Planting cucumbers in june

Tips and ideas

Summer sowing of cucumbers can last all 3 months. When planting a culture in an unusually late period, it is necessary to adhere to some rules: this will help to achieve good results.

365-Planting cucumbers in June

Rules of summer sowing of cucumbers

Planting cucumbers in June

Some fear that planting cucumbers in June will not yield a crop. But with the right care in the middle of July, these plants will delight excellent fruits. You can begin to sow cucumber seeds in mid-May and finish in mid-June.

By mid-June, the soil is warming up, the weather is stable and warm, the difference between night and daytime thermometer is negligible. This is the most comfortable conditions for planting vegetables. Sowing at this time is guaranteed a good harvest.

To obtain abundant harvests, summer residents recommend carefully preparing for the cultivation of cucumbers in June. At the first stage, seeds are prepared. For planting use only proven seed. The quality of the future crop is affected by:

  • shelf life of seeds;
  • manufacturer;
  • variety of culture.

They plant cucumbers in June, both in open ground and in greenhouses. Most of the growers sow the crop directly by seed, the other part stands only for the seedling method of growing the vegetable. In June, they plant cucumbers of any kind.

Sowing in open ground

Before planting cucumbers for the culture of preparing the beds. So that it grows quickly and develops correctly, take a soil mixture from sawdust, humus, peat and sod land, taken in equal quantities.

Prepared beds are well watered with a hot solution of copper sulphate. Water temperature should be at least 8 ° С. On a bucket of water enough 1 tsp. copper sulfate. The flow rate of the solution is 3 liters per 1 square. m. In this state, the beds are left for a day.

Seeds of cucumbers spread in the wells to a depth of no more than 4 cm. Between the holes observe a distance of 50-60 cm, sprinkle them on top of the soil and watered.


To plant a garden crop seedling method, seeds are sown in May.

  • Prepare the soil. Mix sawdust with humus and peat in a ratio of 1: 2: 2. Add nutrients to the mix. On a bucket of soil enough 1.5 st. l nitrofoski and 2 tbsp. l wood ash.
  • Prepare the seed. Disinfect it with a 1% pink solution.
  • Sprout the seeds. Put them on a piece of cloth or gauze, abundantly soaked in warm water or ash solution. After 2-3 days, the first signs of sprouts will appear.
  • Sow the cucumbers. Spread the soil in the tank, then spread the seeds over it, deepening it by 10 mm, pour it.

A month later, bring the seedlings to a permanent place.

Planting cucumbers in July

How cucumbers will be planted in July depends on the climatic conditions of the region. In cooler regions, a crop grown from seedlings will yield a large crop. If a hot summer is not overshadowed by sudden changes in temperature, the plant will grow well from seed.

For later plantings use varieties of cucumbers, characterized by precocity. The growing season should not exceed 50 days.

To protect the plant from heat, arcs are set and tensioned material that has good air and moisture permeability. Planting sufficiently tall plants can also serve as such shelters.

Cucumbers planted in July, will begin to bear fruit in late August and early September.


365-Planting cucumbers in June

For seedlings need to pick up the ground

For planting vegetables in July seedling method using prepared nutrient soil. Such mixtures are easy to prepare yourself, and can be purchased in specialized stores.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in plastic cups or special cassettes. Gardeners recommend using peat pots. In them, ready-made seedlings are carried out to a permanent place. Such packaging also serves as a fertilizer for culture.

Sowing in open ground

In July, the weather is pretty warm. Vegetable sown with seeds will also delight gardeners with abundant crops. Pre-seed germinated. With this method of planting seed wells can not be forgotten watered.

Preparation of beds

In July, cucumbers are planted in plots from which they have already harvested. Gardeners are recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • remove all plant debris from the bed;
  • Dig the soil to the depth of the spade bayonet;
  • Enrich the soil with organic fertilizer: for each square. m planting enough 1-2 buckets of organics;
  • make furrows and spread the seeds in them;
  • close cucumbers to a depth of 2 cm;
  • plant seedlings or sow seeds in the evening or on cloudy days.
  • water cucumber beds abundantly.

Planting cucumbers in August

Vegetable culture planted in August. It is practiced only in regions with a warm climate. For planting choose hybrids with a very short growing season.

It is recommended to plant cucumbers in unpredictable August in greenhouses or under film covers. Preference is given to the seedling method of cultivation.

In August, the nights become longer and cooler. To provide the plant a comfortable environment create additional lighting. Special lamps help with it.

Crispy and fragrant cucumbers will delight gardeners until the beginning of November.

Summer planting care

To obtain healthy, strong plants and abundant crops of cucumbers organize the proper care for the summer planting of vegetables. Pay attention to the irrigation mode, fertilization, the formation of bushes, the organization of additional shelters, pest control and diseases.


The plant is watered only with warm settled water. Cucumbers do not like excess moisture. Regulate the frequency and volume of irrigation, depending on the weather and soil conditions. The signal to the next watering is the dried top layer of the earth. The lack of moisture leads to yellowing and twisting of the leaves of the plant.

During the hot summer season, gardeners recommend watering the crop twice a day: in the morning, before the onset of sweltering heat, and in the evening, after sunset. As autumn approaches, they reduce the volume and frequency of irrigation.


365-Planting cucumbers in June

Fertilizers need to be made regularly.

Cucumbers gratefully respond to fertilizer. Top dressing is recommended to carry out during the entire period of vegetation of culture. Fertilizer cannot be applied chaotically - this process needs to be streamlined.

The culture receives the first nutrient mixture during planting on the beds enriched with organic matter. Further fertilization should correspond to the period of plant development.

Professionals advise:

  • alternate mineral and organic fertilizers;
  • do not mix all the preparations that are in stock;
  • combine the introduction of nutrient mixtures with irrigation culture;
  • supplement root dressings with foliar roots;
  • make 7-day pauses between dressings;
  • try not to overfeed the culture.

During the period of active growth, vegetable crops require large amounts of nitrogen. It helps to increase the green mass. During flowering and formation of ovaries, they focus on potassium and phosphorus. When the plant gives the first fruits, it is fed with potassium. The key to proper plant development and obtaining large volumes of crunchy cucumbers is a balanced complex of minerals.

When applying fertilizer, it is important to consider the weather conditions. On a hot summer day, foliar dressing should not be carried out: it will cause burns on the leaves and trunks of the plant. In this weather, nutrient mixture is made only at the root.

In cloudy weather, the cucumber beds are sprayed with solutions based on macro- and microelements. Observe the correct proportions in the preparation of liquid formulations. Solutions for foliar fertilizing make less concentrated.

Shrub formation

Cucumber bushes form, so that the plant does not thicken, receive a sufficient amount of light, do not spend power on the side shoots, and the greens quickly formed and matured.

The main method of forming beds of cucumbers is pinching. The bush is formed in 1-2 stems. All twisted and weak branches are cut off.

Some hybrids require garters on the trellis. This is done when the plant begins to branch and lean heavily. Scourge is not tied tight. The binding location must be below the seedbed leaf.

Weeding beds

During the entire growing season of the garden crop, we must not forget to weed the beds: this is how the soil crust is broken, the earth is saturated with oxygen. The procedure is carried out after heavy rainfall and planned irrigation.

Weeds cannot be allowed to overgrow the weeds: they take nutrients from the soil, thicken the plantings, are carriers of diseases and insect pests.


Cucumbers planted in the second half of summer grow in conditions of daily decrease in temperature. The difference between day and night thermometer becomes noticeable. Such conditions cause the development of diseases and death of plants.

To avoid this, take care of artificial shelters. It can be agrofunded, film.

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Pest and disease control

Conduct preventive measures to prevent the development of fungal diseases and diseases caused by bacteria. Summer planting of cucumbers protect against insect invasion. For this, fungicides and insecticides are used.

You can enjoy crispy cucumbers from the garden before frost. To do this, it is enough to organize the proper care of the culture and follow the recommendations.