Soil fertility

Types of fertility
Soil fertility can be 4 types:
Artificial soil fertility is created by human intervention. Land reclamation, fertilizer use and other methods contribute to giving the soil characteristics suitable for the rapid cultivation of crops.

Moreover, such fertility is associated with the natural. The soil initially possesses certain characteristics of a natural character, but due to human intervention it changes its composition somewhat.

Potential fertility is the ability of the soil for a long time to provide the plants with everything they need to live. So, chernozem soils will have significant potential fertility, and podzolic soils will have the lowest.
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Formed without human intervention. Basically it is inherent in virgin soils and is calculated based on the number of plant mass, which is created on any area during the year.

It is a combination of artificial and natural fertility, measured by yield. Simply put, this is what happens when embodying potential fertility. The role played by many nuances - the weather, the choice of crops, processing technology, care of plants and much more.

Fertility assessment
Have you ever wondered why soil fertility depends? In fact, the amount of humus that is in it. The more humus, the more fertile the soil. It is he who makes the soil loose, able to absorb moisture well and have excellent air permeability. Humus is obtained as a result of the activity of microorganisms that combine soil particles with organic substances, and as a result lumps are formed. It turns out that there are rich, medium or poor humus soils.
Evaluation of soil fertility is based on what plants grow on it. As a rule, clean soils are not found, for the most part they are mixed.

For poor soil is characterized by the presence of such plants as:
- cranberries;
- plowed clover;
- small sorrel;
- blueberries

Average soils:
- buttercup anemone;
- the bedstraw is real;
- marsh marigold;
- clover medium.
Rich soils:
- nettle;
- raspberries;
- hop;
- spiraea.
Soil fertility restoration (video)
Fertility restoration
Improving the fertility of the soil - the actual question due to the fact that often gardeners themselves make the soil poor. How? Collect residues in the form of leaves, which could become a good organic fertilizer, and burn them.
Moreover, then there is a "persecution" of the soil by chemicals in the form of various non-natural fertilizers.

To restore fertility in the following ways:
You may be interested in an article about cultivators and motoblocks.
The main methods of improving soil fertility
Restoration of soil fertility is an important issue, since as fertility decreases, plants not only do not grow as they would like, but also undergo the appearance of various diseases.

So, how to improve soil fertility?
Soil fertility is the main factor influencing the growth and development of plants. If the soil does not provide enough nutrients, there will be no good harvest! There are various types of soil fertility enhancements: the use of worms, microorganisms, mixed plantings, the application of organic fertilizers. But before you start decisive action, it is necessary to estimate how much humus the soil contains.