Varieties of red currant
Elegant bushes of red currant will decorate any suburban area. Low-maintenance, frost-resistant and high-yielding this crop will delight you with tasty berries, rich in vitamins. A large variety of red currant varieties allows you to make a choice for every taste. Although most species are self-fertile, experts advise growing several varieties of red currant for cross-pollination and improving yields.
Sweet Red Currant Varieties
The taste qualities of red currant depend on the ratio of sugars in berries (4 -10%) and organic acids (1.5 - 4%). Fruits of sweet red currant varieties contain a sufficient amount of sugar and have a pronounced sweetness. Of course, the sour taste is present, but to a small extent, because the proportion of acids in these species is small (about 2%).
"Early Sweet"

Fruits of a grade "Early sweet" saturated red color. The taste is dominated by sweetness with sour notes. Berry brush 8-9 cm long. With small berries. Shrub of medium height, sparse. The variety is self-pollinated, frost-resistant, with strong resistance to diseases and pests of this crop. Berries ripen early in late June. One bush gives up to 4 kg. • Early ripening • Fruit weight 0.6 - 0.9 g. • Productivity 4 kg. Advantages of the variety: sweet fruits that do not crumble for a long time, early ripening, resistance to frost. Disadvantages: unequal in size berries, forms shoots demanding on soil fertility.

The berries in the variety "Sugar" red, juicy with fragrant sweetness. Bushes of medium height with upright branches. Nine-centimeter fruit twigs contain 15 - 20 medium-sized currants. The "Sugar" high winter hardiness (-32). She is not afraid of temperature extremes. Mid-level self-medication. To achieve a decent yield, you need to plant a variety of pollinators near. Harvesting begins at the end of June and continues until the end of August. • Maturing term - early • Fruit weight 0.8 gr. • Yield 7 kg. The advantages of the variety: sweet berries, high winter hardiness, long-term fruiting Disadvantages: low self-pollinability, requires protection from anthracnose and powdery mildew.

The berries of this variety of red currant with pronounced sweetness and light acidity (the proportion of sugars 8.0%), purple-red, one-dimensional. Shrub up to one and a half meters with upright branches and dense dark green foliage. Berry tassels 12 cm. Length. “Vika” starts to produce crops from an early age, tolerates frost well. Currants ripen in early July. From the bush you can get 3 - 4 kg. There is sufficient resistance to anthracnose, powdery mildew. • Medium early ripening • Fruit weight 0.5 - 0.8 gr. • Yield 3 - 4 kg. The advantages of the variety: sweet fruit, skoroplodna, poorly susceptible to disease Disadvantages: small size of the berries.
"Dutch pink"

In this type of compact slender bushes growth of 1.3 - 1.5 meters. Currants transparent pale pink color with small seeds, fragrant and sweet in taste (the amount of sugars 8%). The variety is skoroplodny with moderate frost resistance. Harvest ripen in mid-July. Fruits are relatively large. From one plant they collect 7-9 kg. Immune to many fungal diseases with the exception of anthracnose. • Medium ripening • Fruit weight 0.9 - 1.1 g. • Productivity of 7 - 9 kg. The advantages of the variety: a wonderful dessert taste of the fruit, self-pollinating, fruitful. Disadvantages: in severe frost the branches can be damaged, need protection from gall aphids and anthracnose.

"Viksne" is considered one of the best varieties of red currant, thanks to the taste of berries, which is sweetish with a slight sour tint (the sugar content is 7.6%). Bushes powerful tall. Frost-resistant (-32), tolerates drought perfectly. Fruit sprigs are from 10 cm long. Cherry berries have dense skin. Usually yields up to 5 kg. Disease resistance is satisfactory. • Maturing term - medium early • Berry weight 0,8 - 1,1 gr. • Yield 5 kg. Advantages of the variety: berries, aromatic with remarkable taste, drought-resistant, frost-resistant. Disadvantages: Gallic aphids are damaged; during early flowering, flower buds may suffer from frost.
"Pink Pearl"

This variety of red currant large pink berries, extremely sweet (sour taste is present in a small degree). Shrubs are medium decorative. High winter hardiness. In the second half of July, it is time to pick the currants. Yields up to 7 kg. from the plant. Immune to fungal diseases. • Medium ripening • Berry weight 0.9 -1.3 gr. • Yield 7 kg. Advantages of the variety: sweet dessert taste of fruits, winter-hardy, resistant to the main diseases of this culture. Disadvantages: need a large area for landing.
Winter hardy varieties of red currants
For the most part, red currant varieties are to some extent winter-hardy. But among them are the forms with a high degree of frost resistance and recommended for planting in regions with severe winters.

Variety "Natalie" is characterized by excellent winter hardiness and successfully grown in the Moscow region and other areas of the middle belt. Shrubs of low growth, straight-growing branches with dark green foliage. Fruit twigs of small length, about 8 - 9 cm. The berries of intense purple color have a sweet and sour taste. Harvest ripen in mid-July. "Natalie" has a high resistance to fungal diseases and pests. • Maturation term - medium • Berry weight 0.7-1.0 g. • Productivity 4 kg. Advantages of the variety: strong frost resistance, excellent berry flavor, disease resistant Disadvantages: over time, the bushes thicken greatly, therefore, require rejuvenation.
"Jonker van Tets"

The variety has a strong frost resistance and can successfully bear fruit in areas with severe winters. Bushes of this species are strong-growing with upright branches, densely leafy. Ten centimeter fruit tassels contain 10–12 dark red berries with strong skin. The taste of currants sweet with sour shades, dessert. "Jonker van Tets" early begins to fruiting. The fruits ripen to the beginning of July. From one bush you can take 6-7 kg. Powdery mildew and anthracnose fall to an insignificant degree. • Early ripening • Berry weight 0.7 - 0.8 gr. • Yield 6 - 7 kg. Advantages of the form: excellent frost resistance, skoroplodny, resistant to diseases Disadvantages: early flowering does not exclude the possibility of damage by spring frosts, may be damaged by kidney mites.

Due to the very good winter hardiness, “Non-fair” belongs to the group of red currant varieties recommended for planting in Siberia and the Urals. Withstands severe frosts without shelter. Bush of medium height, slightly branched. Berry bunches 7 cm long with 12 - 15 purple currants. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. Harvest matures by early July. The variety is self-pollinated, gives decent yields. It is characterized by good resistance to powdery mildew and anthracnose. • Medium ripening • Berry weight 0.6 - 0.8 gr. • Yield 3 - 4 kg. The advantages of the form: high frost resistance, self-fertility, fruitful Disadvantages: low resistance to leaf spot
"Red Andreichenko"

High winter hardiness and ability to tolerate spring frosts in the flowering season, gives excellent results when growing this variety of currants in the Urals and Siberia. Bushes up to one and a half meters in height, slightly sprawling. Fruits are saturated red in color, sour - sweet. Type of self-pollinated, skoroplodny. Already biennial young plants bring the first crops. In mid-July, ripened berries are ready for harvest. Resistant to powdery mildew, kidney mite. • Maturation term - medium • Berry weight 0.7 - 1.0 gr. • Yield 6 kg. Advantages of the form: winter-hardy, skoropplodny, good self-pollination, fruitful Disadvantages: may be affected by anthracnose and gall aphids.
"Dutch Red"

This species is characterized by high winter hardiness. Bushes of strong growth, densely leafy. 8 cm long berry brushes. Coral-colored currants, non-one-dimensional 0.6 - 1.0 g, sour-sweet, pleasant to taste. The time of picking currants comes in August. Fruits retain flavor and do not crumble until autumn. Strong enough resistance to diseases and pests. • Late maturity • Berry weight 0.6 - 1.0 gr. • Yield 5 - 6 kg. Advantages of the form: perfectly tolerates harsh winters, self-pollinated, immune to diseases and pests Disadvantages: hard large seeds in the fruit
Large-fruited red currant varieties
"Ural beauty"

"Ural beauty" is remarkable for its very large berries (up to 1.7 grams). Bushes sredneroslye, compact, with abundant foliage. The length of the berry twigs is about 7 cm. Currants are densely red, even in size, of sweet taste. The plant is capable of sufficiently pollinating its pollen. Excellent withstands hard frosts. Fruits ripen in late July. Yields are abundant, annual. High resistance to fungal diseases. To a small extent it can be damaged by pests. • Average ripening time • Fruit weight 1.5 - 1.7 g. • Yield 15 kg. Advantages of the form: large sweet fruits, high frost resistance and yield, good disease resistance. Disadvantages: in case of drought, the ovary of the fruit falls, the berries become smaller.

"Ilyinka" is famous for its large fruit. Bushes are low, upright branches with dense foliage. Tassels are dense, about 6 cm long. Currants are dark - red, large, sour - sweet. A variety with good winter hardiness, self-fertile. Harvest matures in mid-July. Shrub gives up to 5 kg. Resistance to powdery mildew and anthracnose is strong. • Maturation term - medium • Fruit weight 0.9 - 1.6 g. • Yield 5 kg. Advantages of the form: large tasty fruits, frost-resistant, not affected by diseases Disadvantages: may be damaged by sawflies to a small extent.

One of the best varieties of red currant with excellent large, even in size fruits. A powerful shrub with upright sprouts. Fruit branches 10 cm long contain up to 15 beautiful coral berries with a sweet - sour taste. Form winter-hardy, gives good yields. The fruits ripen in the first half of July. Resistance to diseases and pests is not strong enough. • Medium early ripening • Berry weight 1.2 - 1.4 g. • Productivity is 3,5 kg. The advantages of the form: large fruit with dessert flavor, frost-resistant Disadvantages: needs protection from fungal diseases.

One more grade differing in large-fruited. Bushes of strong growth, compact. Twelve centimeter berry twigs contain more than 20 berries. The species is skoroplodny, starts fruiting in the 3rd year. The berries are juicy red, non-one-dimensional, the taste is sour-sweet. “Rolan” safely endures cold winters, brings abundant harvests. The fruits ripen in mid-July. Disease resistance is satisfactory. • Maturing term - medium early • Berry weight 0.7 - 1.5 gr. • Yield 6 - 7 kg. Advantages of the species: large-fruited, skoropplodny, frost-resistant, fruitful Disadvantages: sourish berries, possible damage kidney mite.

“Alpha” is a large-fruited variety of red currant. Shrub srednerosly, moderate density. Currants are large, one-dimensional with a sour - sweet taste. The view is quite frost resistant with good self-pollination. Harvest ripen in the first half of July. Disease and pest damage is weak. • Medium early maturity • Berry weight 0.9 - 1.5 gr. • Yield 3 - 4 kg. Advantages of the form: large berries of dessert taste, frost resistance, good resistance to powdery mildew.
Early varieties of red currants
In the early species of red currant, the ripening period of the berries falls on the end of June - the beginning of July. This can be attributed to the above types of "Early Sweet", "Sugar", "Jonker van Tets." We offer a review of a few early varieties.

• Early ripening • Berry weight 0.4 - 0.7 g. • Yield 6 - 7 kg. Advantages of the form: self-fertile, frost-resistant, good resistance to diseases Disadvantages: stubborn berries in the brush (from medium to small), suffers from spider mites.

"Serpentine" - early variety of red currants. Shrub of moderate growth with powerful straight shoots. Berry branches are long (up to 12 cm). Currants are red, large. The taste is dominated by acidity (the share of acids is 2.6%, sugar is 5.5%). Serpentine is not afraid of severe frosts. Perfectly pollinated by its own pollen, brings abundant yields. Disease and pest damage slightly. • Early ripening • Fruit weight 0.9 - 1.1 g. • Productivity of 8 - 10 kg. Advantages of a grade: frost-resistant, self-fertile, high-yielding. Disadvantages: sour taste of berries, the average drought resistance.

“Nadezhda” is an early ripe red currant variety. Bush compact medium growth with dense foliage. Berry cluster dense, about 8 cm. Length. Fruits are dark maroon, small size. The taste is sweet and sour with pronounced sourness. Frost-resistant, self-pollinated. Berries ripen in late June. Up to 7 kg can be collected from a bush. Resistance to diseases and pests is good. • Early ripening • Fruit weight 0.7 - 1.0 gr. • Productivity 6,5 - 7 kg. Advantages of the variety: very early fruit ripening, good winter hardiness, abundant fruiting Disadvantages: sour taste of berries
"Ural souvenir"

Short-ripened red currant variety. Bushes sredneroslye, compact, densely leafy. Fruit tassels of medium length (9 cm). Currants of medium size, smooth, bright red color. The taste is sweet with a sour taste. The variety is sufficiently adapted to frosty conditions, self-pollinating with good yield. Excellent resistance to diseases and pests. • Maturing term - early • Berry weight 0,5 - 1,2 gr. • Yield 2.5 - 5 kg. Advantages of the variety: sweet dessert taste of fruits, high frost resistance and resistance to diseases Disadvantages: with poor care, the berries become smaller.
To the note: Plant on your site several variegated bushes of red currant - early, middle, late, and you will be savoring delicious “vitamin” all summer.