Tomatoes varieties budenovka

Tips and ideas

What does the “Budenovka” tomato look like and how it differs from others? What is the description of the variety? This is a tall plant that can grow up to 3 meters in a greenhouse, if it does not interfere. From the main runaway a lot of brushes. But usually the height of the bush is about 1.5 meters, and in the open field - up to 1 m. Tomatoes are large, red, heart-shaped. They are tasty, not very sweet, quite dense, thin skin.

65-Tomato varieties budenovka

Variety Tomatoes Budenovka

Variety description

The fruits are similar to the variety "Bull heart". The name of the variety is due to the fact that the shape of the tomatoes resembles the cap of the same name.

The average yield of Budenovka is 4 kg per bush, but with good care and good weather conditions it is possible to remove 7 kg from each plant. In the south of Russia it grows well in open ground without greenhouses and other shelters, in other regions of the country it is better to plant these tomatoes in the greenhouse.

Just take care of them. They are resistant to diseases, the fruits do not crack and have a wide scope of application. These tomatoes can be eaten fresh, make salads from them, and also make sauces. Small fruit suitable for pickles.

Almost all gardeners, at least once planted a variety of tomatoes Budenovka, were satisfied with the result: the yield and quality of the fruit corresponded to the expectations. But there are negative reviews about the plant. For some gardeners, the fruit seemed too pale, savory, with a poorly pronounced taste. As a rule, this is due to poor seed quality, planting errors, lack of care, or severe weather conditions.

65-Tomato varieties budenovka

Scheme proper planting tomatoes

Gallery: tomato varieties Budenovka (25 photos)

65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka
65-Tomato varieties budenovka

How to plant "Budenovka"

First you need to purchase seeds. You need to buy only in trusted stores, so as not to stumble upon a fake. Before sowing, you need to arrange the seeds for an additional check. To do this, put them in a water-salt solution (15 g of seeds per 1 l of water). In this case, all low-quality seeds will float, and the good will drown.

In March-April, it is recommended to start growing seedlings. Immediately before this, the seeds should be soaked in water (you can add a little potassium permanganate). You can sow in boxes, in cut plastic bottles, etc. Tara should be well washed.

The temperature of the land for planting should be at least 20 ºС, but not more than 25 ºС. Seeds are buried to a depth of about 5 mm. Tara with seedlings covered with a film until then, until sprouts. Tomatoes can be transplanted to the garden only after 2 months, that is, in late May or early June, so that the plant does not destroy the frost.

Tomatoes Budenovka love the land, which previously grew cucumbers, zucchini, cauliflower. The optimal depth for transplanting sprouts is no more than 2 cm. When sowing, it is necessary to take into account that there should be no more than three bushes per 1 m², and the optimal size of one hole is 60x30 cm.

65-Tomato varieties budenovka

Diagram of the correct formation of a bush of tomatoes

The ripening period of the fruit "Budenovka" is about 3.5 months, that is, tomatoes can be removed from July until September, and in the southern regions - until October. In most cases, flowering occurs after 11 leaves. This variety of tomato ripens from the inside, that is, on top of the tomato is still green, but inside it is already ripe. It is best to shoot brown fruit. Then they can be left for several days in the light, so that they will fall and turn red.

How to care for Budenovka

Tomatoes of this variety are unpretentious, but this does not mean that they do not need any care at all. They must be tied up, fertilized, watered, in time to collect ripe fruit. The more care, the higher the yield.

The plants are very tall, so the main stem must be tied to a support, otherwise it will bend or break under the weight of the fruit. Usually near the bush put an iron or wooden pin, which will support him. If possible, the plants are tied to the frame of the greenhouse or greenhouse.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil with nitrogen preparations a few days after planting the seedlings on the beds. Then you can cultivate the land another 2-3 times with superphosphates and / or infusion of egg shells. You can process the shrub several times with garlic infusion to prevent diseases.

Tomatoes worth planting (video)

At first, after sowing tomatoes in the wells, they must be watered 2 times a week, and then enough 1 time. Try to prevent water from falling on the leaves and stems, watering at the root. In very hot weather, it is recommended to lay hay or dried grass in the holes around the main stalk - this will protect the soil and the roots of the plant from drying out. Collect ripe fruits in time to form new ones faster.