Smart beds in the country with their own hands

Tips and ideas

136-Smart beds in the country by their
For many gardeners still remains a mystery, what is a smart bed. Many have noticed that the most powerful and beautiful plants grow on compost heaps. But not everyone thought about how to properly apply in practice such a phenomenon in order to increase the yield in his garden. Stubbornly continuing to plant seeds in the ordinary land, summer residents are depriving themselves of the possibility of many times simplifying the process of growing and improving the quality of the crop.

How to make the beds yourself? A smart bed is a competent approach to the process of growing garden crops. This method of agricultural engineering combines the principles of organic farming and the ability to give its site an aesthetically attractive appearance. As a result, you can get an amazing result - a high yield of organic vegetables on a small plot of land.

136-Smart beds in the country by their

Advantages of arrangement of smart beds:

  • Allow with the maximum benefit to use small areas of the summer cottage.
  • They help to organize the garden space correctly. Smart beds can be made from tires, polycarbonate, boards and other material. You can bring to the cottage remnants of tile, slate, etc.
  • Such beds in the garden retain and increase the fertile properties of the soil. Thanks to the mulch, weeds practically do not grow. Mulch soil retains heat and moisture as much as possible. It actively reproduces beneficial microorganisms, which significantly improves the quality of the soil and its fertile properties.
  • The process of caring for garden and garden crops is greatly simplified. The crop is increased at least 2 times.
  • How to make smart beds in the country

    There are several types of smart beds in the country, they differ in the way they are organized:

    • high constructions;
    • in-depth;
    • french beds.

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    Many people are able to equip high beds in the country with their own hands. This method of growing vegetables provides the most maximum result without digging. The soil is disturbed only during planting and harvesting. In the rest of the period, she is in complete peace. Soil enrichment with useful microelements occurs only by adding organic substances, and the weeding process is replaced by mulching.

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    High beds are arranged by laying layers of compost and mulch on the ground. Decomposing, organics feeds plants with moisture and nutrients. As a result, ideal conditions are created for beneficial microorganisms and earthworms. High bulk beds are also called puff, as they are made up of several layers of organic matter.

    How to equip high beds in the garden? The technology is available for every summer resident:

  • It is necessary to pick up a plot of land for vegetable plantings. It should be illuminated by the sun at least 6 hours a day. Well-groomed soil in this case does not matter. High bed can be located on the trampled soil, weedy soil on the lawn.
  • It is required to thoroughly clean the area from debris and perennial rhizomatous weeds. Grass and annual weeds can not be removed, they will serve as good organic matter in the future.
  • Pick up the convenient size of beds. For marking you can use wooden or plastic boards, boards, bricks. The width of the beds varies as desired, and the height must be at least 25 cm.
  • Next, the queue for laying organics. The first is a layer of coarse waterproof material (chopped branches, tree bark, shavings, fallen leaves). Then you need to lay organic fertilizer. They can be garden compost or rotten manure. The procedure of laying layers is repeated 2-3 times, they can not be mixed. At the very top lay 10 cm of garden soil.
  • Water the resulting "puff cake" with water and leave for a few days. If in the subsequent period planting is not planned, cover the construction with black polyethylene or other garden material. This will provide the best heating of all layers.
  • It is better to plant young plants without removing the covering material. It will limit the growth of weeds. Before planting, they spill a bed of water, make small holes at the required distance.
  • In-depth smart beds: technology arrangement

    If in the garden plot the groundwater flows deeply, there is no danger of flooding the compost box, the procedure for creating the structure can be simplified by deepening it into the ground. The advantage of the in-depth design is that you can equip it directly in the virgin soil, without thinking about the development of the soil and other agricultural difficulties.

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    How best to make in-depth regular beds in the garden, so that they are comfortable and roomy? If the place is chosen, then you need to dig a hole, the width of which is about 50 cm, depth - the spade bayonet. The length completely depends on personal preferences and possibilities. The bottom of the trench is covered with manure, finished compost is laid over (layer height not less than 7 cm). After planting, the soil must be mulched to eliminate active weed growth.

    Care of such beds is the timely watering and cleaning of grass from the aisle.

    French beds for skilled summer residents

    French beds also belong to the category of "smart", they have the correct geometric shape and are arranged in strict symmetry. As a rule, the following forms of beds are found:

    • a rectangle divided by paths into squares;
    • circle divided into sections.

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    How to arrange the French beds yourself? All plants are planted in clear lines. In the process of landing, the basic requirements of the color scheme and floristics are observed. French beds are always framed by elegant borders of metal, wood or stone. Rules of arrangement will be as follows:

  • Carefully think over the shape of the future garden. Fences are made of stone, boards or polycarbonate.
  • Pick up a variant of arrangement of the French beds. There are raised beds above the soil level and arranged on a par with the ground. Raised designs are much easier to maintain and much prettier in appearance.
  • Improve the composition of the soil. In order to better oxygen to get to the roots of plants, dilute the composition of the soil with sand (about 1/3 of the total).
  • Selection and planting of plants depends on the personal preferences of the gardener. In order not to violate the special harmony of the French beds, pick up plants of the same height, flowering period, fruiting.
  • Hill slopes and tire constructions

    Do not be upset if the plot is located on a hillside. In such areas, you can also successfully arrange smart beds. The question of what and how to make the rows on the slope is the proper selection of space. The best option for smart beds on the slope - arrangement across the slope. The length is chosen at will, and the width should not exceed 50 cm. The edges of each construction are supported by rollers from the ground with a height of 10 cm. To fix the earthen ramparts, perennial grasses are planted on them. The beds on the slope must be made with polycarbonate formwork, for this purpose wooden boards or slate are used.

    Watering the beds on the slope also has its own specifics: a barrel of water is installed on the edge of the garden, from which drip pipes lead to the beds. This method will help to ensure high-quality watering with a minimum of water consumption. The plants should be placed on the bed in such a way that each crop would receive full sunlight throughout the day.

    136-Smart beds in the country by their

    How to build the correct beds using tires? You can view photos online. If the beds of tires are located in 1 tier, the tires are cut in half and use the halves as limiters. Previously, they can be painted in any color, giving the garden an aesthetically appealing look.

    When setting up many-tier smart beds in a tire garden, they adhere to the following technology:

    • holes are cut in the side;
    • the tire is stuffed with layers of earth and fertilizer;
    • install tires in the form of a pyramid;
    • it is not necessary to do in the upper tire of the holes.

    Now you know how to make the beds. Options for arranging a comfortable garden a lot. If desired, you can cope with the work over the weekend. Spending quite a bit of time, you can get a decent harvest without unnecessary trouble.

    Smart bed (video)

    Gallery: smart beds (15 photos)

    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their
    136-Smart beds in the country by their