
Tips and ideas

Fish is one of the most popular products from which you can cook a lot of different dishes. Among the many species, pollock baked in the oven is especially popular. This type of meat is distinguished by its minimum calorie content and a huge range of useful trace elements. This is a simple, but incredibly delicious food that is capable of bewitching any guest with its aroma. Quick recipes for baked pollack in the oven with the photo below.

A simple dish of pollock in the oven

This method of cooking is dietary. It can be used by people with digestive problems and other illnesses. The pollock baked according to this recipe will be juicy and tender.

To prepare such a meal, you need to take:

  • 1 kg of pollock;
  • 2 large onions;
  • ground bay leaf;
  • salt;
  • dry spices (for fish);
  • fresh lemon juice;
  • mayonnaise.

Stages of cooking:

  • Clean and wash the fish in cold running water. Grease baking sheet with sunflower oil.
  • Put the fish on the deco and grease it with plenty of spices. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  • Onions cleaned from husk, wash. Cut into thin rings. Put around and on top of the carcass.
  • Combine mayonnaise with salt and ground bay leaf, mix thoroughly. Leave the mixture for 10-15 minutes until the salt is completely dissolved. Then, the resulting sauce, pour pollack.
  • Bake in the oven at 2000C for 35 minutes. Serve the dish warm with vegetables, steamed or with potatoes.
  • Pollock cooked in the oven, will appeal to all family members and guests. If the fish is small, then it can be served in portions.

    Recipe for tender pollock meat in foil

    Anyone who wants to make an incredibly delicate and juicy fish for the holiday table should pay attention to this recipe. Pollock, baked in foil, it turns out very fragrant and satisfying. To make such a dish, it will take a minimum of time.

    Ingredients for cooking:

    • 10 medium size pollock fillets;
    • 8 tomatoes (better than cherry tomatoes);
    • 1 medium zucchini (you can zucchini);
    • lemon;
    • 100 milliliters of butter;
    • three teaspoons of balsamic vinegar;
    • shallot;
    • 2 large cloves of garlic;
    • salt and pepper (optional).

    To make the fish more juicy, it is better to cover the foil in two layers.

    Wash tomatoes and cut in half. Large divided into 4 parts.


    Zucchini and onions chopped rings.


    Garlic peel and pass through the press. You can also grind it with a fine grater.

    Then combine garlic, onion, vinegar, oil in a deep bowl. Knead all components well.

    Wash the fish. Prepared fillet of pollock put in the resulting marinade and leave for 25 minutes. This time will be enough to soak the meat with spices and salt.


    Cover the baking tray with foil. Put a ball of zucchini in the middle, then chopped tomatoes. Put a pickled fish on top of them.


    Decorate the carcass with thin slices of lemon. Wrap everything in foil and place the baking sheet in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

    Delicious Baked Pollock with Potatoes

    To prepare this dish will take no more than an hour. To bake the pollock with potatoes in the oven, you must use a minimum set of ingredients. If everything is done correctly, the dish will turn out tasty and fragrant. It will become an indispensable part of the dinner table.

    To bake the pollock in the oven, you need to prepare:

    • 2 medium pollock;
    • a glass of mayonnaise;
    • 170 ml of cold water;
    • 6 potatoes (about 0.5 kg);
    • one large onion;
    • 0, 5 tablespoons of salt;
    • tablespoon of universal seasoning.

    To make the dish not only tasty, but also beautiful, vegetables should be divided into equal parts.

    Thaw the fish at room temperature, then wash well. Tails and fins cut off. Put on time, to with her glass excess water. Carcass divided into portions. Put in a baking dish, salt.


    Peel the potatoes and rinse well under running water. After that, cut into small pieces.


    Onions clean and chop into half rings. Vegetables put on a baking sheet to the fish and again a little salt.


    For the preparation of pouring it is necessary to combine mayonnaise, water and universal seasoning. All mix until smooth consistency. For those who do not like mayonnaise, you can replace it with sour cream. But in this case you need to add a little salt to the pot.


    Distribute the resulting liquid evenly over the fish with vegetables. In a preheated oven put a baking sheet. Bake for 35 minutes.


    You can taste the dish after it cools a little. You can serve this fish not only with potatoes, but also with vegetables or buckwheat with mushrooms.

    A quick recipe for cooking pollock with onions

    Since this type of fish is quite dry, you should know how to cook it properly so that the meat is soft and juicy. The best way is pollack, baked with onions. Knowing the secrets of cooking such a fish, you can make a truly healthy and tasty dish for the whole family.

    To reduce the calorie content of cooked pollock, mayonnaise and sour cream should be replaced with unsweetened homemade yogurt.


    • 700 grams of fish;
    • 300 grams of onions;
    • 400 grams of carrots;
    • one small lemon;
    • 90 ml of sunflower oil (refined better);
    • sea ​​salt;
    • ground allspice.

    Wash the fish. Particular attention should be paid to the inside. The presence of a dark film can give a bitter taste. If there is caviar in the pollock, then it should be baked together with the carcass.


    Spices, salt mix and grate the fish. Wash carrots, peel. Grate, which is intended for the preparation of Korean carrots. If the farm does not have one, then you can use the usual one.


    Onions remove husks. Vegetable chop into thin half rings. Put carrots and onions in a pre-heated frying pan. Fry until they turn golden.


    Put the foil on the container for baking. Products should be layered. The first ball is vegetables. Put pollack on top of them.

    Squeeze the juice from the lemon and combine it with a small amount of sunflower oil. The resulting seasoning sprinkle vegetables with fish.


    Cover the dish with foil on top, carefully seal the edges so that the juice does not spill onto the baking sheet. Keep in the oven at a temperature of 2000C thirty minutes. At the end of the time, open the foil and in this state still hold it in the oven for 10 minutes.

    Serve fish with vegetables, in which it was prepared. Top each serving to decorate with chopped green onions. You can also put a small sprig of dill or parsley.

    Pollock baked with carrots

    This type of fish is one of the few that blends perfectly with almost all things. Pollock, baked in the oven with carrots, will turn out unusually tender and unusual. The nutritional value of such and fish is very high, and together with vegetables, it is still increasing. This is one of the easiest methods that any housewife can handle.

    To prepare a hot dish you will need:

    • half a kilo of fish;
    • 4 carrots;
    • 200 grams of onions (you can use another variety);
    • a bunch of fresh dill;
    • half a kilo of ripe pink tomatoes;
    • 2 tablespoons wheat flour;
    • pinch of sugar;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt and pepper (optional);
    • a glass of cream with fat content of 10%;
    • 1 bay leaf

    Start cooking with the preparation of pollock. Every fish washed and dried. For this it is better to use paper towels. Cut into small pieces. The optimum width is 1 cm.


    Mix flour with salt and pepper. Wrap each piece of fish in the mixture. Then fry in a skillet.


    Grate carrots or chop with a peeler.


    Onion chopped into 4 parts. If the vegetable is small, then in half. Then cut into thin plates. All vegetables fry in butter. Remove from the fire should be when they become very soft.


    To blanch tomatoes, peel.

    Pulp into small cubes, and then kill in a blender. On the deco, oiled, lay out the pollock. On the fish to distribute the vegetables. Then smear everything with mayonnaise.

    Combine cream with sugar and tomatoes. Liquid pour pollock.

    Bake for 30 minutes in the oven. 5 minutes before the dish is ready, sprinkle with chopped dill on top. The fish cooked in this way turns out to be tender and tasty. This dish looks very appetizing and presentable.

    Baked pollock fillet in the oven is a very healthy and fascinatingly tasty dish. Due to its low calorie content, such food can be consumed by both adults and children. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals that are simply necessary for the proper development of the body.

    Pollock video recipe in Portuguese