Useful properties of weeds
All owners of homestead plots know how difficult and sometimes it seems that it is infinite, weed control. These, as stated in one children's cartoon, “uncultured” plants greatly interfere with the cultivation of bushes, flowers, and vegetable crops. But are all weeds and always so useless and even harmful? What if you look at their amazing properties better. Maybe there are options for their more efficient and useful use?
At present, the question of the benefits and harm of weeds has been substantially revised.
And now, many people know that weeds can make a significant contribution as sources of useful and medicinal substances used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking.
Useful weeds and their properties
In fact, many plants that are found on almost every plot and are considered weeds have amazing beneficial properties. Here are some of them:
- Nettle
It serves as an indicator of black humus-rich soils, because it grows on them.
We also recommend to read: Means from weeds at the cottage. Compost at the cottage with your own hands. Growing cilantro and coriander from seeds. Sweet and juicy watermelon: varieties and rules of cultivation.
Stinging nettle has an amazing effect on other plants growing in the vicinity: it increases their resistance, changes the chemical processes in them, stimulates the formation of humus. If nettle appeared on your site, it indicates the presence of cultivated and rich organic matter of the earth. Also in the herbs that grow in rows with nettle, the content of essential oil increases. It repels the potato bug, which contributes to a more healthy growth of this plant. Also nettle has a beneficial effect on people. Preparations based on this plant increase lactation, improve the performance of the heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, reduce the amount of sugar in the blood.
- Yarrow
In general, this plant creates a very favorable atmosphere for the growth of cultivated plants. It helps to get rid of pests, some diseases. Its leaves contain volatile, which fight disease-causing bacteria.
Yarrow can be used for healing plants by preparing a decoction of it. To do this, 800 g of herbs should be scalded with 2 liters of boiling water and infused for an hour.
Then add another 8 liters of water and spray the necessary plants with infusion. Leaves of yarrow used in the preparation of salads, as a seasoning for main dishes.
- pharmaceutical camomile
It usually grows on compacted soils and contributes to their structuring, protects against harmful effects, heals the earth, slightly stimulates the growth of grain crops, improves the taste properties of onions and cabbage, and also contributes to their intensive development. Chamomile has a lot of medicinal properties and is used in a variety of drugs. The infusion of this herb has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, bactericidal action and has a beneficial effect on improving human immunity.
- Comfrey (borage herb, larkspur, fat root)
Fertilizer made from this weed has a good effect on crops that need large amounts of potassium and a small amount of nitrogen. These include beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. The leaves and stems of this plant improve people's cardiac activity, soothe, numb, and have a diuretic effect. Cucumber herb can be perfectly used in salads, especially when combined with pieces of boiled meat, green peas, greens and sour cream as a dressing.
- Dandelion
This plant is not only a material for making wreaths and making wishes, but an omnipresent weed that can be used profitably. This plant produces ethylene gas, which affects the acceleration of fruit ripening in apples and vegetables. Useful for people from apex to the roots. The pollen of the plant contains a large amount of manganese, boron and other trace elements. Because often the color buds of the plant prepare the jam. Young leaves containing vitamin C, can be added to salads, green and salt soups, vinaigrettes, and even in stuffing.
A coffee substitute is made from the dried dandelion roots after grinding.
- Wormwood
It has a very oppressive effect on neighboring plants, but a decoction from it is an excellent means for fighting caterpillars.
- Thistle and Thistle
They contain a useful substance in the roots - inulin, which is used in the treatment of diabetes. The leaves of this plant give a special taste to the dishes, helping to increase the appetite.
- Pyrey creeping
This trouble for many gardeners and moths. It spreads very easily around the site, and it is very difficult to get rid of this creeping and very strong and extensive root weed system. But his mother-nature did not leave her attention, endowing with unique properties. So, you can use rhizomes and foliage in wheatgrass. They are dried and used for baking flour products and cooking jelly. When fresh, it can be used to prepare side dishes, salads and soups.
And helps wheatgrass to get rid of cough, diseases of the bladder, bleeding, helps to improve metabolism.
- Plantain
The leaves of this plant have a mass of useful substances: vitamin K, citric acid, carotene. When fresh, this plant has a laxative effect, affects the person as an analgesic, wound healing and bactericidal agent. And who in the childhood, having broken a knee, did not apply this wonderful leaf to a wound? And the plantain can be used in side dishes, salads, meat and fish dishes, it can be added to potato patties, ground beef, soups and cabbage soup. Plantain juice can be used in the preparation of cold drinks.
Above, only a small part of the beneficial properties of weeds, which are most often found on our plots, was considered. As you can see, even these plants can be used for business purposes.
In addition to the preparation of decoctions, food, medicines from useful weeds, they can also be used to help plants grown on your site. It would not be superfluous to read this article about weeds.
Weed Mulch
For many years, experienced gardeners and gardeners to increase the yield of the site using a method such as mulching. However, many at the same time forget that for the preparation of mulch, you can use easily accessible material: chamomile, quinoa, shepherd's bag and other weeds. Often these plants are simply thrown away, and in vain, because they can bring considerable benefits.
For weeds to be mulched, trees and bushes need to be laid out in a layer of 10 to 15 cm below them, and this will have an amazing effect. Some are experiencing, and can not the dug grass re-settle in the ground? No, if you previously otryhnuli with torn from the weeds of the soil. Such a simple procedure will avoid acclimatization of all weeds, except for the creeping grass. The same weed is better, not shaking off the soil, to gather in a small heap about a meter in height. Within six months, the plant will turn into a beautiful, with a mass of useful properties, bulk humus.
Absolutely easy, you can mulch the soil with mowed grass to wash off, dandelion or milkweed. Do you know why you need to dig up the site in the fall?
The results of mulching using weeds exceed all expectations.
For example, if an apple tree is mulched only with this material, then it receives twice as much phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen than without carrying out this procedure. After a year or two in the soil after mulching by weeds, a greater number of earthworms are noted. After rain or watering on a mulch, no hard crust is formed that damages the plants. Also this procedure is effective against the formation of sandy soils.
Weed, useful for health and beauty (video)
Weed compost
Weed compost is also an ideal way to use the beneficial properties of weeds. Instead of throwing out weeds, from it you can prepare a mixture that will increase the yield on your plot.
How to do it? Everything is very simple!
- All the cut grass, as well as the weeds collected on the plot, should be placed in a place for compost preparation and slightly crushed.
- Then nature takes on the matter: the sun, water and air. Under their influence, the upper layer of the formed green mass is dried up and dries. When this happens, you need to add another layer of fresh mass, under which the greenhouse effect is immediately created, and microelements perform their work, turning dry grass into fine humus.
- Increasing the temperature in the lower layers contributes to the fact that the upper layer also dries, even if the weather is cool.
- As a result of all these processes, in a year or two you will receive excellent material - organic compost, which can be used to fertilize your site.
The beneficial properties of weeds are not only in their direct composition, but also in the skillful and practical use of weeds for themselves and their plot.