Tomatoes on the balcony

Tips and ideas

81-Tomatoes on the balcony
You need to consider what you can grow tomatoes on the balcony, growing them step by step, the main aspects and tips on this matter. It is becoming more and more popular to grow vegetables and fruits at home. It is useful and at the same time entertaining.

Selection of varieties for balcony conditions

How to grow tomatoes on the balcony and make it right? For successful cultivation on the balcony is very important to choose the right variety. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the air in the apartments is usually dry, and often there is not enough lighting.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

The tomatoes most suitable for a balcony are mostly miniature varieties. The best of them are “balcony miracle”, “cherry”, “bonsai”, “oak tree”, “baby”, “yellow pearl”, “Rusich”. When choosing, you can navigate through the photos, which are depicted on packages of seeds. Most of these varieties were created by breeders and adapted for balcony conditions.

The most frequent choice of those who decided to grow tomatoes on their balcony is the “balcony miracle”. Tomatoes of this variety are developing well and bring a lot of fruit in such conditions.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

The plant does not grow above 0.5 m. It is an ultra-early culture. The best places for growing are loggias, balconies, verandas. The yield of one bush - about 2 kg of fruit. Full maturation occurs on average after 3 months. The fruits of this plant are quite large and weigh about 70 g each. Tomatoes of this variety are well suited for fresh consumption and for spins.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

Creating the best conditions

On the balcony, growing step by step begins with the creation of the necessary conditions.

In order to grow tomatoes in the loggia or on the balcony in the cold season, you need to take care that the place is well-insulated or has additional insulation.

For a good yield of tomatoes, you must follow these rules:

  • use only high quality seeds;
  • the microclimate needs to be created most favorable for plants;
  • capacity you need to choose the most suitable for a particular variety;
  • pay special attention to the selection of soil;
  • water in a timely manner.

Seeds are recommended to be purchased in closed factory packaging, while paying attention to the shelf life, as there is a risk that they will not germinate. For the first planting, it is recommended to take either different varieties, or one, but from different manufacturers. This will make conclusions for the future - which tomatoes are difficult to grow and which are not, assess their taste.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

It is convenient to start growing tomatoes on the balcony in cut plastic bottles. They must be transparent - this is necessary in order to monitor the amount of water when watering, because it should be done moderately. With a deficit of moisture, balcony tomatoes will not be able to develop, and with an excess even rotting is possible.

It is also very important at what temperature the cultivation takes place. The optimum is + 26 ° С in the daytime and + 15 ° С at night. It is recommended to place a thermometer in the balcony loggia in order to monitor the actual temperature. Draft tomatoes are not afraid of drafts, so if the balcony is too warm, you can air it by opening the window.

To ensure optimal lighting, you can put a fluorescent lamp or phytolamps on the balcony. This is especially necessary in winter.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

Tomatoes require bright lighting for at least 10 hours a day. It is necessary to take into account the fact that, passing through the glass, some of the rays are filtered, so sometimes the windows need to be opened.

When growing tomatoes on the balcony, it is important to correctly approach the selection of the soil. The composition is quite important, and the easiest to create the right soil is by adding peat and sand to the ground from the garden. It is recommended to add wood ash, superphosphate and potassium sulfate. It is important that the soil is not too clay. Alternatively, you can simply buy a special soil.

It should be a solution of potassium permanganate or boiled water to scald the soil - it disinfects it. After that, the soil should be dried, spreading it evenly on some surface. In the pots in which the tomato seedlings will be placed, you need to put drainage.

Planting tomatoes

First you need to plant the seeds. In the tank you should make small holes and plant 3 seeds in them, then gently sprinkle with earth and cover with film. This will help get good tomato seedlings.

Shoots should appear somewhere in a week. For the further development of germs, the film must be removed.

It is recommended to move containers to a cool place. They should stay there until the soil dries.

Planted sprouting sprouts in separate containers can be on the 10th day. The bushes are quite large, so the volume of the pot should exceed 3.5 liters. After that you need to water the tomato seedlings. It is recommended after this to take the plants to a warmer place. When the bush becomes quite large, it is necessary to stick a column into the ground and tie it to it.

81-Tomatoes on the balcony

For beginners, a video with instruction will be a good helper.

Growing tomatoes on the balcony (video)

Necessary care

Caring for tomatoes is simple - it is enough to ensure timely watering, periodically feed them with fertilizers.

  • Start fertilizing tomatoes for the balcony with organic and mineral fertilizers should be on the 7th day after transplanting in pots, then do this procedure every 10 days. This will strengthen the plants and accelerate their development.
  • You need to water every 3 days. Water should be at room temperature. It is recommended to water not the top layer of soil, but to inject water into the middle. For this you can use a syringe with a long needle.
  • In order for the tomatoes on the balcony to adapt well, it is necessary to leave 1 shoot before the first inflorescence, and remove the rest. This will increase the fruitfulness and ensure the best growth of the fruit. In undersized bushes need to leave 2 shoots. Then a shrub of 3 stalks will be formed.
  • Pollinating tomatoes is not necessary, but when the plants bloom, it is recommended to tap on the stem for a better ovary. After tying, remove the top of the shoot and the remaining inflorescences.
  • To understand whether there are problems with the development of the plant, you need to pay attention to its sheets. At night, they should straighten. If something is wrong with the leaves (yellowing, lethargy, falling off), then it is necessary to begin to treat the plant.
  • Pests can be found on the bush. Finding them, you need to remove and then regularly inspect the plants.
  • Late blight is dangerous (fungal infection that affects both the fruit). It spreads very easily, especially in dampness. Visually it is maroon spots. The solution to the problem is to spray with slaked lime and copper sulfate. To do this, dilute them with water - vitriol in the proportion of 10 g per 900 ml, and lime 20 g per 100 ml. Prepare the mixture before use.

Since growing tomatoes on the balcony is quite entertaining and easy, anyone can do this. For confidence, you can watch the training video. This process will bring pleasure to lovers, and the fruits will delight their benefits.

Errors in the cultivation of tomatoes (video)

Gallery: tomatoes on the balcony (15 photos)

81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony
81-Tomatoes on the balcony