These canadian roses are not afraid of frost

Tips and ideas

Flower growers are special people. They are divided into numerous hobby groups - hostomans, geochervods, collectors of rarities, lovers of small-onions or rhododendrons, etc. Sometimes priorities change, and then a person planting peonies or daylilies, suddenly “falls ill” with tiarellas or gentians. Rose growers, in their own way “sick” people, occupy a niche in this diverse and multi-faceted community. Think not sick?

Of course, the sick!

Well, what, you say to a normal person from a generally accepted point of view, will dig deep holes in lean loam, taking out the lower barren layer to a nearby wasteland on a wheelbarrow (or carrying buckets) to mix peat, humus and oatmeal (!) Straw with sand , going through it all with your hands and rubbing the lumps that come across with your fingers? .. Rosebird! Who rolls his eyes to the sky, hearing the words caressing the ear: "horse manure"? Rosarian! The same rosewood who studies the heat-saving properties not only of fir twigs and lutrasil, but also of mineral wool, isopenol and heat-flex. And how! After all, roses need to cover for the winter!

In severe cases, all other plants are generally on the periphery of interests - they exist solely in the context of planning and organizing the next rosary, as filling and shading cultures.

207-These Canadian roses are not afraid

Well, how can there be an ordinary, ordinary amateur gardener, in whose garden phloxes, lilies, decorative leafy plants peacefully coexist, and at the same time he really wants to decorate the plot with roses? For those who consider “real” roses to be too complex a culture, there is an alternative - Canadian breeding roses, bred specifically for cold climates, or as they are easier called - Canadian roses.

On the Russian market, these plants are not so long ago - just a few years, but this time was enough to love the northern beauties and delve into the subtleties of caring for them. Honestly ... - yes, no special subtleties were discovered by our rosewood producers.

Of course, Canadians are not as sophisticated as hybrid tea roses, not as fragrant as English roses, not as spectacular as climbing, but they have many other advantages: endurance and unpretentiousness, excellent winter hardiness and beautiful flowers of rich color.

These roses bloom in our strip in two waves, the second is less abundant. If you do not remove faded shoots, bushes are decorated with numerous orange fruits, which also looks quite decorative in the fall. They practically do not require shelter for the winter, and have another very important advantage - they are perfectly grafted and continue to grow on their own roots. Thus, acquiring only one plant, you can, without prejudice to the wallet, propagate a favorite rose.

Despite the unpretentiousness, a place for a purchased grafted plant should still be prepared properly - dig a planting hole, add to the earthen mixture all sorts of "goodies" in the form of humus, peat, compost, complex fertilizer and ash. Grafted rose, plant, as is customary to plant them - deepening the graft 3-5 cm. Rather, it is better to plant the graft at ground level when planting, over time the bush will settle just 3-5 cm due to further soil compaction during watering.

In the first winter for insurance, it is possible and necessary to pile up the base of a bush (15-20 cm high) with a mixture of earth and sand in equal parts, but in subsequent years this procedure is completely unnecessary. Roses overwinter perfectly without hilling, bending down shoots and shelter, although some gardeners in some other years canadas frost over the level of snow cover. But this is not at all scary, believe me! How frostbitten - so grow!

In five years, I’ve been freezing the ends of Alexander MacKenzie varieties twice. The winter period of 2007–2008 was very favorable for roses - uninspired bushes wintered “standing” and kept the shoots intact along their entire length. Of course, it should be borne in mind that much depends on the specific conditions and microclimate of your site.

After proper planting, bushes care is reduced only to regular fertilizers, treatment for diseases and sanitary pruning.

After the first wintering of the Canadians, I with some caution shoveled a pile in order to check the status of the vaccination. A surprise was waiting for me here - plump white roots coming from the scion shoots, i.e. varieties. By the middle of summer, the bushes were overgrown, spread out, and I had the opportunity to cut the green cuttings from the flowering branches and check whether the spring “splash” of root-forming activity really is a pleasant feature of the Canadas.

The cuttings of the Alexander MacKenzie, Morden Centennial and WilliamBaffin grades, 20-25 cm long, were planted deep enough (15-20 cm) in a permanent place with fertile soil. Rooting was almost one hundred percent!

Planting pits were not prepared for the own-rooted future bushes - in the right place the top layer of soil was dug up with the addition of several buckets of compost, ash and complex fertilizer. The cuttings were covered with paper bags from the sun, and from above, mini-greenhouses constructed of five-liter plastic bottles from under the water. With sufficient watering, the young plants jerked in growth so that in the second half of August, the newspaper-bottle protection had to be removed, and the buds were cut off from some particularly nimble cuttings.

In the fall, the grafted Canadas were filled with earth, which was removed in the spring after the soil thawed. Despite the rather severe subsequent winter, all the cuttings turned out to be alive and well, and at the end of the summer they were already small flowering bushes.

Characteristics of some varieties in the growing conditions of the middle band:

ModernCentennial is a beautiful, hardy and abundantly blooming rose up to 1 m high. Very decorative! Timely removal of wilted flowers prolongs flowering. The second wave of flowering is not too abundant. Black spot is moderately affected. The smell is gentle, weak.

Alexander MacKenzie is a tall and sprawling bush. The very high resistance to black spot in our lane promised on the Canadian site was not too high. Still, the climate near Moscow with its abundance of precipitation makes its own amendments. In some plants of this variety, the flowers burn in the sun, the edges of the petals dry up and become discolored. These bushes need to be planted so that in the midday hours they were covered with a light shadow.

Adelaide Hoodless - in some sources it is referred to as a powerful bush up to 2 meters high, according to other sources "not too much higher than three feet." My second option is growing - a low rose with red semi-double flowers, gathered in large inflorescences, sometimes giving out individual shoots up to 1.20 m high. Resistance to black spot is medium. The first two years after planting the bush developed very weakly, but now, having got stronger, it pleases with huge tassels of bright flowers that bloom all summer.

William Baffin - maybe this sort of disappoint someone, because too much like an ordinary dog ​​rose, but it has a lot of merit. The bush is vigorous, very hardy, it blooms almost constantly all summer, by the autumn it is decorated with orange fruits, among which single flowers continue to appear. Speaking of flowers, they are pink semi-double, and they have a special charm, which they are given by light colors at the base of the petals (individuality!) And bright yellow stamens (attractiveness!). The smell is very weak or absent. This variety is really resistant to the state of emergency in the Moscow region.

DavWilliam Baffin2 (Thompson - decorative just as much as you would expect from a regular rosehip - a poured rose rugosa both in appearance and endurance.

Prairie Joy - in bloom the bush is very beautiful - the whole is covered with large double flowers of pink color with delicate tints. Disease resistance is good.

Powdery mildew was not observed on Canadian roses.

What to say in conclusion? In order not to dive into the "pink disease" immediately, start small - with Canadian roses. They will perform not only the function of the “primary school of rosewood”, but will also remain with you in the garden, since it is necessary to make great efforts to destroy them.

But even if you do not want to complicate your dacha life by buying real roses, you can still plant Canadian roses - with minimal care, beautiful bushes will grow in your flower beds and hedges and delight you with bright flowers and decorative fruits.