Tulips in the greenhouse for march 8

Tips and ideas

191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
With the approach of spring, many flower growers are interested in the question of how to grow tulips in a greenhouse by March 8. After all, a bouquet of delicate flowers grown personally is a dear and dear to the heart gift on International Women's Day. Tulips are an excellent choice for this purpose, since the distillation of such plants does not require a long daylight, as well as labor-intensive care. However, in this case it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, so that the forcing of tulips by March 8 will be successful.

Variety selection

To distill the tulips need to prepare in advance. This process involves several important steps:

  • bulb preparation;
  • storage of planting material;
  • planting tulips;
  • rooting of the bulbs;
  • care of plants.

You also need to competently approach the choice of varieties of flowers, so as not to lose time with the appearance of buds. It is necessary to take into account that the tulips “Abba”, “Primavera”, “Zorro” are suitable for early forcing, the varieties for “Barcelona”, “Triumph”, “Karola” are taken for the average, and “Atom”, “Diplomat” for the later. If you do not take into account this factor, then when planting a tulip for forcing in the fall, instead of the appearance of buds for the International Women's Day, you can get this surprise for the New Year.

191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

Preparation of bulbs for planting

The bulbs, ready for distillation, can be purchased at a specialized flower shop. But if you are already engaged in the cultivation of these flowers in your garden, it will be easy to independently carry out all the necessary measures for the preparation of planting material for growing tulips in the greenhouse.

191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

To get the buds already in early spring, take care of this will have in the summer. For this:

  • On the flower bed choose several copies that will be prepared for forcing. It is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of the plant. Tulips are resistant to many diseases and pests, but often fall victim to the variegation virus. A healthy flower should not have petals of dashes, dots and spots, as well as a color that is not characteristic of the variety. Over time, infected flowers lose their ability to reproduce. And to identify the disease in appearance of the bulb is almost impossible.
  • On selected plants it will be necessary to cut the flowers for 3 days from the moment the petals bloom. It is necessary to wait until the bud opens, otherwise its removal will have a bad effect on the further development of the leaves.
  • In the last decade of June, they begin to dig out bulbs of marked flowers. At this point, the above-ground part of the plant should be mostly yellow. If this has not yet happened, then the procedure is postponed to July. Otherwise, hurry, you risk getting a flowering plant much earlier than was planned.
  • Distillation of tulips by March 8 (video)

    From the obtained planting material for forcing to March 8, you need to choose the best specimens: large, round shape, with no signs of rot and other defects.

    Storage of bulbs before planting

    It is important to provide bulbs favorable conditions for storage until planting in the greenhouse. If it is a lot of landing material, it is convenient to store it in wide boxes with low sides and a mesh bottom. In such containers, the bulbs are well ventilated and are not affected by rot. Planting material is desirable to decompose in 1 layer, but the boxes themselves can safely be put on each other.

    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

    In many plants, nature itself laid the beginning of active growth and flowering after a period of dormancy and winter cold. During this time, thanks to the accumulated nutrients, the budding and formation of flower buds takes place in the bulb. Therefore, the successful growth of tulips will be ensured by artificial lowering of the temperature by growers for the planting material deposited. This happens gradually:

  • In the first month it is necessary to keep the bulbs in a dark, dry room at an air temperature of + 20 ° C.
  • By the end of the summer, it is necessary to ensure the lowering of the thermometer to + 17 ° C for another 1.5-2 weeks.
  • From September to November for 10-12 weeks, the bulbs are stored at a temperature of +9 to + 5 ° C - in a cellar or refrigerator.
  • Some vegetables and fruits during storage or ripening actively emit ethylene. This organic compound harms the tulip bulbs, so you cannot keep them close to each other. In particular, undesirable neighbors for planting material are apples, tomatoes, melons, pears, peaches, bananas, plums.

    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

    Planting tulips

    To get a blooming tulip by March, it’s necessary to start growing bulbs in a greenhouse in November. Before planting, it is recommended to treat the bulbs with a disinfectant solution. For this purpose, various means are used:

    • soaking in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
    • spraying decoction celandine;
    • hot water treatment.

    It is also desirable to decontaminate the substrate for planting from diseases and pests. The soil can be ignited in the oven for 10-15 minutes or hold over steam.

    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

    When it is not possible to purchase a special soil mixture for a greenhouse for growing tulips, it is not difficult to make it yourself. For this you need peat or garden soil with sand. In the absence of sand, it is replaced with perlite or vermiculite. It is important that the ground turned out to be sufficiently breathable and moderately moisture-intensive.

    The distillation tank must be selected so that the layer of earth in it is at least 10 cm. When growing does not occur in individual pots, but in containers, care must be taken that the bulbs are planted no closer to each other than 1, 5 cm

    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8

    A landing hole is made with a depth of 3 cm. When the bulbs are placed in the substrate, each sprinkled with the ground to the top. Then you need to perform abundant watering.

    There comes a crucial period of rooting planted bulbs. To create optimal conditions, the container and the pots with bulbs are kept in a dark, cool room with a high level of humidity. The substrate is watered regularly to keep the soil dry.

    After 17-20 weeks, a sprout appears and a bud is formed. From now on, tulips need diffused lighting. In addition, it is recommended to water the plants with formulations to strengthen the stems. For this suitable solution of calcium nitrate.

    Caring for plants in the greenhouse

    It is necessary to transfer flowers to the greenhouse 3 weeks before the planned flowering period. By this time, the sprouts should already have a height of at least 5-6 cm. For 3 days after installing the pots in the greenhouse, the temperature is kept at + 15 ° C. When the plants acquire a saturated green color, the temperature is raised to + 19 ° C.

    Basic tulip care measures include substrate irrigation, loosening and weeding the soil.

    You can cut the flowers when the buds are still closed and not fully painted in their characteristic color. Bouquets are kept in cool water at about + 5 ° С. At this temperature, they remain fresh longer. Water needs to be changed during the week.

    After the growing tulips are cut flowers, watering reduced by half and adhere to this mode until wilt. Dried leaves will be a signal that it is time to dig out the bulbs and send them to storage. They can be used as planting material in open ground. But to use them for forcing in the greenhouse again is no longer recommended.

    Tulips: planting and care (video)

    Growing tulips in a greenhouse is a fascinating and easy task. Forcing rules are simple, you just need to accurately calculate the time of planting and prepare the bulbs with high quality.

    Gallery: tulips in the greenhouse (15 photos) 

    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8
    191-Tulips in the greenhouse for March 8