Next to what is better not to plant raspberries

Tips and ideas

Raspberries do not like close neighborhood with any of the cultures. Moreover, any extraneous presence is usually more harmful for this culture than for any of its “partners”.

Raspberries need a lot of light. In this regard, it should not be planted directly under the trees. Retreat from apple, pear or cherry not less than 4 m, from cherry, plum or sea buckthorn - not less than 3 m.

For the normal development of raspberries need a lot of water and nutrition. If you try to grow it on the lawn, then the lawn grass will always take away from her both.

Malina is doomed to a miserable existence. If such a neighborhood is inevitable - before planting, remove the sod from a 1.5-2 m wide strip at the site of each row, “repel” the borders with a lawn tape or border and dig the soil well with the addition of rotten compost or manure.

Another undesirable neighbor for raspberries is horticultural strawberries: these crops have common pests. Try to keep more distance between them.

Potatoes and tomatoes are also not the best companions for raspberries (due to the presence of some common diseases and damage to the roots during planting, hilling or harvesting).

313-Next to it is better not to plant

In general, the roots of raspberry lie finely, so almost any culture in the root zone will make her suffer. It is best to keep an open strip of earth under it (you can sprinkle it with a mulching material) 1-2 m wide.

And raspberries can interfere ... another raspberry. If you grow ordinary varieties, the berries of which ripen in summer, and remontant, ripening in the fall, then do not plant them interspersed! Otherwise, you will continuously trample on raspberries from the beginning of summer to late autumn.

Everything starts with a garter stalk. Then summer berries will come along, and after the last harvest you will need to do pruning. Then the “second series” will start with the remontrant raspberry. But a strong and permanent compaction is very harmful for any varieties of this crop.

Therefore, when planting, try to place summer and autumn varieties in different rows or from different sides of a single mountain range.