The brick furnace for a bath with a fire chamber from a
The brick furnace for a bath with a fire chamber from a dressing room

- Features: pros and cons
- Safety requirements
- DIY installation
- Chimney installation
- Tips and tricks
In order for the bath to live up to all expectations, it must have a good stove. It should perform the functions of a heating element, provide a safe and soft heat, and also provide heat to several rooms at once. In addition, the stove must ensure safe use.
All of the above requirements are met by a brick oven with a firebox from a waiting room.

Features: pros and cons
The design of the furnace with a firebox in the dressing room is more complicated than the design of a conventional furnace. The firebox is removable or part of the whole structure.
Despite the complexity of the implementation of such a project, you should pay attention to the following advantages:
- Two rooms warm up at once: a dressing room and a steam room. This creates additional convenience when preparing for bath events and staying in the dressing room after them;
- garbage along with firewood will not be brought into the steam room, which will ensure ease of cleaning, since dust in a damp room will not turn into dirt;
- it is convenient to arrange a place to dry firewood near the firebox, which is not possible in the steam room;
- in the steam room you can install brick protection, which will prevent burns;
- in the steam room clean air will be preserved, uncontaminated by smoke from burning wood when the door is opened directly in the steam room;
- Saving space in the steam room due to the lack of a firebox door;
- while heating the sauna, it will not be necessary to constantly go out and enter the steam room in order to throw firewood, which will not allow the room to cool down every time you open the door.

Along with all the advantages of a portable firebox, you can note such disadvantages as:
- installation complexity, especially for a beginner in this business. To implement such a project, it is better to seek advice from specialists;
- to maintain the temperature in the steam room will have to leave it on the less heated air.

The firebox can be placed not only in the waiting room. Sometimes she is taken out of the room.. This is realized if the waiting room is too small or if the bath is used for commercial gain. With such a device, the bathhouse attendant does not need to enter the premises of the guests, it can keep the temperature in the steam room from the street.
The advantages of this option include protection against the spread of dirt in the premises.

Safety requirements
Material for the construction of the bath is most often initially dangerous for fires. To avoid fires, you need to follow the safety rules at the planning stage of construction. The first time after the construction of the wood bath will shrink, so before installing the furnace, it is necessary to ensure that the structure is sufficiently collapsed and will not crack.
Since in the bath the walls of the furnace unit are heated to high temperatures, which is fraught with harm to health in the form of burns, you must strictly follow the rules of fire safety when installing the furnace. Installation rules are prescribed in SNiP 41-01-2003 (chapter 6.6).
- Set a solid foundation under the base of the furnace. It will be adjacent to the wall between the waiting room and the steam room. It needs to be covered with heat-resistant material. In case of damage to the foundation, the stove may crack or squint, and this is dangerous if a wooden building is ignited.
- From the oven door to the walls of the bath the distance should be not less than half a meter. If the oven is in the corner, then all the surfaces to which it adjoins must be insulated with heat-resistant material.

- If the dressing room and the steam room are separated by an easily combustible partition, the hole in which the fuel channel will be installed must be insulated from the tree with brickwork.
- All highly flammable materials must be impregnated with a special refractory agent.
- For use in a bath, the stove must be able to self-cool to a safe temperature of +80 degrees, since wood can spontaneously ignite from prolonged contact with a surface heated to +100 degrees.
- The chimney must be strong, made of safe material and with the correct geometry.

With heating you need to be careful. With self-assembly, the order should be observed and all the above recommendations should be taken into account. First of all, the scheme of work and the drawing of the future product must be prepared. In this case, the sink will not be scary.
DIY installation
To make the installation of a brick furnace for a bath with a firebox from a dressing room, you must perform the following preparatory work:
- place for the installation of the furnace is better to think over at the stage of building construction;
- before starting work, the foundation for the stove is set up. To do this, pulled out the pit. Its bottom is covered with rubble, then sand and covered with waterproofing material. The foundation is strengthened with pieces of reinforcement and poured with concrete;
- bricks placed under the furnace;

- in the area of the firebox door a metal sheet is attached to the floor;
- the construction of the furnace, passing through the opening in the wooden wall, is lined with brick masonry;
- before laying the furnace, the bricks are immersed in water so that the pores of the material are filled with moisture;
- Insulating material is laid between the metal of the furnace and the brick.

After the preparatory work should proceed directly to the construction of the furnace:
- The first step is laid out brick oven itself. Brick, which laid out the walls of the house, will not work. For a bath stove you need one that has high heat resistance. It must be necessarily perfect shape, without cracks and chips.
- First, each row is laid out without using a solution. This is done to select the ideal bricks in shape and size. The laying of any of the rows begins with a corner brick.
- The first row is laid out from the corners on the perimeter. First, the solution is applied, then a number of pre-selected bricks are laid. Before laying each brick is dipped into the water for 20 seconds. The thickness of the seam should be no more than 5 mm.

- The second row is laid out with offset. The seams of the second row should be in the middle of the first. Similarly laid out the following rows.
- At the level of the fourth row is installed blowing door. It must be fixed with galvanized wire. From the side of the steam bath, a stone screen is used to protect against burns.
- The second stage is the furnace door. It is fixed with galvanized wire twisted several times.
- Further, a chamber for stones is being constructed. The size is calculated based on the number of stones. At the end of her trim steel sheets.
- After the construction of the furnace of the desired height, a steel sheet is placed on top, on which a hole is pre-cut.

Chimney installation
The final stage is to connect to the chimney stove. This can be done in several ways, using brick, metal or ceramics. Installation is external and internal. Proper installation of the chimney will not only save the room from soot and soot, but also save health from the harmful effects of combustion products of fuel.
A brick chimney is the safest in terms of fire safety, but its construction is a complex process. It is used to divert smoke from two or more furnaces. Ceramic chimney is heavy and expensive. However, it has good characteristics: resistant to corrosion, does not overheat, with a smooth surface inside, which prevents the accumulation of soot on the walls. This species is not very popular.

Metal chimney is easy to install, for the price it is affordable. Among the shortcomings, rapid heating is noted, and this is fraught with ignition. In addition, with the passage of hot air through the half of the pipe, located on the street, condensation forms. therefore in modern metal pipes thermal insulation material is used. The advantage of this type of discharge pipe is the absence of edges, which allows the smoke to go outside unhindered.
External chimney is a pipe that goes out of the wall and rises along it to the roof. To mount such a chimney is not difficult, both at the construction stage and in a ready-made bath. The advantages are safety, ease of maintenance. The minus is the need for pipe insulation so that when the temperature drops inside, condensate is not collected.

Installation of the pipe in the direction of the wall is carried out using a bend or knee. The section of the chimney passing through the brickwork of the wall is sealed with a metal box filled with heat-resistant material. The pipe is fixed vertically along the wall with holders. A protective fungus is placed on the top.
The indoor version of the chimney is a pipe coming from the sauna stove to the ceiling through the attic and the roof. The advantage of this method is the preservation of heat in the bath room and attic longer. Of the minuses - is the complexity of installation through the roof.

Collect the chimney of several parts, any higher part is worn on the bottom, and then well fastened with clamps. Before fixing the elements of the joints lubricated with heat-resistant sealant. Then the pipe is passed through the ceiling and the roof.
The inside and outside of the pipe passage are protected by an under roof sheet and roof gutter. Heat-resistant insulation is laid around the pipe.
After laying the roof waterproofing is carried out to prevent water from entering the joints. A protective umbrella is installed on top of the pipe.

Tips and tricks
Experts recommend to adhere to the following rules:
- first of all, when installing the furnace in the bath, it is necessary to act in accordance with the rules of the SNiP. This will ensure safety during operation and extend the service life of the heating element;
- you should not save on materials, especially on heat-resistant insulation;
- when choosing a place for a bath, it is better to give preference to a detached structure. If the bath is an extension to another building, then you need to take care to isolate the adjoining wall;
- When choosing a brick, you need to pay attention to its heat-resistant and moisture-proof properties. If finances do not allow you to purchase an expensive brick that meets these requirements, you can cover a more affordable brick with a special compound;

- a hole for the foundation must be excavated more than the size of the furnace. The base of the stove must be 10 cm larger than the perimeter of the heater on all sides;
- bricks with small defects can be used in the brickwork of the furnace, but it is impossible to lay the damaged brick inside the smoke channel and to the outside of the furnace, and also to chop the chipped edges and corners so that during the laying it is not too thick;
- When installing the stove in the bath wall, it is necessary to follow the characteristics of the unit described in the accompanying instructions. If the furnace is made independently, then you need to take the average power values;

- The ideal chimney should be without knees and 2 m in height. This will ensure normal traction;
- after installation, the furnace should be heated several times in a gentle mode for half an hour to check its correct operation and drying. It is necessary to dry the furnace so that cracks do not appear during operation;
- for several days, the stove door, as well as the windows and doors of the bath should be kept open, creating a draft in the room. A sign of readiness of the furnace will be the absence of condensate on the damper;
- Despite the observance of fire safety rules and the use of a high-quality stove, you need to remember about fire extinguishing agents. They must be available at all times;
- most often the center of ignition is the ceiling. Therefore, do not forget about his protection. It should be covered with a metal sheet;
- in the bath should be as safe as possible even in case of poor health of visitors. The furnace must be protected by a protective screen.

The process of installing the furnace in the bath with his own hands is time consuming, but if all the recommendations are followed, we will do it. In case of following all the requirements, depending on the characteristics of the stove and the bath room itself and the correct installation, the stove will serve properly and for a long time. Therefore, we should not ignore the recommendations and advice, responsibly treat the construction of a place to rest body and soul.
It would not be out of place to look at the stove-maker experienced in this matter, especially when building a brick stove. At the same time, a self-built sauna with a stove will be the pride of the owner.

More information about the construction of a brick furnace for a bath, see the following video.