Stoves for bath termofor

Tips and ideas

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

Termofor sauna stoves are highly demanded by consumers, because these devices are of very high quality, while at the same time reasonable prices are set for them. Such devices are universal: they can be used both in Finnish saunas and in Russian baths.

Furnaces from the Novosibirsk company provide the optimum combination of temperature and humidity in the room. This article discusses the distinctive features of models Termofor, especially the choice and installation of such stoves.

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


Termofor company specializes in the creation of furnaces for many years, and during this time it has effectively improved production technology. The models offered by this manufacturer differ in design features, size, power, but at the same time each stove is able to heat the room to the optimum temperature in the shortest possible time.

Such devices can operate in extreme conditions. They are ideal for use in the Russian climate, especially in winter frosts.

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

Advantages and disadvantages

Termofor ovens have both advantages and disadvantages, just like with any heating equipment. All models differ in certain technical characteristics, features, but there are aspects in which products from this manufacturer can be considered in general.

Termofor stoves have the following advantages:

  • compactness, if we compare devices from this manufacturer with Russian counterparts. The company is focused on active development, and one of its main areas is reducing the size of heating devices;
  • very significant efficiency. By this indicator, Termofor products can be compared with foreign counterparts;
  • aesthetics All stoves look very good and fit perfectly in a variety of interiors. Some models are attracted primarily by their stylish appearance;
  • the ability to use a variety of solid fuels.
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

A sauna stove may look like a real fireplace with a large glass, allowing you to admire the flame from the relaxation room. The manufacturer offers a device with a closed and open heater. When creating heating devices used heat-resistant steel, characterized by high strength. Such products do not lose their properties over time, rust does not appear on them. The steam is healthy, pleasant, because the air is not burned in the steam room..

As for the shortcomings of the product, the cost of devices designed to heat large baths, may seem rather high. However, if we compare prices for similar products from foreign manufacturers, it can be noted that the cost of Termofor ovens is still more profitable.

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

Varieties and popular models

Termofor woodburning stoves are very popular. The manufacturer offers the following models of such devices:

  • Hekla;
  • "Variata";
  • "Sayan";
  • Vitruvia;
  • Karasuk;
  • "Wasp";
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
  • "Viburnum";
  • "Tunguska";
  • "Biryusa";
  • "Angara";
  • "Geyser";
  • "Skoroparka";
  • "Aurora".

The company also offers gas models: Taimyr, Urengoy. Such furnaces are suitable for country areas, which held the gas. Products from the manufacturer Termofor differ in characteristics, design. Some models have gained more popularity than all the others.

Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


The steam from such a device is dry and light. Moisture passes through a special dispenser and turns out to be in a closed heater, which the flame has well warmed from all sides. Water boils, after which steam appears. There is pressure, and he finds himself in an additional stove, passing there through a hot pipe at a considerable speed. This heater is also very hot.

The temperature in the room becomes soft, moderate, as in a real Russian bath. When the device works, there are peculiar sounds that caused the furnace to be called “Geyser”.

    Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


    The stove is not only efficient, reliable, but also very stylish. In this device, the stones are located outside, unlike conventional furnaces, where they are inside.

    The stove can be further decorated with decorative stones.: so the oven will look even more aesthetic, interesting. However, this model is not suitable for those who are accustomed to prepare the stove to work for an hour. The stones will warm up longer, but they also give healing, soft warmth for a very long time.

    Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
    Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


    These stoves are very well suited for spacious, large rooms. Such a device can be installed in the rest room: the process of contemplating the fire will delight no less than the process of rest in the steam room.

    Some people think about whether the flame will overheat the walls, because it heats the surface, because it is not covered with stones. However, nothing terrible will happen.

    Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
    Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

    Particularly very worried furnace owners can use one technique, popular with experienced bath attendants.

    Should take basalt cardboard. Focusing on the size of the heater, which is inside, cut a circle out of it. This cardboard element will need to be fixed on the wall of the stove. So you can close the cylinder of the heater from the ends, as a result of which its cooling will slow down and not have to continuously drown.

      Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
      Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
      Basalt cardboard


      In the new models, the heaters are closed. The stones are heated by the new technology, so they can warm up to +600 degrees. The peculiarity of the Angara devices is thermal equal strength. Elements that are particularly exposed to thermal and mechanical stress are thicker than all others.

        In such stoves, the water is heated immediately from the flame, and not through the wall of the device. Thereby fluid gets hot in no time. It is only necessary to take into account all safety rules when installing such a model.

        In the new "Angara" there is no need to ventilate the heater. It is located in the central part, and the flame reaches it from all sides. Stones are heated with high quality and as fast as possible.

        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


        Such a wood-burning stove can be called a classic. This device was created in 2001, and it is still the sales leader. This model was modernized and refined many times, which made it possible to make such furnaces as high-quality and efficient as possible.

        The following most important changes that have occurred with the Tunguska devices can be distinguished:

        • air convection flow is now much better, it moves freely along the upper perimeter of the device;
        • due to the constant convection in the room creates a large amount of light steam and dry air;
        • manufacturers better protected the outer casing from the furnace part.
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

        However, experienced bath attendants claim that it is because of the constant convection that the whole atmosphere characteristic of Russian baths is ruined. The temperature in the room is constantly rising, and the air becomes drier. The steam room can dry out and overheated screen.

        To avoid problems with the Tunguska stove, it is worth equipping the chimney with an economizer and lining with stone. Compliance with these rules will prevent the occurrence of fire.

        How to choose?

        When choosing a suitable device, you need to consider several important factors:

        • The place where the stove will be installed. The manufacturer offers devices for installation in adjacent or steam rooms.
        • Material from which the body of the stove is created. Heat-resistant steel is more resistant to long-term and significant temperature effects. Structural steel is less reliable and durable. Products from such material require very careful use, but they are cheaper.
        • Presence of glass. It allows you to admire the fire, control the burning.
        • Existence of the built-in heat exchanger, allowing to heat water. Thanks to this element, one can save on electronic carriers and use the received energy as efficiently as possible.
        • Place where pipe outlet is located. It can be located offset to the fire door or in the center.
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


        Before installing the Termofor oven, you should carefully read the installation instructions. It is advisable to take into account all the recommendations to it, because heating devices are potential sources of danger. Incorrectly installing the stove, you can burn yourself or even make a fire.

        First of all, decide whether a foundation is necessary for a specific device. If a brick screen will not be made around the furnace, it is not necessary to create a foundation. It will be possible to lay a sheet of steel on the floor. In size it should be larger than the heating device.

        It is better to use galvanized metal, and ideally - stainless steel. It is recommended to lay brick (1-2 rows), ceramic tile materials under the metal sheet. From the stove, the floor will not heat up as much as the walls, but protection should still be provided.

        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

        Installing a device with a portable firebox a little more difficult. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to leave an elongated firebox in the log wall without first providing additional thermal insulation.. The distance between the ceiling and the top of the chimney should not be less than 50 cm. It is necessary to isolate the surface using a material characterized by increased resistance to high temperatures. In this way, large amounts of condensation can be prevented.

        If the stove suddenly starts to smoke, it will be necessary to check whether other stoves, heating devices are connected to the chimney, as it is insulated. You should also see where the top point of the pipe.

        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

        How to drown?

        If you intend to operate the device, you will need to make sure that it is properly installed and connected. Using the Termofor oven for the first time is better with an open steam room.. This will allow you to quickly get rid of the smell from fresh engine oil. It is used to lubricate the elements of the stove. The heater must be empty, the water tank and the firebox must be full.

        Having finished using the stove, it is necessary to allow it to cool completely, remove the burned wood from the firebox, and from the tank - liquid. The room will need to be thoroughly ventilated. Then place the stones in the stove, and after that the device will be ready for use.

        The oven should be used exclusively for its intended purpose. It is impossible to dry with the help of such a device any things, it can lead to a fire.

        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
        Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features


            On the Internet, there are both positive and negative reviews about Termofor stoves. Some owners are unhappy that devices of structural steel quickly burn through. Many prefer stoves made of stainless steel, which are more durable.

            In some cases, consumers note that the draft significantly deteriorates if there are horizontal sections of more than 1 m in the chimney. Sometimes owners of Termofor stoves do not recommend choosing devices that have a hot water tank. The liquid can boil, because its temperature is quite difficult to control.

            Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features
            Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

            However, many owners of Termofor ovens believe that such devices are very high quality. Consumers say that models from this manufacturer provide a very soft and pleasant steam indoors. Many are attracted by the interesting design of heating equipment.

            Termofor sauna stoves: distinctive features

            Review and characteristics of the furnace "Termofor" see below.