The best varieties of strawberries with photos and
Choose the best variety of strawberries on the description is impossible. It is possible to evaluate and select varieties of any crop only if you grow them yourself in the country. Description of the variety only helps to determine the characteristics that are most important for growing.

Clone selection
Strawberries, in comparison with fruit trees and ornamental shrubs, are much cheaper. Therefore, it is not necessary to buy a lot of mustache of one variety, but to buy 3-5 plants of different varieties, the more, the better, but not less than 5 varieties. In the first year, you can estimate the yield and quality of strawberries (of course, with the right agricultural techniques), select the best 2-3 varieties and the best bushes inside the varieties and breed them on the plantation. This method is called clonal selection and prevents the degeneration of the variety.
Domestic strawberry varieties are more resistant to diseases and pests precisely because clonal selection prevailed in the Soviet agronomic science. In the West, varietal material was purified from viruses and diseases in laboratories; in the USSR, the best plants were selected under natural conditions. Therefore, many European varieties in 2-3 years significantly lose their varietal qualities, they quite easily return the disease, they need constant chemical treatments.
Domestic varieties obtained from strawberry bushes with the highest immunity, which was manifested under normal growing conditions in the field. They retain their best varietal qualities for a long time.
Comparative characteristics of domestic and foreign varieties
To decide which varieties to plant on your plot - domestic or European - you need to carefully examine their main characteristics.
Foreign strawberries produce good yields in our country, but they are too delicate for the Russian climate. Although it does not freeze out completely, there are quite a few attacks on the “Europeans” plantation in the spring.
Older plants are more susceptible to frosting at unstable winter temperatures than young whiskers. In the bushes that have given more than 2 harvests, the horns are considerably elevated above the ground and for a better wintering such plants pile up if there is no other covering material. But even here there are advantages: in a rarefied planting, the yield is higher.
To taste the best are imported Pandora, Bounty and domestic Kokinsky dawn, the Queen.
The best grades in terms of yield are Kokinskaya dawn, Mommy, Marvelous. But choosing the yield is wrong. In the modern assortment of strawberries there are no low-yielding varieties.
Currently, breeders have brought out many varieties of non-killing, resistant to a complex of damaging factors. These include: Kokinsky Dawn, Mommy, Tsaritsa, Slavutych, Nightingale, Alpha, Izaura, Bereginya.
Description of the best varieties of strawberries
Strawberries yield one crop per season. In terms of ripening strawberries can be early, middle and late.
Early varieties
Early varieties of strawberries bloom in mid-May, the berries get in mid-June. The yield of early varieties is 2 times less compared to later strawberries. This is a pattern
Description. Bushes are powerful, erect with a sparse cap of foliage, consist of numerous sockets.

The berries are regular, without a neck, blunt-conical, large, dark red, shiny, fragrant. The flesh is dense, dark red, sweet-sour taste. For cultivation in the North Caucasus region and in the Crimea.
- berry weight 16-25 g;
- taste is excellent;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Great dessert taste. Strawberries suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. Low winter hardiness. Moderately affected by disease.
Description. New Russian early variety of strawberries. Sprawling bushes, the cap is not thick foliage. Mustache average number, they are pale red. Fruits are conical, red, without a neck, on thick powerful fruit stems. The flesh is juicy, loose, red, sweet and sour. For cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka region.
- yield of 0.7 kg / m2 (170 g per bush);
- berry weight 17-20 g;
- taste is excellent (4.9);
- substance content; sugar 6.3%, acid 1.6%, ascorbic acid 69 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Excellent taste, high winter hardiness. Drought resistance is average. Resistant to strawberry mite.
Disadvantages. Not suitable for transportation and processing. Strawberries are intended only for fresh consumption. In a rainy summer, it is strongly affected by powdery mildew and gray mold.
Kokinskaya dawn
Description. Very early strawberry, yields a harvest in early June. The flesh is tender, sweet and sour.

Kokinskaya dawn
The berries are large, shiny, good presentation. The first fruits are large, up to 30 g, followed by 20-25 g. For cultivation in the Central Black Earth and southern regions.
- berry weight 25-30 g;
- the pulp is tender, juicy, soft;
- taste is excellent;
- dessert destination (for fresh use).
Benefits. It belongs to non-killing varieties: resistant to fungal diseases of leaves, strawberry mite. Drought-resistant, winter-hardy.
Disadvantages. Fruits are affected by gray mold. Unsuitable for transportation. For high yield requires high farming.

Description. A new promising variety-neubivayka. Bushes are powerful, with medium leaves. The strawberry is bright red, large (the first is up to 38 g), the flesh is very dense, sweet, fragrant.
- yield of 2.5-3.0 kg / m2 (250 g per bush);
- berry weight 22-30g;
- taste is excellent;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Practically not affected by spiderweed and strawberry mites, powdery mildew, leaf spots, verticillus. It is very resistant to gray rot of fruits, winter-hardy, grows well and bears fruit in any conditions. Suitable for transportation over long distances. To date, one of the best early varieties.
Disadvantages. The variety is on the test, flaws have not yet been identified.

Description of the variety. Good old strawberry Dutch selection. Bushes are powerful, tall. The leaves are light green, very large, this is a characteristic feature of Lambada, the leaves are easy to recognize among other varieties. Mustaches are numerous, are formed very actively, they are cut off every 3 days. Fruits are large, cone-shaped, red. The pulp is thick, sweet and sour.
- berry weight 20-25 g;
- taste is excellent;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Suitable for transportation, resistant to fungal diseases, except powdery mildew. Ultra early, with warm spring flowering begins in the second decade of May, the berries appear in mid-June.
Disadvantages. It is affected by powdery mildew.
Medium grades
The average varieties of strawberries bloom in late May, fruits in late June.

Description. Bushes are powerful, erect, with a lot of outlets, the leaves are dark green. The first berries are very large (up to 30 g), the rest are smaller, regular, dull-conical, without a neck. The color varies from bright red to orange-red, the flesh is light red, dense, fragrant, sour-sweet. For cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth and Far Eastern regions.
- berry weight: first 27-30 g, the next 18-25 g;
- taste is good (4 points);
- content of substances: sugar 7.2%, acid 1.4%, vitamin C 69.8 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Strawberry drought and frost-resistant, high resistance to disease. Well transported for short distances.
Disadvantages. Winter hardiness is average. A very large difference in the size of the first and subsequent berries.

Description. The Soviet variety, which was again included in the register 17 years after the collapse of the USSR, which confirms its high quality. Strawberry is high, compact, actively forms a mustache, which have a pale red color. Whiskers grow so fast that they have to be cut off every 3 days for better fruiting. Fruits are very large, symmetrical, strongly elongated, without a neck, light red, with shine. One of the best Soviet varieties for the North-West region.
- yield 1.49 kg / m2 (250 g per bush);
- berry weight 20-25 g;
- the taste is excellent sweet and sour;
- pulp dense with aroma;
- content of substances: sugar 5.9%, acid 1.7%, ascorbic acid 44.5 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Strawberry tolerates winter thaws and is drought tolerant. Practically not affected by diseases, except gray rot, resistance to which is average. Berries are suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. It does not have heat resistance and is not suitable for cultivation in the southern areas.

Description. The newly revived Soviet strawberry variety Moscow Jubilee. Bushes are powerful, tall, leaves are light green. Mustache numerous. Fruiting fast, yield is highly dependent on climate and farming. Fruits are very large, the first reach 110 g folded (fan-shaped), mass collection - stupid, weighing 60-90 g. The berries are dark red, very juicy, dense, without an internal cavity. A characteristic feature of the variety is the accretion of several berries.
- yields are average, in hot sunny summer high;
- berry mass 70-90g;
- taste is excellent;
Benefits. Excellent strawberry harvest, resistant to diseases of the root system, very hardy and frost-resistant. Suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. Due to the large size of the fruit their number is reduced. The unevenness of the first berries, in raw summer is affected by gray rot.

Description of the variety. Bushes are average, with a dense dense head of foliage. The formation is average, the mustache is pinkish-green. The berries are tapered, red, shiny, without a neck. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet-sour. Designed for cultivation in the Central and Middle Volga regions
- yield of 1.16 kg / m2 (190 g per bush);
- berry weight 19 g;
- taste good (4);
- content of substances: sugar 7.1%, acid 0.8%, vitamin C 63.4 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. High resistance to everything that can threaten strawberries: rot, spotting, strawberry mite, nematode. High frost resistance and winter hardiness. Strawberry practically does not freeze. Suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. The taste is not very sweet, the berries have an insufficient sugar content.
Baby elephant

Baby elephant
Characteristic variety. The bushes are powerful, the whiskers form a little, they are pale pink in color. Fruits are large, ovate, without a neck, the lower end is usually split, dark red with a sheen. The flesh is red with aroma, sweet-sour taste. The first strawberry is large, the last one is small, unlined, asymmetrical. Recommended for cultivation in Western and Eastern Siberia.
- yield of 0.8 kg / m2 (190 g per bush);
- berry weight 20-23 g;
- taste good;
- content of substances: sugar 7.2%, acid 0.8%, vitamin C 88 mg /%;
Benefits. High winter hardiness.
Disadvantages. In rainy summer, strawberries are strongly affected by gray mold. Very picky about agricultural technology. With poor care gives small sour berries, the yield decreases.

Description. Bushes are high, spherical. The first strawberry is extremely large - up to 50 g, the last - 15 g. The fruits are round-ovate, with a uniform red color. The pulp is dense, sweet-sour, aromatic. The variety is tested in different regions of Russia.
- berry weight 30-35 g;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Sort-neubivayka. Resistant to diseases affecting strawberries, strawberry mite. Excellent winter hardiness and drought resistance. Well tolerated transportation.
Disadvantages. Not yet revealed.

Characteristic variety. Bushes average, semi-sprawling. Usesobrazovanie average. The first berries to 40 g, the last - 10 g, the correct form, dark red color. The flesh is dark red, dense, sweet and sour. The shape of the strawberry resembles a torpedo. For cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka region.
- yield 0.64 kg / m2 (190 g per bush);
- berry weight 20 g;
- taste is excellent (4,6);
- content of substances: sugar, 6.6%, acids 1.3%, vitamin C 65 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Suitable for transportation. Resistant to strawberry mite and freezing.
Disadvantages. Insufficient resistance to gray rot.

Description. Bushes are small, the cap is average foliage. The first fruits are very large - up to 50 g, mass collection of 22-30 g, without a neck, with a wide rounded base, the color is dark red, almost burgundy. The pulp is red sweet-sour, juicy, dense, with aroma. Suitable for cultivation in the Central region.
- yield of 1.15 kg / m2 (220 g per bush);
- berry weight 30 g;
- the taste is excellent (4.8);
- content of substances: sugar 9%, acid 0.9%, vitamin C 76 mg /%;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. High drought resistance and heat resistance. Good winter hardiness: without snow, it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C almost without damage. Suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. A very big difference in the size of the first and last berries.

Description. Dutch variety of strawberries, bred in the early 80s. Bushes of medium height, erect, form a sufficient number of whiskers. The mustache is thick. The first berries are large, mass collection - medium size, regular "strawberry" shape, without a neck, shiny. The flesh is dense, juicy, red, sweet-sour taste with aroma. Designed for cultivation in the Volga-Vyatka and North Caucasus regions.
- yield strongly depends on weather conditions, an average of 0.6 kg / m2;
- berry weight 13-17 g;
- the taste is excellent (4.7);
- content of substances: sugar 7.2%, acid 0.78%, ascorbic acid 75.3 mg /%;
- dessert destination.
Benefits. High winter hardiness, stable fruiting. Suitable for transportation, can be stored without spoiling, up to 3 days in room conditions.
Disadvantages. It is not resistant to drought, weather conditions significantly affect the yield.
Late strawberry varieties
In late varieties, fruiting occurs in mid-July.

Description. One of the best late varieties of domestic breeding for resistance to the complex of pests, diseases and adverse environmental factors. Suitable for those who make a lot of compotes from strawberries, jam, jam, etc. Shrubs medium, with dense foliage. Mustache thick, pinkish-green. The berries are the correct form, red, shiny, without a neck. Pulp is dense, sweet-sour, juicy with aroma.
- berry weight 15 g;
- taste is satisfactory (3.8);
- content of substances: sugar 5.9%, acid 1%, ascorbic acid 75 mg /%;
- technical appointment (for processing).
Benefits. Absolutely resistant to anything that can threaten strawberries. Suitable for long distance transport. The best grade for processing.
Disadvantages. Mediocre taste of the berries., They are not very large.

Description. Shrubs average with a very thick foliage. A lot of whiskers are pale red in color. The first berries are large (25 g), mass collection - 14-16 g. The form is blunt, the color is orange-red, which makes them seem immature, without a neck, with a shine. The pulp is red, juicy with aroma, dense.
- berry weight 14.1 g;
- sweet-sour taste (4,5);
- content of substances: sugar 5.7%, acid 0.8%, ascorbic acid 79 mg /%;
- appointment table.
Benefits. High heat resistance and drought resistance. Good winter hardiness. Practically not affected by diseases and pests. One of the best grades on the content of vitamin C. It refers to the non-killing varieties.

Description. Canadian very late variety of strawberries. The first berries are large (28-30 g), red, glossy, well leveled. The flesh is friable, juicy, sweet-sour, with a pleasant strawberry flavor, dark red. A distinctive feature of the variety is the superficial arrangement of the seed.
- berry weight 20 g;
- taste is excellent;
- dessert destination.
Benefits. Strawberry is large, undemanding to agricultural technology. High taste. Resistant to gray rot.
Disadvantages. It is strongly affected by powdery mildew, sometimes even berries are affected.

Description. A new high-yielding variety of Belgian selection. Bushes are strong, compact, with dark green leaves. The formation of the average. Sockets are strong, powerful. Fruits are large, bright red, rounded-ovoid, glossy, well aligned. The flesh is juicy, sweet and sour.
- taste is excellent;
- dessert destination.
Benefits. Strawberries can grow on heavy clay soils, resistant to adverse factors, diseases, unpretentious and undemanding to care. Suitable for transportation.
Disadvantages. In our conditions, it is not winter-hardy and frost-resistant, although not very cold winters with a small amount of thaws tolerate well.

Description. The variety was bred in Czechoslovakia. Medium late. Bushes are powerful, tall, with thick dark green foliage. The first fruits are large - 35-40 g, the berries of the mass collection are smaller (15-20 g). The flesh is dark red, juicy, dense. The taste is sweet and sour. Gives stable yields.
- berry weight 15-17 g;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. Good quality berries in the period when the main strawberry varieties have already moved.
Disadvantages. Insufficient winter hardiness and drought resistance. In the spring of a lot of attacks.

Description. Pretty old English variety. Bushes are compact, with dense foliage, stand out on the plantation with their light green color. The formation of temperate, in hot weather gives little mustache. The berries are dark red, when fully ripe, become dark cherry color. The flesh is dark red, sweet and sour, juicy. The first fruits are flattened, weighing up to 40 g. The berries of mass collection are rounded.
- berry weight 25-30 g;
- dessert taste;
Benefits. The best taste of berries from all later varieties. Strawberry is large. Resistant to powdery mildew. Flowers are not affected by spring frosts.
Disadvantages. Low winter hardiness, affected by gray rot and spots. In the winter the bushes are covered.

Description. Dutch variety of strawberries, characterized by very long fruiting - 4-6 weeks. Berries end only by the end of July. By the end of fruiting, the grinding of the berries is insignificant. Strawberry is medium in size, with a neck, dark red, looks very attractive as from the picture. The flesh is juicy, sweet-sour intense-red, dense, with aroma. In the dry summer requires abundant watering.
- berry weight 19 g;
- taste is excellent;
- purpose universal.
Benefits. The best strawberry in its taste. Resistant to powdery mildew, tolerates rainy summer and an overabundance of moisture in the soil.
Disadvantages. Not enough hardy, unstable to gray rot.
All modern varieties of strawberries have a number of advantages that come to light with proper care. If you imagine how much work, time, effort was spent to develop a new variety, then you stop scolding varieties for imaginary or actual shortcomings.