Tomato budenovka

Tips and ideas

55 Tomato Budenovka
In regions with a temperate and warm climate, it is best to plant a Budenovka tomato, a description of the variety attracts even novice gardeners. After all, it is a hybrid, which is not afraid of late blight, and a very unpretentious plant in the care. The fruits have a balanced sweet taste with a slight sourness.

Characteristic hybrid

"Budenovka" and its improved analogue "Velzhmozh" - mid-season varieties with large fruits. Tomatoes ripen in 107-110 days. Plant height reaches 150 cm. Fruits do not crack, although they grow very large. Description of the variety may be of interest to any vegetable grower, because the tomato is suitable for cultivation in both open and protected ground. True, the rapid maturation is provided only in the southern regions, and in the middle zone will need a greenhouse for growing seedlings.

55 Tomato Budenovka

The average fruit weight is 300 g. The tomato grows fleshy, its color can vary from pink to red. This variety is easy to recognize among others by the shape of a fruit that resembles a heart. Fruiting plants actively and together. With one bush, on average, you can collect about 6 kg of tomato. Tomatoes are eaten fresh and also used for preservation. Tomatoes are simply irreplaceable in salads.

55 Tomato Budenovka

Plant seeds

In order to significantly increase the yield, it is necessary to sort through all the seeds and separate only good and large ones with no obvious signs of illness. Or put them in brine (1.5%). The seeds that have settled on the bottom should be selected for planting. Be sure to wash them after the procedure and treat with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

The variety of tomato "Budenovka" is better to plant seedlings. Therefore, at the end of March (provided that the soil is warmed up), seeds can be planted to a depth of 50 mm.

Before this, it is recommended to add 10 g of humus or superphosphate to each well. Grow seedlings should be before the first brush with color. Landmark - 10-11 leaves on the plant. This sort of tomato is transplanted into the ground only after the frosts have passed.

55 Tomato Budenovka

Tomatoes “Budenovka” are planted according to the scheme 60 by 30 cm. When the plant grows a little, it will definitely have to be tied to pegs. This will significantly increase the yield of tomatoes. Indeed, under the weight of the fruit, the stem can easily break or lie on the ground.

Plant is plentifully watered at the following stages of its development:

  • bloom;
  • the formation of ovaries;
  • increased fetal growth.

After watering, the soil should be loosened, and the lower unwanted leaves to tear off. If there is a desire to get an early harvest, you should timely remove the stepchildren who grow in the leaf axils.

55 Tomato Budenovka

Tomatoes are very non-standard. Somewhere in the middle of summer the green fruit begins to ripen from the inside. The process of fruiting occurs within 2.5 months, sometimes 3. To get a friendly and bountiful harvest, tomatoes must be picked at the stage of brown ripening. After 3 days, these tomatoes will turn red, but only if the picked fruit is stored in a bright place.

55 Tomato Budenovka

Tomatoes, variety selection (video)

Vegetable evaluation by gardeners

Summer residents are very fond of this variety for its unpretentiousness and good returns, so all the reviews are positive.

Valentine, 55 years old, art. Tbilisskaya, Krasnodar Territory. “I planted tomatoes for the first time. Bush "Budenovki" grew tall, but not very powerful. In total, 2 brushes were formed, each with 5-6 fruits. The shape of the tomato is a heart, but without a pronounced nose. The fruits are huge and juicy. Next year I will plant more territory. ”

55 Tomato budenovka

Nadezhda, 48 years old, Krasnoyarsk. “I love tomatoes very much, and even more I like to try to plant 2-3 new varieties every year. If you like, leave the seeds and grow for the next year. Variety "Budenovka" just hit. With all the fragility of the stem, the plants survived in bad weather and kept their entire crop. And this is 6.5 kg from the bush. This type of tomato will be on my list of favorites for a long time. ”

High yield and friendly shoots are signs of the Budenovka variety. Its seeds are passed from hand to hand, because it is the most unpretentious and disease-resistant variety.

Proven grade "Budenovka" (video)

Gallery: tomato "Budenovka" (15 photos)

55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka
55 Tomato Budenovka
55 Tomato budenovka