
Tips and ideas

Curly parsley is a biennial plant, and in the first year a powerful root system and a fluffy crown of greens develop, and in the second year a high umbrella appears where seeds are formed. Parsley root is an excellent addition to many dishes, and in addition, this plant is a valuable storehouse of useful vitamins, minerals and vegetable acids, which have a very positive effect on the human body. The benefits of parsley for a person can not be underestimated, therefore, it is actively used in the diet. Growing parsley in a greenhouse or an open area allows you to get fresh greens to your table.

Growing parsley has its own characteristics and subtleties, which are extremely important to consider in order to get beautiful greens, which will be a great addition to any dish. It is possible to grow curly parsley both in the open field and in the greenhouse, and in any case you can get good greens. Curly parsley is a fairly unpretentious crop, so its effective cultivation is possible almost everywhere. Planting and caring for parsley has certain subtleties that require special attention.

Parsley Seed Planting Rules

So, first of all, you should choose the optimal site where parsley will be planted. This culture is quite unpretentious, but it still requires certain conditions. The plot for planting parsley should be sufficiently shaded. The soil before planting seeds or root crops should be carefully loosened. There are no special requirements for the composition of the soil when it is planned to grow parsley from seeds.


Considering that the majority of gardeners prefer to plant parsley with seeds, they must be prepared before planting. Growing parsley at home requires the necessary preparation of seeds for planting, since the planting material contains a lot of essential oils that slow down the process of germination. Thus, it is necessary to germinate seeds in advance.

For the germination of seeds will need:

  • shallow plastic plate;
  • seeds;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • several paper napkins.

To germinate seeds, pour slightly warm water into the prepared container so that it fills it about 1 cm. Then add some potassium permanganate to the water and put a paper napkin on the bottom. Then carefully poured the seeds, which should be fastened with another paper napkin. Capacity with seeds should be placed on the windowsill on the sunny side and leave for about 4-5 days.


After soaking the seeds, be sure to rinse with a small amount of warm water and put on a layer of soaked gauze, and then cover with another piece of the same material. At room temperature, the seeds hatch, being in a wet gauze, already for 2-3 days.

After sprouting, seedlings should be sown immediately, as they can be in gauze without dying all 7 days, and every day outside the soil the quality of the seedlings significantly worsens.

If desired, it is possible to grow parsley on the windowsill, if weather conditions do not allow planting seeds in open ground, then it is worth planting seeds in special pots.


Next, parsley is planted in open ground or boxes for seedlings, depending on the weather conditions. If there is a desire to plant already formed seedlings in open ground, you should prepare special boxes and plant the sprouted seeds in them, following a step of 5 cm. a depth of 2 cm, many gardeners prefer this way of planting.


Parsley and Celery (video)

Useful tips on growing parsley

It’s easy to figure out how to grow parsley, as this plant does not require special care. As part of the care, it is worth occasionally breaking through weeds on an existing bed. since they can score greens. Root parsley does not need any serious care after rooting at the landing site. This culture can do without watering for a long time and remain healthy and strong, as the plant root has the ability to absorb water. However, it is better to produce watering as the soil is poured.


Watering parsley should be made at the rate of 30-40 liters of water per 1 sq.m. When forcing green mass it should be made immediately after the cut.

In addition, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time. This procedure can be carried out both by means of a conventional hoe, and with the help of a long metal or wooden rod. Such a procedure should be carried out monthly. There are no particular pests that can seriously damage the parsley crop. All types of parsley are quite cold resistant. Curly parsley is experiencing a cold winter, so somehow prepare it for the winter period is absolutely not necessary.

Some gardeners mulch the plot on which the root parsley is planted in order to obtain earlier shoots of green leaves in spring, but even if you do not carry out this procedure, there will be no particular damage to the plants.


With such minimal care, the yield of parsley will be extremely high, and with 1 square meter. You can get about 2.5 kg of green. It should be noted that the cultivation of parsley in the greenhouse allows you to get about the same result. It is not always possible to grow parsley in a greenhouse in winter, as its stems begin to stretch and acquire an anomalous shape. This is due to insufficient lighting. Thus, in order to obtain high-quality greenery in a greenhouse in winter, it is important to arrange additional lighting.

How to get a rich harvest of parsley (video)

Gallery: Curly and root parsley (15 photos)
