Portulaca flowers

Tips and ideas

226-Portulaca Flowers
Portulaca flowers are quite common in our country. The name of the plant is associated with the typical opening of the seed box. The purslane looks like a carpet that spreads out on the surface of the earth, creating a carpet of picturesque, colorful flowers.

This is a low plant. It has wide stems, a sheet of cylindrical or uniform configuration. The portulak flower is solitary or clustered with a bundle; it can also be apical or axillary. The colors of flowers are white, yellow, dark red. Begins to bloom in May, ends in October.

Interesting fact: the bloom of each flower does not exceed one day, in the evening wilting occurs. Despite this, purslane blooms profusely, giving the impression of continuity.

It can be used as a decorative garden ornament. It does not require special care, so the portulak can be planted not in fertile soil. Also, the plant grows in a flower bed, a pot, a tank and in a hanging basket.

226-Portulaca Flowers

How to grow purslane from seed

If you want to have purslane, growing from the seeds of this plant is quick and easy. The most effective plant propagation technology is the cultivation of portulaca seedlings. Sowing seeds for seedlings is best done at the beginning of April, so that germinated saplings can grow quickly with light day, and not with artificial light.

226-Portulaca Flowers

Before proceeding with the sowing of seeds, it is necessary to prepare the soil. Purchase soil is not suitable, as it has a high content of peat, which slows down the process of seed germination.

Preparation of soil mixture:

  • garden land;
  • sand (20%);
  • mix and roast in the oven;
  • take a tank that has drainage holes;
  • to fall asleep with small gravel;
  • then disinfected soil;
  • pour melt water.

The soil is ready. Spread the seeds on the surface, at a distance of 1 cm (a toothpick is perfect for such delicate work), then lightly press the seeds into the ground, build a frame and stretch the plastic film. It turned out a small greenhouse, which should be in a well-lit and warm place. The air temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 25 ° C.

226-Portulaca Flowers

If conditions are favorable in the greenhouse, the first shoots of the plant appear after 10-14 days, and as soon as they appear, the film must be removed. To seedlings was strong and healthy. It is necessary to moisten the soil with separated water, while using the method of bottom irrigation, in no case do not water the seedlings from above - the water should not fall on the seedlings.

In case of unfavorable cloudy weather, it is necessary to install additional lighting. These can be table lamps or fluorescent lamps. Include lighting for 2 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the evening. In case of gloomy weather, the lamps must be switched on throughout the day.

Portulaca seedlings should be planted in mid-June. There must be confidence that there will not be a sharp drop in temperature (below 10 ° C), otherwise the plant may fall leaves. Initially, you need to find a suitable place for a flower. It should be located on a hill where the sun is directly hit. Shady place can contribute to the fact that the purslane does not bloom, and in the lowlands usually flow groundwater, in connection with this root system will rot.

For the portulaca, the most suitable soil is sandy, in the soil rich in minerals and beneficial substances the purslane will only grow green, but will not bloom.

Planting the plant in the soil occurs when the seedlings acquire 10-15 sheets and several buds.

Procedure for landing:

  • bush from the bush should be at a distance of 15-20 cm;
  • the first 5 days after planting watering should be carried out every day;
  • purslane blooms after sowing seeds after 40 days.

Purslane cultivation from seeds (video)

Care and protection

Many, wondering how to grow purslane, do not know that the most basic in caring for a plant is systematic watering. Of course, the leaves of the plant retain moisture well, but without enough water, the purslane may not bloom. There is an important plus in the care of the plant: it does not need to be fed, cut, weed, loosen the soil. The basic rule of care is to water the plant infrequently, but regularly.

Grow and maintain the purslane is not difficult, with this task will be able to handle the most lazy gardener. Since the flower is not divided into special subspecies, planting from seeds is the same for all varieties.

226-Portulaca Flowers

Purslane is a resistant plant, it is not afraid of diseases and pests. Only in rare cases can aphids harm a plant. The best way to deal with it is spraying with atelic, after 7 days the spraying procedure needs to be repeated.

In frequent cases, purslane can infect the fungus. This is manifested in the deformation of the processes, and yellow spots appear on the sheets. With this disease, tear off the damaged parts of the plant, then spray it with a fungicide, which contains copper.

By the way, purslane is a medicinal plant, it has been popular since the time of Hippocrates. At that time it was used:

  • to cleanse the body;
  • the leaves acted as antidotes for snake bites;
  • special gruel from the leaves of the plant helped from ocular edema, with inflammation of the bladder, with diseases of the gastric tract;
  • mixed crushed leaves of purslane with wine - this drug relieved of warts, erysipelas, acne.

In our times, doctors advise taking purslane as food for people suffering from a disease such as diabetes mellitus, and the antiparasitic property of the plant has been successfully used in modern medicine.

226-Portulaca Flowers

How to grow purslane (video)

More about the plant

If the flowers fade, they must be torn out, in which case they will be removed with ease from the ovaries. This procedure is necessary, and if it is not done, the seeds will dry up and wake up on the ground. In hot weather, seeds are sown for the second week after pollination; in rainy summer, seed ripening is delayed for 30 days. The collected seeds will be productive only next spring, retain their germination properties for 2-3 years.

By the way, our cold climate is not suitable for the growth of portulaca in the winter. It is necessary to clean the area from the plant in late autumn and dig up the soil. Worry about what time to plant a plant and in what way, it is not necessary, as purslane tends to multiply by self-seeding.

226-Portulaca Flowers

As for the varieties and types of portulaca, the most popular are:

  • Portulac grandiflora, which is most common in our country. The height of the bushes does not exceed 30 cm, has a cylindrical shape and medium-sized leaves. It can be simple and double, resembles the appearance of a tea rose. The colors of the flowers are various: beige, yellow, red and purple. It blooms from early summer to late autumn.
  • Double mix - purslane terry grade.
  • Cherry is a purslane of terry variety, height is 10-13 cm. It has strong stems and large flowers, dark red shades prevail.
  • Cream - terry variety, with large flowers that do not close even in cloudy weather.
  • Songlo - the variety is the owner of huge flowers, the diameter of which reaches 8-9 cm.
  • Garden purslane - height 30 cm, propagated by self-sowing.
  • Portulac is an undemanding plant, striking in its elegance and colors of different shades.

    Portulac is a precious guest in the flowerbeds and gardens of most gardeners, this is not surprising, because the plant blooms almost all summer and autumn, delighting the eyes with its fancy flowers.

    Gallery: portulak in the garden (15 photos)

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    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers
    226-Portulaca Flowers