Mosquito net. features

Tips and ideas

Mosquito net. Features
Today, almost all the windows have a mosquito net, which protects the apartment from insects. Such mosquito nets are on all plastic windows, unless, of course, the apartment owners have removed them. But some windows of the old type also have mosquito nets. In addition, mosquito nets are often put on dormer windows, which is naturally very necessary, especially in the summer, when you can have a good rest on the top floor, but you need protection from the same mosquitoes. The mosquito net has the form of a simple construction consisting of aluminum profiles, on which a net of special dense material is stretched. Typically, insects cannot penetrate such a mesh, but some very small ones, such as midges, still penetrate. Accordingly, such nets can protect from debris that can fly in with a draft, as well as the label retains dust, although not one hundred percent, but it still helps. Mosquito nets are very easy to clean, in addition they have a long service life. They are usually sold complete with windows, but you have to pay for them separately, that is, they are not included in the price of windows, except for some promotional and other similar cases. Of course, you can buy them separately, for example, if you do not have them, or you want to replace them. To do this, you only need to make measurements of your windows, and go to the store. But you should know that if you have standard-sized windows, then it will be easier for you to buy the mesh, but if you have custom-made windows, that is, not a standard size, then you will have to make the mesh to order.