Pepper tenderness

Tips and ideas

Pepper Tenderness gained its popularity, primarily due to its ability to produce good yields even in the conditions of Siberia and the North-Western region. The variety was bred for a long time, but until now it is one of the best.

123 Pepper tenderness

Pepper Tenderness


Depending on growing conditions, pepper Tenderness belongs to early or middle-early varieties. On average, the first fruits can be harvested after 110 -125 days from the moment of emergence.

For the cultivation of varieties of sweet peppers Tenderness greenhouse conditions are best suited, but its cultivation is also possible in open beds, if climatic conditions permit.

Productivity of pepper Tenderness is quite high. The fruits have a pleasant delicate flavor. They are used for canning, stewing, stuffing, and for cooking salads and eating raw. Fruits are rich in vitamins and carotene, are used for insomnia, loss of strength and even diabetes.

Description of the bush

The plant is medium-high (about 80 - 100 cm) and quite compact. A garter is required for support, especially during the fruiting period, in order for the bush to bear the weight of the fruit. The leaves have a rich green color and are located on the plant is relatively rare.

Description of the fetus

Characteristics of the pepper fruit Tenderness: the fruits have an elongated pyramidal shape with a blunt tip. Average size, weight is about 100 grams. They are attached by short stems that are easy to break off. When technically mature, they have a pale green color, which changes to a saturated red color when biological maturity begins.

Wall thickness is from 7 to 9 mm. The skin is very strong and elastic, albeit quite thin. The flesh is thick and very juicy, has a delicate taste and a pleasant smell.


The benefits of pepper varieties Tenderness include:

  • good seed germination;
  • early ripeness;
  • immunity to many diseases;
  • good taste of fruits and versatility of their use;
  • abundant yield;
  • the ability to bring good yields, even in areas of the Urals and Siberia;
  • rich in nutrients and vitamins.

Sowing and planting

123 Pepper tenderness

Grow large pepper

The optimum period when pepper seeds should be sown is Tenderness, considered the end of February - the beginning of March (depending on climatic conditions). First you need to prepare a suitable soil, which will contribute to the early germination.

It is better to pickle the seeds, treating with special means. Twenty-minute disinfection with manganese solution or soaking in EPIN for 17-18 hours is well suited for this. After which the seed is washed with water and germinated on a damp cloth.

Seedling preparation

Before planting, the seedlings should be well matured, so transplantation is recommended not earlier than 90 days. Before that, it is necessary to monitor the level of its illumination and, if necessary, use additional light. A few weeks before planting, hardening of the seedlings should begin by gradually reducing the temperature. This is necessary to make it easier to adapt to more severe conditions.

Provided growing in greenhouses, seedlings can be planted in late May, in open ground - the beginning of June. The average daily temperature should not fall below 14 °, since cooling and temperature drops significantly slow down plant growth. On one square meter should be placed no more than 5 to six bushes.

Care and fertilizer

Sweet Pepper Tenderness needs frequent, but moderate watering, which consists in moistening the soil. To do this, use warm distilled water. After watering, it is necessary to slightly soil the soil and remove all weeds. It is impossible for water to fall on the ovary, fruits and leaves, as this can provoke their falling off and is bad for the shrub itself.

The variety responds well to various dressings. To accelerate the growth of seedlings using complex fertilizers with ash content in the form of solutions that are sprayed plants. After transplantation, nitrogen fertilizers are used, and during the fruiting period - potash-phosphorus supplements.

Plants of this species need a garter. But we should not forget about the removal of lateral shoots and some leaves from below, but this should be done gradually so as not to injure the bush very much.

On one plant should be left no more than fifteen ovaries. Gather the fruits at the stage of technical maturity, and then leave to ripen in a dry and warm room.

It is important to constantly monitor the humidity and temperature. Do not allow overcooling of plants.

Possible diseases

The variety is not prone to infections and disease, even such common as white rot and late blight. As a preventive measure, weeds should be regularly removed from the beds, not allowed to overflow, do not water the plants with cold water, and feed them regularly.

It is also necessary to disinfect the seeds before planting so that plants do not attack aphids and other pests.



Description pepper varieties Tenderness makes it possible to understand that he is among the leaders. This is confirmed by the excellent sweet taste of the fruit, and abundant yield, and resistance to disease.

It must be remembered that Tenderness is suitable for growing only to those who have enough time to care for him. Otherwise, the plants will start to hurt, grow poorly, and there can be no talk of a good harvest.