Paintings in the interior - the magical art of decor
Basic rules for the selection of paintings in the interior room
Finding a picture that will adequately decorate the interior of your home is not such an easy task as it may seem at first glance. It should fit the style in which the room is decorated, the color scheme, match the size, create a good aura. Good paintings in the interior are quite expensive and you should not hurry with their search, choice and purchase.

Photo: painting in the interior of the room, combining the kitchen, dining room and living room

Photo: paintings in the interior hallways
How to choose the appropriate option
If you choose reproductions for a room decorated in a classic style and are not sure of your competence in this matter, walk around museums, painting galleries, look at albums. This will help you to understand what kind of painting and technique you like and what suits the interior more.
If your home is decorated in a modern style and you are an amateur in painting, it will be much more difficult to choose the right picture. When choosing, listen to your emotions. If the picture was written by a master from the heart, it stores a certain energy in it and when it is in tune with your sensations, you cannot help but feel it. Works that do not cause any emotions, you will not fit. If the picture is fascinating, uplifting, inspiring, then most likely - this is what you were looking for.
Modern paintings for the interior can be found in galleries, art exhibitions and salons. Do not neglect the works of street masters, but before buying it is better to consult with professionals not to get a copy of a well-known artist that is not the best.

When choosing paintings of both classical and modern painting, one can be guided by the following recommendations:
- Choose the plot of the picture in the interior, suitable for the overall style of the room. The canvas, hanging on the wall, will focus on the general attention and determine the mood. Some plots will evoke a feeling of peace, some will plunge into dreams, and some, on the contrary, will energize and invigorate.
For example, images of marine painters: the endless expanses of the sea, sailboats swaying on the waves against a blue sky, will cause rest, inevitably you will notice about traveling and relaxing on the seashore. Therefore, such works will perfectly fit into the interior of a room designed for relaxation, they will add to it freshness and spaciousness.
Tip: Do not use in the rest room a sea plot with a raging sea, black clouds, a ship struggling with the elements. Such a picture is unlikely to calm you down, rather, it will relieve you a feeling of anxiety and, certainly, will not contribute to proper rest.
- Make sure that the paintings in the interior are in harmony with other objects: furniture, lamps, accessories.
- An important factor is the color scheme of the picture. Before choosing, you should analyze the design of the room. If the room used bright colors, then choose the picture better in neutral soothing colors, where there is a small note of tone, which is the main one in the interior. In this case, the picture will emphasize the design and give the design a finished look.
If in the design of the room, on the contrary, neutral, one might even say, boring tones were used, bright accents will place the pictures in the interior with rich colors.

Photo: a picture with a sea plot in the living room interior

Basic rule
Choosing a picture, we should not forget that light colors make the room more visually, dark ones, on the contrary, take the footage. This factor is especially important when choosing a painting in a room with a small area, so as not to make your room even smaller.

Photo: light colors in the picture make the room more visually

Photo: pictures of dark colors fit perfectly into the interior of large rooms
Determine the size
After choosing the plot and color palette, you should decide on whether the size of the picture in the interior is right for you. All your efforts to decorate a room can be lost if the dimensions of the image do not fit and you get too large or small canvas.
So, in a typical average apartment with low ceilings, large vertical paintings with a full-length image will not fit. Owners of spacious houses can afford to hang them. If you do not belong to their number, stop your choice on a horizontal pattern of medium size.
At the same time it is necessary to respect the proportions of the room and surrounding objects. For example, a picture that will hang over a sofa should not exceed half the width of its backrest. If you plan to hang several canvases in this place, then the total area they will occupy should not exceed 2/3 of the wall above the sofa.
Compliance with these proportions is important for several reasons:
- First, images are fully perceived when you are at a distance from them. For large canvases this distance should be several meters.
- Secondly, the room, the walls of which are overloaded with pictures, seems much smaller than it actually is.
- Thirdly, small paintings in the interior will simply be lost and will not play any significant role in its design.

Do it yourself
No doubt, the pictures painted by a professional are beautiful, very stylish, fashionable. But if you want to bring a zest to the interior, breathe the soul into the house, revive the design, make paintings for the interior with your own hands. Everything is possible, you just have to find a source of inspiration and a way of realization.
A painting is not necessarily a painting. You may not be able to draw, but to be a master of embroidery, to be able to make paintings on glass or fabric, applications, to get involved in quilling. You can create some abstract scenes, stripes, circles. These are fashion trends, for which you do not need a high level of skill, most importantly, imagination.
Tip: look at the pictures. Beautiful photos placed in frames will look great on the walls of a modern interior.

Photo: beautiful photos placed in frames will look great on the walls of a modern interior.

Do not rush to translate ideas into life, accumulate impressions, collect the necessary materials, try your hand at new genres, and you will be surprised by the masterpiece that you will sooner or later create on your own.