Watermelons and melons in the greenhouse

Proper greenhouse
Growing melons requires the creation of appropriate conditions for plants. They need reliable protection from damage by late frosts, carrying out feeding several times per season and the formation of plants to produce high-quality fruits.

To ensure the proper development of watermelons and melons in the greenhouse, it is necessary that it meets certain requirements.
Seeds and seedlings
By choosing the right seeds, you can ensure a good harvest of greenhouse melons. When choosing seeds, it is imperative to give preference to varieties adapted for cultivation in a particular climate. You also need to pay attention to the ripening time: if the period from germination to ripening is short, the fruits will be tasty and juicy. With a long period of ripening, you can stay without a long-awaited harvest.
The size of the fruits also play an important role. The best for growing in greenhouses will be varieties with small fruits, a giant watermelon and cantaloupe can grow only under natural conditions in the south.

To get a strong, healthy seedlings, seeds are sown in the second half of April. There are several rules that will ensure a good result:
- for each plant it is better to immediately select a separate pot or cup, with a diameter of 8-10 cm;
- in order to increase the germination of seeds, before sowing, they should be soaked for several hours in any immunostimulant or simply in warm water (25 degrees);
- in order to provide seedlings with all the necessary nutrients, one part of simple earth is taken from three parts of humus, a glass of ash and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate;
- seeds need to be immersed to a depth of 2-3 cm, and in order to germinate easier to germinate, they are placed on its side;
- temperature is very important, the temperature should be maintained around 25 degrees before germination, and after germination it is reduced by 3-4 degrees;
- before the emergence of shoots cups need to cover the film or glass.

Seedlings grow very quickly. About a month after germination, it can be planted in a greenhouse. But before that you should pay attention to young plants:
- as the leaves grow, you need to move the cups with melons or watermelons away from each other, giving the plants more space;
- daylight should be 13-14 hours, so you have to use lamps for additional illumination to prevent stretching and weakening sprouts;
- need to feed plants with a solution of complex fertilizers, the procedure is carried out 10 days after germination, and then again after 10 days.

How to grow a watermelon in a greenhouse (video)
Caring for melons in the greenhouse
Plant watermelons and melons in the greenhouse can be already from mid-May, after the warm weather has settled, and the night temperature will not fall below +5 degrees.
Before planting seedlings, you need to prepare the ground. In a greenhouse, they are digging a trench 20 cm deep, at the bottom of which hay and humus are laid. Then disperse the nitrogen fertilizer and pour over hot water. After that, the ground is filled up and the prepared area is covered for several days with black film for rapid heating of the ground.

Landing perform as follows:
- the distance between the rows should be 70 cm, and between plants in the row - 50 cm;
- two plants can be planted in one hole at a time, and then spread their shoots along a trellis in different directions;
- the wells are filled with humus and poured with plenty of warm water;
- seedlings have delicate roots, so the transshipment of cups or pots into the holes must be done very carefully so as not to damage them;
- a lump of soil with seedlings should be slightly raised above the ground to avoid rotting of the subfamily knee.

The further cultivation of watermelons and melons is reduced to a few simple operations.
By adhering to the rules described, you can grow a sweet watermelon or melon even in Siberia, having received a wonderful harvest.
Watermelons and melons in the greenhouse (video)
Gallery: watermelons and melons in the greenhouse (15 photos)