Sofa in the interior - 150 photos of stylish solutions for

Tips and ideas

No living space can do without a sofa, it is a desired piece of furniture in a solid office, a country house. Several centuries ago, the presence of a sofa elevated the owners in the eyes of others, spoke of their wealth and sophisticated taste. But times have changed.

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And now anyone can buy a sofa, depending on the purpose and price of this item. He is now - not an indicator of luxury, but an object of interior, bringing comfort and coziness to the room.

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Types of sofas

Before buying, you should answer the question: for what purpose do I need a sofa, and what type will it be? Modern sofa can be modular and stationary.

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Modular sofas are usually made non-standard width seats. They can be placed in a room in different ways depending on the application.

In turn, these sofas are divided into sectional and loose. Sectional - this is when you choose the upholstery material in the salon, the color, the blocks of the armrests, the backrest, the seats and, if you wish, you can fulfill an order at the factory.

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Alter the assembly then you can not. But in loose modular sofas, you can independently change the shape or add-remove section.

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Stationary sofas are sofa beds in bedrooms or folding beds in living rooms. The latter are very quickly transformed by such mechanisms: eurobook, dolphin or accordion.

Selection by room size

How to choose a sofa for a large room? It's very simple, because any sofa will suit here, and even with additional functions: a shelf for books, a table, a mini-bar.

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A large area can allow you to install even two such sofas. You can put them with the letter "G", opposite each other or, conversely, back to the back. Note! Small computer table - 100 photos in the interior (New models!)

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But for a small room to choose a sofa should be thoughtful.

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For a rectangular, not narrow room, it is better to place a sofa near a short wall. It is desirable to use the sofa model “book” or “eurobook”, “telescope” or “accordion”.

For a square room, a corner sofa is perfect for decorating your interior during the daytime, and at night, when laid out, will serve as a sleeping place.

It fits well in a small room and a French folding bed.

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Sofa styles

A sofa, like any other piece of furniture, must be in harmony according to your chosen style of room. How to choose a stylish sofa?

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If you are close to the classic style, then the sofa is quite easy to pick up. This piece of furniture stands out for its reliability, as it is made from natural wood: cherry, oak, beech, yew and is upholstered in leather or natural fabric.

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The classical sofa has proportional forms, looks gracefully and beautifully. This style is suitable for people who live a measured life, restrained and not running after fashion.

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The baroque sofa will delight the eye with its luxury, pretentiousness, high cost. The back in this sofa will be high, curved, the legs are decorated with beautiful carving, narrowed down.

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The fabric on the sofa is used expensive, bright colors, there is a fringe. And the tree is covered with expensive varnish, silver or gilding.

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A sofa in the Empire style can be chosen by a person from a theatrical environment who loves brilliance, brightness, expressiveness. An ordinary person quickly gets tired of such luxury and an excess of pathos.

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The high-tech sofa will attract ultramodern people who do not pursue luxury, but love minimalism in things, brightness, clarity and severity of furnishings.

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New sofas will delight in modern style. Here, the sofa will delight smooth curves, upholstered naturalness felt, romance, the picture is made in floral variations. Modern sofa harmoniously fit into the environment with beautiful indoor flowers.

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Seeing the favorite photo of the sofa in the interior on the Internet or in the catalog, hurry to bring it into your real life and enjoy the comfort and coziness of the furniture you have created!

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Photos of modern sofas

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180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos

180-sofa in the interior - 150 photos