What unpretentious varieties of chrysanthemums to plant

Tips and ideas

299-What are unpretentious varieties of chrysanthemums
A question from Galina: “There are many beautiful flowers in my garden. I decided to supplement my collection with chrysanthemums. What unpretentious varieties you advise me? Is it necessary to prepare this plant for winter? If so, how? ”


Chrysanthemums can really become a real decoration of any flower bed and front garden, if you choose the appropriate varieties that we indicate in our answer.

Choosing varieties

Perhaps the most unpretentious of chrysanthemums are Korean perennial small-flowered chrysanthemums that can grow in any region. The plant has many beautiful varieties:

  • Helios;
  • Pryvitna;
  • Nobel Rose;
  • Kamina Red;
  • Chio-chio-san;
  • Padre White;
  • Fidelity;
  • Apple Blossom;
  • Veronica;
  • Gir-gar;
  • Gagarin's smile.

299-What are unpretentious varieties of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum reproduction and care

In the spring for reproduction, it is necessary to break open basal shoots when the above-ground part of the plant is formed. It is not recommended to use cuttings or parts of stems, as is often done with phlox.

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To the flowers were larger, the buds that appear on the axillary stepson, it is better to pull out. In addition, on one bush, you must leave 8-12 stems, cutting off all the excess as early as possible.

299-What are unpretentious varieties of chrysanthemums

In autumn, the ground part of the plant is cut. Top dressing of Korean chrysanthemum is carried out with the help of organic matter in early summer, with mineral fertilizers in the middle.

Chrysanthemums. Planting and care (video)

Winter care

After the final freezing of the leaves of chrysanthemums, their stems are cut off from the ground.

Covering the bushes is not worth it, because the main danger is not freezing, but vypryvanie during periods of thaw in the winter and snowmelt in the spring. In the spring, when the chrysanthemums begin to grow, all the remnants of last year's stems are removed.