What is the brun-cress
Adherents of healthy eating from a lively lifestyle should pay attention to this well-known, but remarkable green culture. Brun-cress, or watercress will supply greenery all year round — after all, it can be grown even on the windowsill of a city apartment. And, of course, nadache - as an annual vegetable plant. Ada owners of raw sites is just a godsend. In complete agreement with its name, the watercress grows only in wet places, for example, to save water bodies and volunteers. Therefore, those who decide to engage in the cultivation of the bruncress will have to dig out for him a special wetted groove or to attend to daily watering.

Brun-Kress is a medicinal plant, daktomzhe refers to dietary food. In particular, it is recommended to eat in obesity and diabetes. They also use it as a blood-purifying, anthelmintic, expectorant and diuretic.
What it is?
The botanical name of the brun-kress is a common female or medicinal (Nastúrtium officinále). It is a water or semi-aquatic perennial from the Cabbage family. In sight, it grows in North Africa, Western Europe, Central Asia, the Canary Islands and the Azores, and our country - in the foothills of the Caucasus. As a leaf vegetable, he was familiar to the ancient Romans. In the middle ages it was used in Germany in France and France.
The ukressa is a thick, hollow, ascending, creeping stem with a height of 10 to 70 cm and dark green leaves. The stem and lateral shoots that go out of the leaf sinuses will easily settle, giving rise to new plants.
How to eat it?
I'll pick up the leaves and the top of young shoots. They have the original pungent bitterness, which is due to the presence of these essential oils. In addition, they also contain many vitamins and imineral salts. Brun-cress is especially rich in beta-carotene and ascorbic acid, as well as iodine, the deficit of which is often experienced by the inhabitants of our country.
In the chopped form, the fresh greens of the female woman add vatsalaty, soups, meat and fish dishes. The shoots boiled for 3-5 minutes are used to make sauces for sandwiches, and the dried leaves are used as spices.

How to grow?
In the open ground, bruncress is grown through seedlings. In the sale, you can find the seeds of 2 domestic varieties recommended by the State Register— Moscow Region and Gzhel Semko, as well as old foreign ones: Superior, Broadleaf, Portuguese. Sowing is done at the beginning of April in the heated greenhouse or at home in the front boxes (containers). Seeds of the ubrun-cress are small, so they are better mixed by spesk. In the open ground, seedlings are planted in a 30-day age (the distance between the plants is 5 cm, between the rows — 20). It should be borne in mind that the cress is a rather heat-loving culture: at a temperature below 12C, it needs film cover.
Plants need abundant and regular watering — in the morning and evening. For better tillering, pinch their upper heads, cut-off flower stalks are cut off. This contributes to the formation of new young shoots of shoots. Because of frequent irrigation, many nutrients are washed out of the soil, so the plants need weekly top dressing, for which they use a mullein diluted with water (1: 6) or a solution of complex mineral fertilizers (4-5g of water).
The first harvest of the bruncress is removed when the plants reach 30 cm (approximately 2 months after transplanting). They cut the height of 5-10cm ground. The yield for a single cut is 2-2.5 kg s1m2.