Roses in the greenhouse

Tips and ideas

199-roses in the greenhouse
How to grow roses? The beauty and fragrance of roses has long been the subject of worship. Today, everyone can grow a rose bush and it can be done either in a greenhouse or in an open field. Knowing the simple rules of how to grow roses in a home garden and vegetable garden, you can enjoy their superb views and scent several times in a season.

Selection of seedlings

The key to successful cultivation is hidden in the correct choice of planting material. It is preferable to choose plants with a closed root system, such seedlings easily take root anywhere and are less likely to undergo diseases. Cultivation and care depend on the variety. The difference lies only in some nuances, basically the same landing pattern.

Saplings can be bought on a specialized gardening market, but you can buy in a regular supermarket, where they sell foreign varieties.

199-roses in the greenhouse

As a rule, sales begin in advance, this is due to the early availability of the material. Such sprouts need to be bought and placed in a fridge in a freshness zone, where they remain at a temperature slightly above 0 degrees until the planting period. Caring for roses in the fridge is to maintain the state of the substrate. It can not be too moisturized and allow it to dry out. You can add a solution of root, to stimulate the growth of roots, but it is better to do it once.

Choosing how to grow roses in a greenhouse or in the open field, it is better to focus on the recommendations when selling or on information about the variety. Frost-resistant types of roses take root in different climates, and early varieties will delight with their beauty in June.

The spring time at the end of April, when the earth warms up quite well, is well suited for planting roses. Mostly many types of roses should be planted in October. When planting roses in autumn, they are guided by the period when the temperature drops and will not allow the seedling to give young shoots that cannot survive the winter. It is important to choose the right time for planting, so that the future rose bush will not freeze.

199-roses in the greenhouse

When growing roses in greenhouse conditions, it must be remembered that the greenhouse for roses should be installed on the sunny side and easy to open for ventilation. The shadow is harmful to the flower, because of a lack of light, the flowering ends and the leaves darken, blind shoots appear.

Good airing is a guarantee of the health of flowers. Greenhouses for tomatoes are suitable as a location; you can plant several bushes in them. However, they will not please the gardener, as they will be hidden from view. It is possible to grow roses in the greenhouse both independently and together with other plants, as they are undemanding to the soil and the neighborhood. Only clay and sandy soil is not suitable for it. It is also necessary to avoid the proximity of groundwater, so that the plant does not rot.

199-roses in the greenhouse

How to plant seedlings in the greenhouse

Growing roses in a greenhouse from the prepared material should be started with extracting the shoots. Buying seedlings, you most likely get a plastic container with semi-dry peat and young shoots. After purchase, it should be immediately transplanted into a pot of soddy earth. Keep it moist but not wet. For early planting suitable root-own types of roses. From them you can expect about a hundred colors per square meter. You need to prepare a greenhouse and wipe it with a disinfectant solution.

For planting you need to make a deep hole, it should be a little over half a meter, then fill it with nutrient composition to enrich the soil. It is necessary to focus on the natural composition of the land, with which you have to work. The depth must also be adjusted according to the condition of the soil. Clay soil is better to dig deep. It is necessary to take fertilizer, humus and enriched soil. It is important that the roots of the seedlings do not touch the clean fertilizers, so they must be separated with a layer of natural earth.

The technology of growing roses does not involve the removal of the substrate in which the seedling has grown, so it must be partially left at the time of transplantation.

The prepared hole should be soaked with water, wait until it is absorbed. For planting roses spend processing, remove small shoots. Polyantha and tea rose leave 2-3 buds, and floribund can leave 3-4 buds. You need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of cultivating a variety.

199-roses in the greenhouse

Ready seedling need to fill the ground in such a way that the site of grafting kept five centimeters in the ground. If the purchased sample has wax protection, it must be removed. Fresh ground should be compacted and shed water. This is done in order to eliminate air bubbles to better grip the roots and the ground. To seedling sat well, you can spud the earth around a little.

Roses are planted in the greenhouse at the rate of 10 pieces per square meter. Do not sculpt them close to each other, as this will affect the condition of the plants. To grow roses in the greenhouse, it is desirable to pre-fertilize the soil with humus and peat with superphosphate. Saplings are planted in loose soil, but not deep, they will sit down. If you lower it too low, the plants will quickly take root and will bloom badly. It is important to observe the height, it comes with experience, high shoots will wither, in-depth will fall ill.

Greenhouse conditions create fluctuations in humidity and heat, so you should prepare for the fact that the shoots will appear unevenly.

How to grow a rose from a cut flower (video)

Methods of growing roses in greenhouses

The agrotechnology of roses is improved, experts master fast and effective techniques. Growing roses in hydroponics allows you to control all conditions of growth, this technology is used in industry. This method grows flowers for sale, under the cut. Gardeners learn from the experience of giants and try to grow their flowers using mineral materials, pumice and perlite.

199-roses in the greenhouse

It is advisable to install a system of drip irrigation and artificial lighting in the greenhouse in order to observe the conditions favorable for roses. Such efforts should be made if there is a desire to grow a large number of flowers for sale. Roses appear in the greenhouse quickly, they give dense beautiful flowers.

Greenhouse flower specimens require special treatment. It is important to monitor the microclimate created indoors. Humidity should be at 70%. For the period of flowering in the greenhouse should be hotter, and when beautiful buds bloom, it should be underestimated. You can adjust the microclimate by opening the vents or even using a fan. A large amount of sunlight is harmful to roses, so you need to figure out how to block them from the sun.

Every day fresh air should circulate in the greenhouse - it is impossible to soar flowers, as in a bath.

You should closely monitor the parasites that infect delicate roses. There are many of them, with many you can fight with special means. In winter, the roses are cut almost to the root. For the roots of rose bushes, oxygen is important, no need to overly tamp the soil around the plants, and you should not walk around them.

In the greenhouse you need to separate a special walking path so that it does not come into contact with the bushes. After working with plants you need to loosen the soil so that it is not dense. After watering the land is also desirable to easily loosen the rake.

During the spring period, the roses should be approached with a pruner, removing shoots that have frozen in winter or become sick. Even if you have to cut off most of the bush, you need to get rid of the bad parts so that they do not carry the disease to healthy shoots and do not take nutrients.

Black Rose

Some varieties especially attract amateur gardeners. To grow a black rose almost everyone dreams. But the black flower of nature grows only from one variety of Turkish roses. This is Black Rose, and it grows only in a certain climate. But if you become puzzled by a chemical experiment, you can learn how to grow a black rose in your garden.

199-roses in the greenhouse

You can use this technique:

  • It is necessary to take any variety, plant it as usual in open ground or in the greenhouse, and during the irrigation apply a special solution.
  • Black food natural dye diluted in garden watering can. For starters, you can take 2 tsp. dye for 10 glasses of water (you need to start from the size of the bush). One bush enough 1 tsp. on 5 glasses of water.
  • Water the flowers as usual, replacing pure water with a solution with a dye. Do not use other types of coloring matter, as they will destroy the plant. After a month you will see the results of root irrigation. The buds will acquire a dark shade, and then the buds.
  • Continue to water the flowers until the desired effect is achieved.

By the same principle, you can get bright purple roses, blue and even green. But this is more likely to be self-indulgence, because nature has already chosen the best colors for all types of flowers, numerous varieties of spray roses strike with delicate delicate shades.

Growing roses in the open field (video)

Gallery: roses in the greenhouse (15 photos)

199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in a greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse
199-roses in the greenhouse