What to plant

Tips and ideas

Do you want your household to smile when they go out into the garden, and a song about an orange mother and an orange camel comes to mind? Plant these plants on the plot and you will always have a sunny mood.


1. Calendula officinalis (marigold).

Bright inflorescences, "chamomile" will delight the eye from June to the most frost. Among the varieties of calendula there are many orange-colored, for example, the ’Goddess of the Sun’, Orange King ’,‘ Geisha ’and others. They grow marigolds by sowing seeds into the soil as soon as it thaws. In the garden she needs a well-lit place. In addition to decorative calendula has medicinal properties and scares off harmful insects.

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2. Nasturtium big and its hybrids.

Fragrant flowers, like little gramophone, will decorate the garden throughout the summer and even in the fall. Thanks to the long shoots, the nasturtium can be used both as a ground cover plant and for vertical gardening, and compact varieties can be used in flower gardens and for planting in flowerpots. Orange varieties are 'Alaska' orange ('Alaska'), 'Tip-Top' orange ('Tip Top'), 'The Globe of Fire' ('Globe of Fire'), 'Feuerglyants' ('Feuerglanz') and others Grow sowing seeds in the ground in May.

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3. Marigolds upright, rejected and thin-leaved.

Inflorescences resemble miniature chrysanthemums, but unlike the latter, they appear as early as June. Flowering continues until the cold weather. Plants have insecticidal properties, so they can be planted even in the garden to protect against insect pests. Among the varieties with orange color ’Antigua’ orange (’Antigua’), ‘Mandarin’, ‘Orange flame’ (’Orangeflamme’). Grown through seedlings, conducting sowing in early April, planted in a permanent place at the end of frosts.

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1. Daylily.

Species red day lily familiar to every summer resident. But the fact that he has a terry form, which is called ‘Kvanso’ (Kwanso), few know. There are orange flowers in beautiful varietal daylilies, for example, Carrot Top ('Carrot Top'), 'Citric' ('Citrix'), 'Hevenly Beginning', 'Mauna Loa' ('Mauna Loa '),' Orange Electric '(' Orange Electric '). Different varieties differ in terms of flowering. In one place the daylily can grow for many years without transplantation and division. Propagated by dividing the bush. Requires a sunny location.

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2. Lily.

Looking up the thick orange lilies with “cannabis” were grown by the grandmothers of the present summer residents, mistakenly calling them tiger. However, the real tiger lily has the same fiery color of flowers, only they look down, and their petals are twisted like a turban. Some other wild lilies - dwarf, Canadian, Bush can boast with similar coloring. There are orange flowers and varietal plants, for example, 'Royal Sunset' ('Royal Sunset'), 'African Queen' ('African Queen'), 'Orange Marmalade' ('Orange Marmalade'), 'Polyushko', etc. In the garden almost all lilies (except martagon hybrids) need a well-lit place. Reproduced by dividing the "nest" in late summer or early autumn.

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3. Asian, Chinese and Ledebura baths.

Asian swimsuit is better known under the name "frying" - that is how it is called at home in Siberia. Her flowers, which appear in May-June, really have a hot fiery orange hue. In terms of brightness, the Far Eastern swimsuits are just as inferior to it, only to. Ledebour blooms at the very beginning of summer, and in the case of the Chinese - in the middle. Develop better in open areas, but can grow in partial shade. Propagated by seed and division of adult plants.

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