Varieties of tulips

Tips and ideas

346-varieties of tulips
The tulip received its name from the word “tulle ban”, which in Persian means a turban. The flower really resembles the indicated headdress. Perhaps there is hardly anyone who is not happy with the flowering of the tulip. And how many different forms and colors of the plant exist ...

Varieties and types

Once tulip lovers were upset that the period of flowering plants was short. Now this problem is solved, since at the moment there are more than 4 thousand varieties. However, some of them bloom in the course of 1.5 months.

346-varieties of tulips

All varieties are divided into 3 conditional groups. The fourth group includes hybrids and natural species.

Varieties of tulips (video)

Each group consists of classes that collect flowers of certain shapes, sizes and colors. So, what are the varieties of tulips?

346-varieties of tulips

Early blooming tulips

This class includes only 2 classes - this is terry early and simple tulips. These species were bred in the 17th century, but they have not lost their popularity to this day.

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  • Terry tulips begin to bloom in April. They like them mostly because of bright flowers and the fact that they do not wither for a long time. The diameter of the flowers can reach 8 cm. The height of the plant is 30 cm, therefore it is better to place them in the flower bed in the foreground. The most famous varieties - bright red tulips Miranda, white and pink Murillo and red Electra.
  • Simple tulips have a small height - from 25 to 40 cm. In view of the fact that they have strong stems, they are not afraid of gusty wind and rain. The color is mostly red or yellow. Flowering in April. Under the sunlight, the buds open wide. For cutting is not the best option, but for pots optimally suited. Famous varieties - yellow or pink tulips ibis mon tresor and red cooler cardinal.
  • 346-varieties of tulips
    346-varieties of tulips

    Mid-season tulips

    Mid-season tulips are a class Triumph and Darwin hybrids. Consider them in more detail:

    • In a separate class Darwin hybrids isolated in the 20th century. The diameter of the flowers is more than 10 cm, the shape is goblet-shaped, the height is up to 80 cm. The main color is red, but recently the appearance of flowers with a two-tone color has been observed. Tulips bloom in early May, resemble poppies in appearance. Spring frosts tolerate well. Popular varieties can be called Red Parade, London, Oxford, yellow-red - Artist;
    • class Triumph received, crossing Darwin hybrids and simple early tulips. Stems tall - 70 cm, large flowers, goblet. Bloom from late April. The presented type is grown mainly for cutting and for arranging flower beds. The most numerous class. Popular varieties are pure white or carmine red Alba, pale lilac Aviator Algiba.

    346-varieties of tulips

    Late ripe tulips

    This group includes many varieties of tulips. These are as many as 7 classes, which are united by late flowering:

  • Late terry tulips are similar in appearance to peonies. The color can be different - from white to black, there are also two-colored varieties. Since these tulips are larger than even early terry, in the rain they can break.
  • Despite the large number, fringed tulips are popular. Their distinguishing feature is the needle fringe. The flowers are used for forcing, cutting and decoration of the garden. The color is sometimes just amazing - bluish-purple with a bronze border, piercing red with a yellow stripe.
  • Late simple tulips have powerful flower stalks, whose height reaches 75 cm. The flowers are large, goblet. Coloring can be two-or one-color. Suitable for forcing or cutting.
  • Parrot tulips are so called because their petals are somewhat reminiscent of the feathers of these birds. Widely used for garden decoration.
  • The smallest class is Rembrandt. A distinctive feature - strokes and stains on the petals of different colors. Are applied on beds and on cutting.
  • Green flowers have a green center and petals of red, pink or white. Brought the class in 1981.
  • Liliacevet resemble lily. Coloring may be different.
  • 346-varieties of tulips

    The best companions for tulips

    Are you thinking about what to plant tulips with? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to decide whether you plan to dig flowers every year or will keep them in one place for 4 years.

    • If you are going to dig up plants every year, the best neighbors for them will be daffodils, muscari and hyacinths. In the spring flowerbed due to simultaneous flowering will look very beautiful. Then it will be enough to dig up the flowers and plant new ones.
    • Do not intend to dig up tulips every year? Then it is necessary to place annuals and perennials near them.
    • The most common option is a combination of tulips with hosts or bruners.
    • The classic method is a combination with forget-me-nots.
    • Tulips with ground-cover perennials look good: Obrietta, awl-shaped phlox, arabis, Sedum.

    346-varieties of tulips

    So, at the moment there are a huge number of different varieties of tulips.

    They differ in shape, color and flowering time. Properly combining early and late-flowering varieties, it is possible to achieve continuous flowering of the flowerbeds. Do not forget that not all plants will become a good neighbor tulip.

    What are the varieties of tulips (video)

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips
    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips
    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips

    346-varieties of tulips