The use of concrete products in the country

Tips and ideas

25-Application of concrete products on
It is not easy to bring the dacha in order and the kind we need is difficult, and then professional tools and equipment come to the rescue. But no less important are special construction materials, some of which are concrete products for serious construction.

We often use concrete at the dacha in its most diverse forms, but also reinforced concrete products are used, without which capital construction would be simply impossible. proposes to explore the main concrete products for the garden, which will help in the construction and arrangement of the site.

ZHBI and ZhBK today are very popular, and therefore you will not feel any shortage if you need to build with their participation. But more important is not the possibility of the purchase itself, because each product can be tried to be replaced by another, but an understanding of the product and its application.

25-Application of concrete products on

What are concrete and reinforced concrete products

Concrete products in the country are used a little less than reinforced concrete, and these are the simplest foundations, self-priming slabs, posts and other construction materials that you can do with your own hands. If we talk about special materials and structures for capital construction, it is reinforced concrete.

Any product from reinforced concrete is a reliable, strong and durable material from concrete and a framework from steel fittings. Due to the correct technological process and modern equipment, as well as strict control over the quality of products, manufacturers bring to the market products in a very large assortment.

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25-Application of concrete products on

Concrete rings to give

Products made of reinforced concrete, which are very popular. They can be used for capital construction, if you have just purchased a new suburban area, as well as for additional equipment and equipping.

More often it is possible to notice reinforced concrete rings in the construction of wells and control points of the main highways. They are delivered separately or in a set with additional concrete goods - bottom plates, well floor slabs, support plates and rings, as well as hatches that block the entrance to the finished structure.

In addition, concrete rings can be used for the construction of cesspools, silos, installation of large compost heaps.

25-Application of concrete products on

The use of reinforced concrete trays in the country

These products are rarely used in ordinary suburban areas, but if you only build a house and lay all kinds of communications to it, trays will be useful. They, together with concrete covers or slabs, are protection and even some sealed medium for water supply pipes, sewage lines, heating mains and other engineering systems.

Much less often, concrete products of this type are used for the construction of the suburban area, although it happens that they can be used to equip drainage systems, irrigation canals, storage facilities for different products.

25-Application of concrete products on

Overlapping plates for giving

But exactly what is used in the summer cottage very often. Reinforced concrete slabs are durable products made of concrete and steel reinforcement, which are applicable to virtually any construction.

If we talk about standard concrete slabs, then they can even equip access roads and fences, but if we are talking about floor slabs, then we will tell you the areas where they are most important to apply:

  • Construction of a country house. Floor slabs will become the main separator of the basement and the first floor of the building, as well as the first and second floors, the main floor and the attic. It happens that floors are built from other materials or poured in place, but it is much faster to work with finished products;
  • Construction of a garage. Here, mounted on concrete blocks or special cushion plates, there is just one element missing to complete the construction — the floor slabs, which are the roof for the garage, the hangar, the granary. It is on such a roof that it is possible to produce insulation and waterproofing, the technology of which we have recently spoken about;
  • Construction of the cellar. Depending on the building and its characteristics, different materials can be used for the cellar ceiling, but for an underground storage room to be of high quality and reliable, it is better to use concrete data materials.

25-Application of concrete products on

Concrete beams

If you decide to organize a profitable business at the dacha, then additional premises will be needed to run it. In any case, regardless of the type of activity, it will be necessary to build a tool shed, a shed, storage for products and a hangar for equipment. And, if the first structures can be made of wood, simple planks and beams, then the vaults and hangars are capital structures.

Concrete beams are used here very often, for example, in order to properly install the roof structure, build an extension, create supports for the foundation for equipment, and so on. Reinforced concrete beams can also be used as a foundation part for some buildings, where they can act as a replacement for the simplest strip foundations, concrete pillars or supporting pads.

25-Application of concrete products on

Parapet boards for country building

These products are perfect for arranging balconies in new houses, canopies over them, and building eaves. But it can often be used for other purposes. For example, used concrete slabs often become garden paths, the floor in a garage or cellar, part of the entrance to the courtyard, the garage and other buildings.

25-Application of concrete products on

Foundation blocks

Concrete blocks are designed for solid construction, and at the dacha are applicable only for the construction of a house, hangar, shed, garage. You can use them in the construction of small structures, such as arches or gazebos, but this is not necessary, since even simpler foundations are sufficient for such constructions.

25-Application of concrete products on

Fence plates

This is the concrete fence, which we have repeatedly discussed. It happens that other concrete goods are used for the construction of heavy fencing, but these are the most suitable.

It is correct to acquire fencing slabs complete with stacking-type foundation blocks, because this is how a concrete fence is installed most firmly and reliably. But we are familiar with cases when the plates are simply installed in trenches and poured with a mixture of cheap concrete with aggregate from construction debris. Not the most correct building, but as an option.

25-Application of concrete products on

Border road, or concrete columns

In fact, these are different products, which, naturally, have a different purpose. But we are used to confusing their names or to apply one of the names to another product.

Concrete poles are window lintels, beams for installing floors and even concrete poles for installing heavy fence structures.

25-Application of concrete products on

Road curb is only a curb that is great for landscape design. All garden paths can be constructed with its help, where a concrete curb beats off the boundaries of the path.

25-Application of concrete products on

In the country, you can use other concrete products, but in fact, there are so many of them that gardeners often simply replace them with others, depending on the cost and convenience of work. In addition, there are many other products made of reinforced concrete, which are not applicable for construction in the country, well, or extremely rarely used here - reinforced concrete steps and flight of stairs, bar lintels and arched lintels, columns, wall panels and many, many others. We recommend to find out what is a winter concrete.

How are used concrete products in the country building (video)

Today we have reviewed the main materials for the construction of concrete, or rather, finished products made of reinforced concrete. Using them in the construction of various buildings in the country correctly, you can achieve maximum reliability and carrying capacity. But remember that any concrete goods is not an absolutely standard material with which we are accustomed to work, not wooden beams and not bricks, and therefore a responsible attitude, professional tools and additional, often even heavy equipment and machinery will be needed here.