Varieties and types of strawberries

Early strawberries
For cultivation in the greenhouse and the open field are ideal early varieties of strawberries. These include berry "Alba". This variety is distinguished by unpretentiousness, perfectly tolerates spring frosts and has a high resistance to such common diseases as bacterial burn and strawberry dew. However, it is unstable to anthracosis.
One bush of strawberry "Alba" is able to yield up to 1.5 kg. The berries of this variety are large in size and reach 30 g of weight. Their color is usually bright red. The shape of the strawberry is slightly elongated, and the flesh is thick and juicy. Due to this, the berry can be stored for several days and tolerates transportation.

Another early variety is Olivia. Already in May, the bushes of this strawberry begin to actively bear fruit. The berries can reach 35 g. Their shape is round with a small neck and a shiny surface of bright red color. The flesh is moderately juicy and has a dense structure. With proper care from one bush can collect about 1 kg of berries.
Strawberry "Olivia" perfectly tolerates frost. It is resistant to most fungal diseases and strawberry mites. The berry has good transportability and is stored for a rather long time at room temperature.
Numerous species of early strawberries are represented by the Octave variety. Berries begin to ripen in late May. However, the peak yield is in June. But if you plant the "Octave" not in open ground, but in a greenhouse, then the berries will begin to sing a little earlier. This type of strawberry has a small bush. However, the berries on it grow very large - up to 40 g.

The Octave berry has a shape similar to a wide cone, and has an elongated neck. Strawberries have a shiny dark red surface and dense flesh. The taste of the berries is saturated, but there is a slight sourness. Fruits are quite elastic, therefore they tolerate transportation well.
With regard to resistance to frost, it is on average. In order to take a good harvest, the berry will need to be abundantly and regularly watered, as well as constantly fertilized. "Octava" has a good resistance to many pests and most diseases.
Honey is a popular variety of strawberries, the harvest is already at the end of May. Fruits can be picked every 2-3 days for 3 weeks. The berries have large sizes and weights up to 40 g. Their color is saturated and bright, and the flesh has a uniform structure and medium density. The shape of a strawberry resembles a cone. It has a light aroma and sweet-sour taste.
This type of strawberry has good heat and frost resistance. It has increased immunity to most diseases. Berries remain fresh for 3 days and are well transported.
"Marvelous" - a popular variety of garden strawberries, which is characterized by prolonged fruiting. The berries are quite large and weigh up to 40 g. Strawberries have an oblong shape and a sweetish taste with hints of wild strawberry. Fruits have good density and uniform structure. This variety has good resistance to frost and drought. When transporting the fruit is not deformed.
Mid-season strawberry
Mid-season strawberry varieties begin to produce in mid-June. On ripening berries takes about a week.
Spray strawberries "Corrado" - the most popular mid-season variety. Fruits differ in saturated aroma, good juiciness and sweet-sour taste. The color of strawberry is dark red. Berries may have a round or obtuse form. The fruits have medium size, the maximum weight is 30 g.
This strawberry is easily transported. It is resistant to fungal diseases and pests. It does not tolerate severe frosts, so for the winter you need to cover the bushes and warm with peat.

“Polka” is a sweet and sour strawberry, the fruits of which are not large in size - about 20 g. However, each berry can boast a perfect appearance: the strawberry has almost the same size, is well colored both from the outside and from the inside, and has an excellent density.
The seeds of strawberry “Polka” are best germinated first, and then planted in a greenhouse. When the seedlings get stronger, you can plant it in open ground. In the future, the bushes do not require special care.
“Maryshka” is a variety of strawberries with dark glossy fruits that can reach a mass of 40 g. At the same time, strawberries have an amazing taste that can be felt even in milky ripeness. The form of strawberries - blunt. Fruits differ in dry and dense flesh, therefore they are excellent for long-term transportation. "Maryshka" well resists viral diseases and pests.
Arosa is an Italian orange-red strawberry variety with a glossy shine and delicate aroma. The mass of fruits can reach 39.7 g. The taste of berries is sweet with a hint of wine. They tolerate transportation and frost.
“Tsarina” is a large-fruited variety of strawberries, which is quite fastidious to the ground. It must be rich in nutrients. However, the main advantage of the "Queen" - increased resistance to drought. Fruits have a cone-shaped form, differ in a dark red coloring and a brilliant surface. Strawberry seeds are yellow and slightly immersed in the berry. It has a small size. Its average weight is 40 g. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, and the taste is slightly sour.

"Vityaz" - fruits of oval-conical shape of bright red color with juicy and dense pulp. The berry is sweet and large - up to 40 g. It perfectly resists “gray rot” and mite.
Strawberry "Moskovskaya" is distinguished by its large fruits - up to 100 g. They have a comb-like shape, the sleg are flattened on both sides and provide for a dark red shiny surface. The taste of this strawberry is very sweet and has a high yield, but this will require a good soil to invigorate and water the bushes plentifully.
Late strawberries
Late varieties of strawberries have excellent taste. The berries begin to ripen towards the end of June and the beginning of July.
"Vima Xima" - one of the most popular varieties of late strawberries. It pleases with its large size - 80-120 g. The fruits have a comb shape and have a sweet taste. The density of the berries is good, which makes them easy to transport. The fruits have good resistance to drought and most fungal diseases.
The variety "Zenga Zangana" attracts the attention of summer residents with its pineapple aftertaste and aroma. However, the berries here have a small size - 10-12 g. The fruits are distinguished by a dark red color, and the shape resembles hearts. This variety is not highly resistant to pests and diseases, so special care is required. It will be necessary to spray the bushes before fruiting. During the ripening period it will be necessary to use organic fertilizers.

The Mitsa Schindler variety is popular because it has a strawberry-raspberry flavor and aroma. For such features he is forgiven by the small size of the fruit - an average of 5 g. Such strawberries have a cherry color and a rounded shape. It is easy to transport due to the high density of the fruit. This variety is resistant to “gray rot” and some fungal diseases. However, it does not tolerate extreme cold. Therefore, it is not very suitable for cultivation in the northern strip.
Boheme is a domestic strawberry variety. It was bred recently, but has already gained popularity among summer residents, as it has an increased yield - up to 3.5 kg.
While the rest of the late varieties of strawberries bear more modestly - 0.5-1.5 kg. The berries of “Bohemia” are large and have a dark red color. Their taste is sweet and juicy. The variety has excellent resistance to mushroom etymology.
"Fenella" - English variety of strawberries, the fruits of which weigh an average of 40 g. Strawberries have good taste. The berries have a glossy shine and red color. They tolerate transportation quite well over long distances and are characterized by increased resistance to many diseases.
"Gigantella Maxima" - a variety of strawberries with large fruits. Such strawberries are ideal for growing in harsh climates. She even with an abundance of rain retains its taste, and the bushes tolerate the winter. Fruits of this variety have a dense structure and bright red color. Gigantella Maxima is not susceptible to most fungal diseases. However, it requires regular fertilization - organic is best suited.

Red Gontlet is a Scottish strawberry variety that is red outside and pink inside. The aroma of the fruit is delicate, and the taste is very sweet. The fruits are quite resistant to most diseases. They can be stored for a long time.
Strawberry Varieties (video)
Renovated Strawberry
Let us turn to the renovated strawberries. It differs from steel grades in that it bears fruit for as long as possible. The first harvest, as a rule, can be started at the end of May, and it ends when the temperature at night approaches the level of + 10ºC.
Renovated varieties of strawberries called strawberry neutral daylight. This means that plants do not have photoperiodism - they successfully bloom and bear fruit at any length of the day. Therefore, strawberries of neutral daylight is successfully grown even in Alushta and the Moscow region.
The following varieties are best known:
Fertilizers - the key to a rich harvest
Of course, there are many types of strawberries. Above were announced the most popular varieties of strawberries, which are great for growing in our climatic conditions. Guided by it, it will be possible to find the very variety of strawberries that will fit your basic requirements.
In order for the bushes to bear fruit well, and the berries to be as large as possible, it is important to properly care for the strawberries, not forgetting to use special fertilizers. You can use both organic and mineral, including potash, nitrogen and phosphorus.
What kinds of strawberries will never let you down (video)
Gallery: strawberry varieties (15 photos)