fire regime - from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.

Where can I make a fire?

If no fire regime is introduced in the region, a fire in an open area can only be made in a specially equipped place:

- In a pit with a depth of at least 30 cm and a diameter of not more than 100 cm, the distance to buildings and structures should be at least 50 meters, to deciduous trees - 30 meters, to coniferous trees - 100 meters. The place of making fire should be additionally separated with a dug strip at least 40 cm wide.

- In a tank of non-combustible materials (iron grill, barrel, etc.), the maximum allowable amount of which is 1 m 3. The distance to buildings should be 25 meters, to deciduous trees - 15 meters, to conifers - 50 meters.

If the kebab is cooked on a grill or in a roasting pan, then the minimum distance from it to buildings and structures should be 5 meters.

Barbecue is forbidden to cook on the site if:

- a special fire regime or a storm warning has been declared on the territory;

- on the site peat soils;

- above the place where the fire is made, there are branches of coniferous trees;

- wind speed over 10 m / s;

- the metal tank has no fencing, and the wind speed reaches 5 m / s.

270-When Can Fine for Cooking