Mitlider method

Tips and ideas

180-Method of a mitlider
Meatlider's method is a vegetable growing method popular in our country. Thanks to him, you can get a good harvest without putting a lot of effort.

Agriculture firmly entered our lives through cottages and gardens. You always want to grow something of your own, but not always the crop is abundant, and the plants often get sick and suffer from various pests. Then come to the aid of the scheme Mitlider, which solves almost all the problems of gardeners. How the method of Meatlider works and how to apply it, you can find out by reading the implementation of the method.

180-Method of a mitlider

Method implementation

Dr. D. Mitlider for a long time studied diseases and methods of caring for plants, in particular for vegetable crops. Conducting various experiments yielded results: Mitlider developed a unique scheme of planting crops in the garden, which allowed gardeners to obtain a bountiful harvest in any weather, climate, seasonality, etc.

180-Method of a mitlider

This wonderful method is concluded as follows:

  • Before planting, it is necessary to create a sowing scheme that will provide future bushes with maximum illumination.
  • For water retention you need to form a small wall of the earth. On narrow beds planted seedlings in 2 rows. It is necessary to follow the features of the plant.
  • It is imperative to properly feed the soil and seedlings. Fertilizers are placed 10 cm from the plant to avoid root burns.
  • Rainwater is not used for irrigation. Saplings lightly sprayed, so that the roots did not appear rot.
  • You should know the timing of planting each plant, take into account the climate and frost.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    Not all areas are suitable for use of the Mittlider method. Landing on this method is unsuitable for peat soils, lowlands, northern slopes. For the Russian climate, it is often necessary to use fertilizers to make the soil fertile. A big role is played by light, beds must be provided with a large amount of light. Also, do not forget about the correct and abundant watering.

    180-Method of a mitlider

    The wide beds make it easy to water, harvest and fight pests. Wide beds allow you to immediately detect any plant diseases, get rid of weeds, so the method of Meatlidera is really convenient and effective.

    In general, it can be noted that the Mittlider method has great advantages. Regardless of the condition of the soil, it allows you to get a good harvest, suitable for use in greenhouses and in the open garden. During the growth of crops, water is saved, the penetration of slugs and other pests is prevented, due to the wide location of the beds. Garden by Mittleider allows you to improve the growth of plants, their health and productivity.

    180-Method of a mitlider

    How to carry out landing on Mitlayder

    Narrow planting is used in the open garden, and boxes-ridges are used for greenhouses and greenhouses. Meatlider's method implies an average length of a bed of about 9 m, a width of about 50 cm, aisles of about 1 m. It is necessary to create a sanitary zone along the fence. You should not make passes less than this, otherwise the plants will cast a shadow on each other, thereby their growth will slow down. In any case, it is necessary to take into account the size of the site and other conditions, but in general it is quite possible to land at Mitlayder.

    It is worth considering that the light should fall on the beds evenly throughout the day. Therefore, it is necessary to create passages such that the plant shadows do not fall on each other.

    The dimensions of the aisles can be narrowed down a few centimeters to provide the plants with the right light.

    180-Method of a mitlider

    In this case, the bushes should not dry out. The sun's rays should fall evenly and not burn the plants. It is necessary to study what kind of lighting is necessary for a particular type, for example, tomatoes are best grown in boxes, planting them in one row. Squashes, pumpkins, watermelons and others require a classic garden plan according to Mitlayder.

    Instead of conventional mineral fertilizers, ash, compost, humus, etc. are often used. It is worth remembering that it is better not to use fertilizer once again than to overdo it and only harm the plant.

    Not all regions of Russia may have frequent and abundant watering with the correct incidence of light, therefore it is necessary to take into account the soil, the climate and the fact that each plant requires a certain irrigation regime.

    For a garden with a slope it is necessary to use boxes-beds. For the most accurate planting is best to make a plan garden.

    Preparation of the soil should be done immediately before planting, to eliminate the appearance of a large number of weeds. Weeds are removed by a hoe, plants can be used for subsequent fertilization of the soil.

    Mltlider's method for tomatoes (video)

    Fertilizers and ridges

    Boxes-ridges can be made independently of wood and other materials. These frames do not have a bottom, they need to be filled with something and used in cases where it is not possible to create ordinary beds according to the Metlider method.

    Fill boxes-ridges before planting seedlings can be artificial soil - to use the natural soil in any case impossible. You can make a substrate of fine sawdust, sand, peat, foam, pumice, pine bark.

    180-Method of a mitlider

    Mitlider planting involves the use of special fertilizer blends.

    Before planting, lime fertilizer from boron and calcium is used. For clay and peat soils, it is required to use about 200 g of fertilizer, for other species - 100 g.

    For feeding, 50 g of mineral mixtures of potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, etc. are used. You can apply various organic fertilizers. Planting according to Mittleider does not prohibit the use of manure as organic fertilizer. If compost is used, it must be completely rotten, otherwise weed seeds and various microbes that can become the causative agents of any diseases will fall into the soil.

    The Mitlider method has a fair amount of advantages, and it does not require any expensive costs.

    Of course, it is not suitable for absolutely any soil, but using this method of planting, it is possible to significantly increase the yield on clay and peat soils. Therefore, we can be sure that the Mitlider method is quite feasible and effective in Russia.

    Gallery: Mitlider method (15 photos)

    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider
    180-Method of a mitlider