Planting potatoes in garden beds

Tips and ideas

One of the most common methods of cultivation is planting potatoes in garden beds. This is a great option for planting tubers for lazy gardeners.

284-Planting potatoes in garden beds

Rules for planting potatoes in garden beds

Pluses planting potatoes in the garden

Thanks to planting potatoes in beds, it is possible not to loosen the soil and hilling. This makes it possible to grow crops on any soils, even the poorest loams.

Also to the pluses include:

  • convenience of watering the ridges;
  • saving space on the land;
  • yield increase.

Narrow beds

Most often, potatoes are planted in narrow ridges. Before this, the plot is cleared of weeds and its rhizomes. Cleaning weeds is important. This eliminates the frequent weeding and greatly facilitates the work of gardeners. Also, the land is leveled with a rake, simultaneously breaking up large clumps.

Even before the start of field work plan the location of the ridges. In the future, they will not change, but they don’t dig up the aisle at all: it simplifies the autumn digging, and also reduces the consumption of fertilizers. Narrow ridges occupy a third less space on the site.

Features of narrow ridges:

  • Dimensions - width 45 cm, length - up to 9 m. Such dimensions are convenient for irrigation and fertilization.
  • Ridges never loosen or spud, because the potato root system is in the upper layers of the soil, and it is easy to damage.
  • With good watering and fertilizing, the crop quickly grows and gives a high yield. In the southern regions, thanks to planting in narrow ridges, the crop is harvested 2 times per season.

Warm beds

284-Planting potatoes in garden beds

The potato is protected from cold

Planting potatoes in beds on clay soils or under adverse weather conditions can be made in the so-called warm ridges. This method is especially good for early varieties.

When planting germinated tubers put 1 tbsp into each well. l biohumus and wood ash. Cells for planting potatoes in the garden are dug in 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern. For small morning frosts, the ridges with planted or already ascended potatoes are covered with straw or freshly cut grass without seeds. Warm ridges on cool days covered with plastic wrap.

To protect the soil from adverse weather conditions, potatoes covered with mulch. Mulch well retains heat and moisture, helps to improve the germination of potatoes and prevents the growth of weeds. For mulching potatoes used:

  • tree bark;
  • compost;
  • humus;
  • hay;
  • spruce needles.


There is another way to grow potatoes. With this method of growing potatoes are protected from cold weather and sudden changes in temperature. The box is easily covered with foil or other covering material.

Making beds-boxes

For the manufacture of boxes will need:

  • boards (old ones can be used);
  • nails or screws;
  • varnish or paint.

As a basis for the ridges are not recommended to use a flat or wave slate. Asbestos, used in their production, poisons the soil.

  • Boxes do not for one year. To the tree served for a long time, it is treated with paint or varnish. Some practice singing boards with a blowtorch. The easiest option is to whip with hydrated lime.
  • Wooden boxes are knocked together up to 6 m long. Width should not exceed 1 m, and height - 40 - 50 cm. For convenience when caring for potatoes, the distance between boxes should be 60 cm. The box is filled with sawdust, rotten compost, peat and sand.
  • Germinated tubers are placed in the wells in 2 rows in a checkerboard pattern. They are sprinkled with earth with the addition of ash, and then covered with mulch from compost, sawdust and peat. As potatoes grow, mulch is added to a height of 20-30 cm.
  • Above the bed set the arc and cover with a film. When growing potatoes, they are watered abundantly in boxes, but no more than 2 times a week. The culture does not need to be fertilized, since the mulch contains everything you need.

Vertical beds

For lovers of new and economical methods of growing tubers, there is a vertical planting method. It involves planting crops in bags, old barrels or large cans. This method is good for small areas with poor soil.

The bag should be convenient for transportation and have openings for airing the roots after watering. The diameter of the holes is 1 cm. The container is filled to 10 cm with a mixture of soil, peat and humus. Sprouted tuber or cut quarters with a large number of eyes stacked sprouts in the top. After planting, they are well watered.

As soon as the sprout reaches about 7 cm in height, the soil mixture is filled to the level of the last leaves. So continue to do, while there is enough volume of the bag or canister. Such manipulations replace hilling when growing crops in open ground.


No less interesting is the method of planting potatoes in a double ridge-furrow. Leaves, straw, compost with ashes are laid on the bottom, and a germinated tuber is on top.

When planting in double rows it is good to use tubers cut in half. Cutting is done so that all parts of the potato have eyes.

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Before planting, the tubers are sprinkled with ashes: this accelerates the growth of the roots and stems. Also decreases the likelihood of infection with blight.

Potatoes are planted in a double furrow in two rows at a distance of 30-35 cm. The distance between the tubers must be at least 20-25 cm, and between the rows - 60 cm.


Summer is too short in the northern regions of the country, and therefore it is difficult to grow potatoes. Warming ridges helps accelerate the maturation of tubers. Even in the coldest summer, you can have time to dig a crop before the onset of cold weather.