Strawberry beds

Site preparation for garden strawberries
Not everyone knows how to make the beds out of the ground and the improvised means. In preparing the beds for strawberries, the following aspects are taken into account:
- depth of groundwater;
- side of the world;
- the presence of shading objects (trees, bushes, fence);
- soil acidity;
- kind of soil.
Digging a bed under the strawberries, you need to keep in mind the fact that the plant does not like excess moisture. If groundwater is located close to the surface, it is necessary to make a bed under the strawberries higher. Good fit-pyramid. The soil should be loamy, sandy or contain a sufficient amount of humus. A better soil with a neutral pH.

When choosing beds for strawberries, it is important that before they grew. It is inappropriate to use the land on which tomatoes, eggplants and cucumbers grew in past years. It is recommended to plant strawberries in the beds where greens used to grow (salads, peas, beans).
In such areas, the soil is more suitable for berries. The bed for strawberries must be located from west to east. Such an arrangement will provide sufficient intake of sunlight. Strawberry is a light-loving plant.

Ways to decorate the site for strawberries
Strawberry beds are high and low, fenced and solid, horizontal and vertical. These structures are vertical. They can be made from the following materials:
- bags;
- stands with pockets;
- car tires;
- wood;
- plastic or metal pipes.
Growing strawberries in high beds is becoming more common. This is due to the following factors:
- ease of care for plants;
- aesthetics;
- space saving;
- economical irrigation.
When using beds made of scrap materials (barrels, tires), the useful area of the land plot is preserved, since such structures are located mainly above the ground. This facilitates care (weeding, watering, loosening, cutting off the whiskers). The strawberry pyramid allows you to increase the yield of berries.

Few know how to make beds for strawberries from tires. This will require a sufficient amount of tires, soil and fertilizer. For the arrangement of high beds for strawberries need to fill the tires with earth, pre-mixed with humus or other fertilizer (droppings, nitrophoska). Earth plentifully watered. 1 bus should be located up to 5 plants. If the tires are of different sizes, they can be stacked on top of each other. The diameter of the tires from the bottom up should decrease. Holes for strawberries make around.
Some gardeners make flowerbeds hinged in the form of bags filled with earth. Sacks of cereals, flour, or sugar are suitable for making them. Bags must be durable. Bags are hung on the wall or fence from the sunny side. Watering strawberries should be on top. In the bags must be made horizontal slots.
Widely used high beds for strawberries in the form of pyramids made of wood. The strawberry pyramid requires certain skills from the host. The box is made, which is then filled with earth. Inside it is installed a box of smaller diameter. Formed a pyramid consisting of several tiers. Garden strawberries are planted around the perimeter.

Arrangement of a classical horizontal ridge
Not everyone has an idea of how to make a ridge for garden strawberries. Initially, carefully dig the ground. Digging is necessary to a depth equal to the height of the spade bayonet. The following rules must be followed:
- its width should be from 40 to 80 cm;
- furrows should be 30-40 cm wide;
- furrow depth not less than 20 cm;
- ridge height 20-40 cm.
For convenience, you need to make a fence of boards around the perimeter.
Asbestos cement sheets are often used instead of boards. Some gardeners arrange passages made of brick or tile. The presence of such paths is a measure of protection against the spread of disease between crops.
When planting plants must observe an interval. It is at least 40 cm. Once every 3-4 years the location of the strawberry bed needs to be changed. Widespread beds under the film. The difference lies in the fact that a dark, dense film is laid on top. The material is cut in the shape of large rectangles. Their size is the same as the beds. Sheets stacked overlapped and sprinkled with earth.
For planting, cuts are made of a length of 15 cm in accordance with the location of the seedlings. Strawberries are planted in holes dug in cuts. Such beds have several advantages. First, they do not need to weed. Secondly, loosening of the soil is not required. Thirdly, water accumulates under the cover. The disadvantages include the possibility of drying strawberries in hot weather, as the film and the ground beneath it heat up well.

Proper planting strawberries (video)
How to care for ridges
The presence of several low or high beds for strawberries requires the owner of the land to regularly care for them. In summer, during the growth of plants it is required to water them regularly Watering is organized with the help of a watering can, a hose or a sprayer. On hot days, irrigate the beds 2-3 times a week. It is recommended to do this in the evening, as the water evaporates quickly during the day.

On cooler days, the frequency of watering is less. For irrigation, warm, cleared water is used. If you have your own well, water must first be settled in the barrel. Beds need to periodically loosen. Loosening improves oxygen supply and strengthens the root system. Be sure to clean the beds from weeds and pests.
In the springtime, mulching and enrichment of the earth with organic and mineral substances are necessarily carried out. Complex mineral fertilizers, mullein solution, ammonium sulfate are used. Fertilizers are best purchased in specialized stores. Liquid fertilizer can be dissolved in water and irrigate her beds. Fertilizers in the form of granules can be laid on top of the beds.
It is simpler to care for high (vertical) ridges, because you don’t need to bend over much. Every autumn, the beds need to be cleaned of whiskers and old foliage. At cultivation of strawberry new beds are planted with young whiskers. Thus, the beds for garden strawberries need to be prepared in advance (even before planting). Preparation includes soil cleaning, digging, fertilizer. With fertile land and constant care all summer from June to September you can pick juicy and ripe berries.
Planting strawberries in non-woven material (video)
Gallery: beds for strawberries (15 photos)