What food waste can be used to fertilize the garden

Tips and ideas

265-What food waste can be used
Margarita asked a very important question: “What food waste can be used to fertilize a vegetable garden? Is a similar top dressing safe for all crops? ”


Good or bad?

In fact, the use of food waste as fertilizer for the site is not only beneficial, but also very beneficial. First, the use of natural products will ensure the health of your plants, without resorting to chemical substitutes. And, secondly, food waste is in every home, and you do not have to spend money on expensive mixtures, fertilizing and fertilizer. Such fertilizers are well suited for trees, and flowers, and shrubs. Practically in all food waste there are substances that are beneficial for plants, which favorably affect their root system, promote rapid growth and high yields.

265-What food waste can be used

What waste can be used?

Consider some examples of the use of food waste:

  • For example, do you like to drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee at the beginning of a long day? Many will say yes! So, the coffee grounds remaining after welding can be useful on your private plot. It is very useful to use for feeding magnolia and hydrangea.
  • Also used tea bags, which decompose quickly in the soil and are a good fertilizer for flowers, have a good effect.
  • The shell of boiled eggs boasts a high content of calcium and magnesium, which would be very useful for fertilizing the soil. It is necessary to crush the eggshells and add them to the ground in order to saturate the soil with many beneficial trace elements.
  • Banana peel brings sugar to the soil, which has a beneficial effect on rose bushes. For the disinfection of the same soil perfectly fit decoction of onion peel. The same tool is perfectly perceived by plants as fertilizer.
  • From the various parasites, harmful insects and some diseases helps to get rid of a decoction of orange peel, especially well acting on spider mites.

265-What food waste can be used

As a result, the use of food waste as fertilizer will not only help for your plants, but also save your money considerably.

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How to use waste (video)