Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Tips and ideas

Hallway furnishing is a responsible business. The furniture must fit into the interior, harmonize with each other, look attractive and perform the functions assigned to it. An irreplaceable piece of furniture of a modern corridor is a wardrobe. This storage system can be compact and multi-functional at the same time. Some owners choose a closet for the hallway, focusing only on its attractive appearance and not paying attention to the components. As a result, they get beautiful, but functionally inappropriate furniture. Before buying, you need to consider a few important points, and then carefully examine the internal components of the wardrobe in the hallway. Variants of filling the storage system may be different, and therefore you need to select them individually.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

The nuances of choice

Before you choose a closet for the hallway, you must consider some of the characteristics.


They depend on the area of ​​the room and the number of things that are planned to be stored regularly in the closet. The standard depth for the wardrobe is 60 cm, the storage system for a small corridor can have a depth of 40 cm.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Number of doors

The sliding wardrobe assumes existence in it at least two sections. For a small corridor suitable compact single or two-door wardrobe. In the spacious hallway you can install a large storage system with three or four doors.

Material manufacturing frame

Sliding wardrobes for a hall are made of a tree of MDF and a chipboard. In many ways, it depends on the type of material the price of furniture.


The closet should fit harmoniously into the corridor interior. So, in a classic style, it will look good wooden or fully mirror cabinet, decorated with gilded edging. For minimalism, a storage system with a smooth and matte monochromatic surface made of lacobel or wood is suitable; for the style, glossy monochrome or fully transparent facades.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Cabinet shape

They can be straight, trapezoidal and angular. Angular, in turn, are radial, diagonal and classical (g-shaped). It all depends on the shape of the room. For a square small room, one of the corner models is more suitable, and for a rectangular one - a straight form.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling


It is advisable to install individual lighting in the closet area. Halogen bulbs can be placed inside or outside under a small visor.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Internal filling

The cabinet is conventionally divided into three sectors: upper, middle and lower. Filling tiers can be varied. It all depends on whether things needed only in the hallway will be stored there, or the wardrobe will become the main storage place for things in the apartment. Variants of filling wardrobe in the hallway can be seen in the photo below.

Attention! If, when ordering a cabinet, the apartment owners forgot any important details, adding them after installing the furniture will be problematic.

Type of construction

Cabinets are built-in, without the top bar and the back wall, freestanding, cabinet. Each of them has pros and cons. So the built-in storage systems are much more economical, but the case models can be moved to another place. The choice of type of construction depends on the size and architectural features of the home. For example, built-in wardrobes fit perfectly into the corridor with niches.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Filling the middle of the cabinet

The middle of the wardrobe in the hallway usually occupy the most important elements: a compartment for hangers and shelves. In a small cabinet, these components can occupy the entire space of the cabinet, and not just the middle. Filling the wardrobe in the hallway with a small size can be seen in the photo below.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Clothes hanger compartment

A sector with coat hangers is usually located in the center of the storage system. A large cabinet may consist of several such sectors, intended for:

  1. For long outerwear, for example, a coat - the height of the compartment should be about 170 cm;
  2. For jackets with a height of 130 cm;
  3. For shirts with a height of 110 cm.

Crossbar for hangers can be installed in two ways:

  1. Parallel to the cabinet door. Such an arrangement is considered the most convenient: all hanging things are clearly visible and easily accessible. At the same time the depth of the cabinet can not be less than 60 cm. If the depth is less, the hangers will simply not fit.
  2. Perpendicular to the cabinet door. With this arrangement, only the clothes that hang in front are clearly visible. The rest is hiding behind her. For greater ease of use, such crossbars are supplied with a sliding system.

In the middle of the cabinet there can be a large compartment with hooks for bags, bags, umbrellas and keys.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling


Shelves are usually located on the sides of the compartment with clothes. They can be of different sizes. The minimum height is 30 cm. Sweaters, T-shirts, etc. are placed on the shelves. Shelves are made of different materials.

Natural wood

These shelves have high strength, reliability and durability. They are able to withstand heavy loads. The disadvantages of the shelves of this noble material are considerable weight and high price.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

MDF or chipboard

These are the most common materials used in the manufacture of shelves. MDF and chipboard made from compressed wood sawdust. The binding element in MDF is a substance released from wood fibers, and in particle board - formaldehyde resins.

Attention! Formaldehydes are toxic substances that have a negative impact on human health. Chipboard plates release this substance into the air. Therefore, before purchasing it is necessary to inspect shelves made of chipboard for the presence of bare edges. If there are such, the purchase of shelves should be abandoned.

Regiments from a chipboard and MDF can be any color. Chipboard must be veneered with plastic, natural veneer or laminate. MDF can be veneered or simply painted. You can order shelves with high, medium or low load.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling


Glass shelves are a great option for a cabinet with transparent doors. Glass transmits light, it seems thin and light. By production of shelves use the strong tempered glass which maintains the same weight, as MDF plates.

Tip! Effectively look glass shelves with light. The LED tape is glued in between the two glass plates.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling


Design models of cabinets can be equipped with shelves from perforated metal sheets. This decision looks brutal and original. But most often metal shelves are not a solid surface, but consisting of rods. This design has several advantages. First, the free circulation of air contributes to the ventilation of things, reduces the risk of mold, mustiness. Secondly, on these shelves, located at the top, bottom, you can see some of their contents.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Completing the top of the cabinet

The upper part of the cabinet, located under the ceiling, is called mezzanine. It allows you to maximize the use of space against the wall, which is especially important for small or narrow and long hallways. Another advantage of the mezzanine is the absence of a surface for the accumulation of dust between the cabinet and the ceiling. Depending on the needs of the owners, the space of the mezzanine can be used in different ways. Photo wardrobe in the hallway inside can be seen below.

Usually mezzanines are shelves that store clothes and shoes in boxes out of season, as well as suitcases, equipment for sports and recreation. Another option to use the top of the cabinet is to install hangers with a special lift. This design is called the pantograph. It is made in the shape of the letter "P". The system of descent and ascent can be mechanical or electrically driven.

Tip! Mechanical pantographs are the most common. Electric lifts are more convenient to use, but they are more expensive.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Filling the bottom of the cabinet

The bottom of the cabinet is usually taken away under the shoes. It is placed on wooden or metal shelves, in special metal baskets. Shoe shelves are usually set at an angle.

On one shoe shelf fits 2-3 pairs of shoes. So in a large family, the bottom of the closet will be occupied only by seasonal shoes, the rest will be stored on the mezzanine. It is necessary to think in advance about the height of the shoe so that it fits in shoes with high tops. In addition to shoes, drawers for small items can be placed in the lower part of the cabinet: shoe polish, clothes brushes, etc. Qualitatively made drawers completely roll out of the closet, but do not fall out of it. Well, when the drawers are equipped with automatic closers that quietly and smoothly push them into place.

At the bottom of the cabinet, you can leave free space for a bicycle or large-sized equipment, for example, a vacuum cleaner.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Additional functions

  1. Borders on the shelves are necessary so that things do not fall out of them;
  2. Additional lighting of the shelves - an LED tape can be attached to the office of wooden shelves, but there is another option: install spotlights in the upper parts of the shelves so that light falls on their contents;
  3. Boxes for men's shirts - each shirt is located in its compartment in the folded state, so they do not crumple;
  4. Drawers with dividers for small accessories: belts, ties, bijoux, wrist watches, scarves, socks, gloves and hats;
  5. Skirts and trousers - like standard hangers, weights and holders for skirts and trousers can be longitudinal or transverse, and instead of hangers with trouser clips, sometimes they can be set with ordinary crossbars, but things can easily slip off;
  6. Compartment for dirty things - entering the apartment you can immediately remove and fold the dirty clothes in the place intended for it;
  7. Flavoring section - clothes filled with strong or unpleasant odors, for example, tobacco smoke, cooking smell, get into this compartment; there is a fan with aromatic balls inside; after it is turned on, the thing is ventilated and gets a pleasant smell;
  8. Built-in ironing board - assembled takes up minimal space in the closet.

For maximum convenience, you can make part of the shelves retractable, and holders for trousers or skirts - swivel, holders for belts or ties - fan-shaped.

All components for the cabinet can be purchased separately, and make the built-in cabinet with your own hands. For the walls of the cabinet fit sheets of plywood, MDF, chipboard and even drywall. Photos of the filling of the built-in closet in the hallway are presented below.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Sliding wardrobe - a universal piece of furniture, indispensable in the hallway. It must be selected individually, taking into account the appearance and internal content. Properly chosen model of the cabinet will decorate the corridor of the dwelling and allow compactly arrange a large number of things.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Minolta dsc

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling

Studio apartment 35 sq.m.

Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
Wardrobe in the hallway - options for filling
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