Water lily
The origin of the name of this plant is associated with ancient Greek mythology - that was the name of one of the water nymphs. The Slavs nicknamed this flower over-grass or "mermaid". According to their beliefs, the flower of a water lily protected when traveling from adversity and misfortune. To protect it, they put it in an amulet or an amulet.
This genus includes more than 35 species of plants that grow in tropical and temperate regions - from Canada to the equator. In Russia, the most common type is the snow-white mackerel, which has a very powerful rhizome about 5 cm thick at the bottom of the reservoir.
Cord-shaped and long roots go down from the rhizome, and to the top to the surface - rounded, wide leaves with cuts at the base of the petioles, as well as peduncles. The beginning of flowering of water lilies occurs in May and lasts until the first frost occurs. The peak is expected in July and August. Flowers of a water-lily of snow-white color with a delicate aroma. Outside the flowers are 4 sepals green, inside - white petals that go to the stamen in the center. This flower is stored for four days. After the water lily blossoms, the pedicle twists and hides under the water.
The fruit of the lily is presented in the form of a box that develops under water. When it ripens, it opens and pours seeds similar to fish spawn. For a while, the seeds float, and after, freed from mucus, they sink to its bottom and germinate. You can learn how to create a miniature pond in the country with their own hands.
The peculiarity of the water lily is the fact that in the morning the bud appears on the surface of the reservoir and dissolves, and at twilight it closes and again sinks to the bottom.
In decorative ponds most often grown hybrid water lily. Pink nymphs are suitable for small and medium-sized reservoirs. They are the most enduring and do not grow very much.
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Water lily location
Best suited for nymphs sunny location. If the pond is in full shade, then the plant will not bloom. Plant a lily should be one on 0.5-4 square meters. m. Otherwise, there will be a feeling of neglect. It should also be noted that lilies love stagnant water, and it is not recommended to arrange fountains next to them.
Planting lilies and transplanting
It is best to purchase and plant water lilies in early May until the end of June. Plants can immediately be planted in the ground, but it is better to initially plant it in a plastic container with a volume of about 5 liters.
- For planting it is good to use a peat layer of 2-3 cm, placing it at the bottom of the pot.
- Next, use a mixture of compost, garden soil, sand in equal proportions. Having planted a water-lily, you should not deepen a growth kidney.
- After the ground is crushed, pebbles are filled in, so that after the plant does not surface.
- Then the vessel fits neatly into the pond. Suitable depth depends on the type of plant. For dwarfs it is 15-20 cm, tall ones - 70-100 cm from the surface to the growth bud.
- In the spring, in order to accelerate the development of plants, it is better to place a container with a lily in shallow water before the leaves have formed. Already after their regrowth, it is necessary to carry out a deeper placement. Plants that are planted early, can catch rooted and bloom in the first year.
Garden pond (video)
Water lily care during wintering
The most difficult in growing lily pads is keeping them for the winter. In each case, the approach is individual. The plant can be left in place for the winter if it is located at a depth of 0.5 meters or more. In this case, the reservoir should be large and not freeze. If this is not the case, then the containers with water lilies should be pulled out and placed in a dark, cool place. You can read the material about fish for the pond.
From the sleep of water lilies depart in the spring, after warming up the water. It is at this time you need to return the plant in place. If in a reservoir a little melt water, then it is worth adding tap. After a while, the water may become dull green. Do not worry and change it, after a week everything will return to normal.
For frost-resistant species, spring frosts will not be scary anymore.
How to propagate water lilies?
Water lilies are most often propagated with the help of segments of rhizomes. Usually rhizomes strongly branched and have dormant buds. To propagate a plant, a piece of root with a kidney is needed. The cut is sprinkled with ash or crushed charcoal. The division process is not worth much to stretch, because the leaves and roots do not like drying. Interesting will be the material on aquaclume for the reservoir.
How to plant a water lily (video)
The beauty of the water lily in the garden pond (20 photos)