Pigsty with your own hands

Tips and ideas

Build a pigsty in a small farm is easy. Make a budget and make the project even for a beginner; the main thing is not to spare time and energy on the pigsty with your own hands.

227-Pigsty with your own hands

Pigsty with your own hands

Aviaries and cages for pigs should protect animals from the weather and not pose a threat to their lives. Pigs are ill only from farmers who have not bothered about ventilation or heating of the pen. The right pig shed is a place where animals are warm, comfortable and safe.

Important points when building

The pigsty is the place where the animal spends most of its life, so the health of the pigs depends on how warm and clean the barn is. In the pigsty individuals carry out the most difficult stages of life: they hibernate and nurse the offspring. That is why a number of factors must be taken into account when building a dwelling.

UV - Pigsty with your own handsMy pigsty UF - Pigsty with your own hands # full review Mini pigsty for three piglets. Obzor.SVINARNIK ON 4 HEADPARD with his own hands

So, all those who are interested in how to build a pigsty with their own hands should consider the following:

  • The drawing of the pigsty is a conditional construction scheme. It includes systems and additional elements that pigs really need.
  • The room should be properly ventilated and the area in which the animal feed will be placed.
  • In the barn you can not keep too many pigs or combine different breeds. It is necessary to calculate in advance separate compartments for different species.
  • It is important to take care of the future process of cleaning the room. In aviaries with unsanitary conditions, pigs are very often sick.
  • Pigsty for the farmer is an indicator of the work of the entire farm. If a person can not equip a barn with pigs, then you should not take up breeding pigs. What does the construction of the new barn depend on? From the number of animals, weather conditions and the size of the entire farmyard. If the room is dirty, damp or cramped, it is not suitable for such animals. Pigs in such a shed can not be kept, otherwise the quality of the resulting meat products will have to be doubted. It is in the interest of the farmer to provide the animals with proper living conditions in the pen.

    227-Pigsty with your own hands

    The farmer must provide animals with good living conditions.

    Build errors

    As the number of livestock grows, the pigsty is also upset. Even a novice farmer knows that animals grow worse in cramped conditions. If you build a pigsty like a shed under any other animals, you will not be able to avoid diseases of the livestock. Improper ventilation leads to the formation of fungus, which impairs the health of both adults and young animals.

    A barn with pigs for the winter is also equipped according to a certain pattern. Wall and floor insulation is the primary task of the farmer. If a pigsty has a well-insulated flooring, in summer it is difficult to clean it. The litter in the warm season should change 2-3 times more often than in winter: Stagnant fluid creates an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.

    The common barn is not suitable for keeping sows and young stock. Prudent breeders should separate the main barn from the designated sections. How the correct pigsty looks like, how to build it and how to insulate it, you need to know before construction.

    In advance, the farmer draws up a diagram or drawing that provides all the necessary systems for cleaning the pigsty’s machines, ventilating the main room and removing heat. Build a pen for the pigs on the ready-made schemes or on their own plan. It is important that the pigsty drawing takes into account all the needs of the pigs.

    Shed specifications and construction projects

    Without preparation, it would be pointless to start building a pigsty. The plan of the pigsty includes a detailed outline of the future construction and a layout of communications.

    How to plan a shed design? The project of the pigsty is made at the first stage of preparation. Before you begin planning the structure, it is necessary to determine the loads on the entire structure. If the number of pigs living in the barn does not exceed 10 heads, then building a large paddock is a waste of time and energy. Farmers planning to breed pigs should expand the pigsty beforehand so that they don’t need to finish building the barn.

    In order to calculate the size of the barn, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • The purpose with which pigs are bred. If a farmer grows only individuals for slaughter for meat and fat (a tasty sandwich or meat dish from bad meat harms the human body), then you can move animals into small aviaries a few pieces. For sows you need a separate space, fenced off from the rest of the pigs.
  • In one section the maximum number of animals should not exceed 25 goals. Constrained circumstances will harm animals. Such pigs decrease weight gain and weak immunity.
  • Conditional calculation. On average, one healthy individual is given up to 1 square meter. m. To reduce this figure can not be, otherwise to breed healthy offspring will not succeed either an experienced farmer or a novice.
  • The size of each section is calculated by an area of ​​at least 4 square meters. m
  • If it is not difficult to decide on the area of ​​the future pig pen, the internal and external decoration of the room needs special attention from the farmer. Construction begins with the preparation of materials and basic parts. The scheme and layout of future industrial or mini-sheds will reduce the amount of time allotted for construction. For the arrangement of the pen, care should be taken of how the lighting, heating and ventilation will be inside the building. Factors such as temperature or humidity determine the well-being of an animal of any age. The piggy can live in bad conditions, but the person does not bring the desired profit to the person.

    227-Pigsty with your own hands

    Requirements for a pig shed

    How to insulate the barn? This is facilitated by the overall construction of boards, cement blocks and foam. At the same time, the lighting needs additional installations, which are provided by the construction scheme. The temperature must create a special internal microclimate, otherwise the pigs will constantly hurt.

    Build a pigsty is easy if you plan all the construction in advance. What needs to be considered at a stage when the construction is only under construction?

    For pigs living in the barn all year round, you should equip a paddock for walking. This area should be fenced and properly planned. The pen is made of boards or durable materials. The construction is being built as an integral barn with a pen, therefore it is necessary to equip the area for walking immediately, and not after the arrangement of the barn. The place of walking is best equipped along the wall (the longest part of the structure). The common roof of the pigsty should cover all areas, protecting the room from external negative factors. When the foundation is laid for the pigsty, the pen for sows is 10 square meters. m, and for individuals of the herd (by the number of heads) - 1.5 square meters. m for each pig.

    It is not necessary to make too large a paddock, because the heating in the pigsty, thanks to the installed devices, ensures proper heating. A large pen (wrong size) violates the microclimate. Arranging heating pigsty, the farmer must take into account the size for walking.

    227-Pigsty with your own hands

    Place for walking

    Lighting pigsty provide lamps in the cold season, but in the summer you can get by with natural light. Installed windows allow for natural ventilation. Future design projects will help plan out your spending and average construction time. Build a pigsty with their own hands and experienced farmers and beginners who plan to breed large livestock of pigs.

    Making a pigsty at home, you need to equip several zones in which feeders and drinkers will be placed. It is much easier to clean the floor in the pigsty if there are interchangeable blocks on the floor in the construction plan (correctly calculated size of the pigsty). You can use and ready-made construction plan. A beginner will only need to substitute the dimensions he needs and proceed to the construction of the structure.

    Selection of materials for construction

    Layout of the pigsty includes the selection of building materials. The structure of the pigsty cannot consist only of boards, and in some cases the size of the pigsty, in which many pigs will live, is calculated taking into account sudden temperature changes. For the construction of a pigsty with your own hands you will need to acquire construction materials in advance. The construction is constructed using:

    • cement;
    • sand and rubble;
    • cuts boards or natural wooden boards;
    • roofing materials;
    • foam blocks.

    For the construction of the shed will need tools. Drill, screws, drills will help complete the model project on time. The size of the room, the automation of internal systems and communications will create a reliable, rather than a temporary structure. First of all, the foundation is laid, then the walls are equipped, and then the ceiling.

    Simple designs have their own heating (independent heating) and lighting system. Pigs should not be dependent on other farm animals.

    A shed do-it-yourself for Vietnamese pigs occupies a much smaller area. Burning and heating of such a room is cheaper. The ceiling for rocks of small sizes can be made lower, and the pen - less.


    At the time of laying the foundation of the construction plan must be finally approved. In the future construction, easy cleaning and replacement of individual parts of the barn is envisaged. First of all, the farmer equips the pen so as to spend less time cleaning it in the future (cleaning is done at least 2 times a week). It is more difficult to build a frame project with your own hands. In such constructions, hoods are provided, and farmers are obliged to make an automated air vent.

    227-Pigsty with your own hands

    Features of the construction of a pigsty

    To equip the barn in the country without the greater costs better away from home. In winter, the construction of the shed is not started, because the materials are more expensive and the process of construction itself is not complete without delays. The use of polycarbonate in construction prevents many problems (less bacteria multiply).

    Compound for large livestock to be done separately from the rest of the economy. The farmer needs to allocate a place for walking pigs. Piglets need fresh air even in winter, so you should not make an isolated shed.

    The air discharge system for large pens is best done without purchased installations. Such a device is more expensive, and for its installation will need employees. A homemade system is better and more economical, but only an experienced farmer can make it. In a private house is better not to keep a large population, if the size of the suburban area is small. For piglets, a spacious pen and an entire system for the discharge of polluted air and excess moisture are needed (so that dangerous bio-bacteria do not breed). The device of a shed for pigs on a photo will allow to understand what types of designs the simplest and available. Photos and schemes of pens for piglets are easy to find on various online resources.


    The answer to the question of how to build a barn for pigs with your own hands, involves the following several steps. To build a shed for pigs, it is necessary to understand what the structure consists of and in what sequence it is necessary to install it. It is possible to equip a cheap shed from panels within several days. Subsequent disinfection will allow to equip the barn for the colonization of pigs. Standard construction includes a foundation, durable ceiling (upper part - roof) and walls. Wall equipment is the last stage of construction.

    The arrangement of the shed occurs step by step, and the farmer devotes several days to building and equipping the pigsty.

    How to build a comfortable pigsty? First of all, you need to organize the correct work of the entire construction.

    227-Pigsty with your own hands

    Barn for pigs do it yourself

    How does construction start? The warm pen is built in several stages:

  • Foundation. If the farmer has determined the land (size and allocated area), the foundation should be poured. Hollow or durable, it will become the basis of the whole structure. For pouring use cement. The depth of the base is about 70 cm, and the height is about 30 cm. It is impossible to use cuts of boards for the foundation.
  • Walls. Walls can be made of boards or by pouring individual blocks of cement. Preferences depend on the needs of the farmer and his capabilities. Wooden structures need additional heating, and concrete blocks are much easier to process. For the stability of the structure used sleepers or accessories. A modern barn for piglets is built only from high-quality building materials. Materials determine the durability of the room.
  • Roof (roof). Shed roof - the best option for durable construction. Materials under the ceiling are selected for durability and stability. Leaking roof is the biggest threat to the room. Under the ceiling to make separate attic designs is not recommended. Moisture resistant materials will provide a warm microclimate in the barn throughout the year.
  • Fill the floor. At home, the floor is filled with cement. The time has passed when the barns for the pigs were covered with earth or flooring. The best option for cleaning was quick, and the room did not stink - to make a bulk cement floor. In such conditions, a domestic barn will not take much time from the farmer. Cleaning the corral is easy, but only in conditions where materials selected for the floor will be moisture resistant. Every meter of a protected floor is safe for an animal that can gnaw wood flooring. Concrete is poured in 2 layers for greater strength.
  • Finish Exterior finish - the final stage of construction. Finishing materials are selected by price. Spend on external processing should only be in cases when you need to provide additional protection from moisture or negative environmental factors. Thermal insulation allows you to avoid diseases in pigs and maintain the correct microclimate in the room.
  • The animal organism is very susceptible to changes in temperature, therefore heating and lighting of the pigsty is most important for piglets.

    Heating and ventilation

    Build a pigsty and provide pigs heating will be possible, if you provide lighting and heating. The temperature in the pigsty should be regulated in two ways: natural and artificial. Additional lighting heating is needed only in the cold season, and if you can build a pigsty for 2 heads with your own hands without taking into account these requirements, then a device for industrial purposes implies compliance with all requirements.

    It is possible to build a pigsty without an autonomous system, but any failures in the heating system are fraught with the loss of the entire livestock of pigs. The pigs pig stove is heated with lamps or heaters. It is harder to build a concrete structure, but it is safer for animals. It does not need additional protective flooring in case any system fails.