Pear bessemyanka
Pear - a popular fruit in our latitudes. Many are engaged in growing this tree in their garden plots, because there are a number of varieties. When choosing a seed for planting, Pear Bessemyanka deserves attention.

Characteristic varieties of pear Bessemyanka
Characteristic variety
Bessemyanka pear - a unique variety, in the fruits of which there are no formed seeds. It has a sweet honey flavor, which is why it is also called sugar.
This variety is picky to the soil, but does not tolerate excessive moisture.
The Bessemyanka pear variety is resistant to temperature fluctuations; it has excellent fertility for 30 years - up to 50 kg from 1 tree. After that, it requires special care and rejuvenation (trimming of dry trunks). This variety is most vulnerable to scab, therefore it requires regular preventive procedures.
Fruiting begins 10 years after planting. Despite the late fecundity, yield is top notch. Regular harvesting allows you to collect up to 250 kg from 4 square meters. m
Tree description
The crown of the tree has a pyramidal shape. The bark and branches of pear gray-brown color. Strength is average - a strong wind can easily break them. The branches stretch upward, and also have a huge number of small lentils.
The leaves are egg-shaped, wavy, with oblong petiole. White flowering, consists of small flowers of 5 petals. They are located at a short distance from each other.
Fruit Description
Fruit ripening begins around the end of summer. Ripened, pear quickly showered. Fruit is stored for 10 days. Fruits are harvested a little underdone. In another case, they can over-ripen and lose honey taste.

Fruit Description
Pear Bessemyanka has the following characteristics:
- small size (maximum weight - 80 g);
- green with yellow color;
- the peel is covered with black spots, sometimes with orange spots;
- the pulp is sweet, slightly granulated;
- taste honey, juicy;
- the stem is thin, medium length.
It is customary to plant a variety at the very beginning of spring and up to the moment when buds appear on the trees or in the fall, in early October and before the first frosts appear.
A hole (1 m deep) for a pear of this variety must be prepared in advance. 5 days after planting, the seedling needs care:
- frequent, but not abundant soil moisture;
- shaving mulching;
- fertilizer;
- pruning dry branches;
- crown formation.
Young roots in winter are very sensitive and need high-quality insulation. The best option - snow.
It is also important to ensure that the surrounding area is not overgrown with weeds. It is possible to plant a lupine in the garden, which will help the soil to be enriched.
The best watering is rain. It is advisable to water the tree several times a year on its own: at the end of spring and in the middle of summer, during a severe drought. On average, you need 5-7 liters of water for 1 adult tree.
After moistening, it is necessary to loosen the soil so that oxygen is better supplied to the roots. It stimulates root growth.
Fertilizer should be carried out from the second year after the appearance of the first fruits. Mainly feeding is made in the fall and spring.
Mineral based fertilizers must be applied annually. Habituation of the organic type is made less often - once every 3 years.

Pear care
It is recommended to fertilize the soil with peat or humus. For mulching use sawdust, dry grass, straw, paper, stone. The use of dry (not rotten) leaves enriches the soil with humus and nutrients, but before using them composting is necessary. Compost provides drainage and controls soil evaporation.
Pests and diseases
Variety Bessemyanka has resistance to some popular diseases and pests of pear trees:
- Aphid sucks all the juices from the leaves, the result is a deformation of the shoots;
- the stem affects the internal structure of the fruit, capable of rapid reproduction;
- listobloshka spoils the fruit and destroys the kidneys;
- pear mite spoils the foliage, as a result, the leaves are deformed;
- the leaf-worm lives on leaf plates, because of this the leaves curl and dry quickly.
The treatment of the crown and stem from the presented pests is carried out with the help of a number of preparations:
- "Agravertin" against aphids;
- "Kinmiks" to combat the stem and leafs;
- Colloidal sulfur saves from ticks.
For the prevention of diseases, it is necessary to ensure good airing of the crown, that is, to cut it regularly. Fallen leaves must be burned without fail. Also, do not leave rotten fruit on the ground.
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The Bessemyanka pear variety is characterized by frost resistance and endurance in a dry season. The main disadvantage is the short shelf life.
Fruits are perfect for use both in fresh form, and for making jam or stewed fruit. Suitable for drying. They are often used for cooking fruit salads or cuts. Thanks to honey taste, they are excellent for sweet dessert wines.