May in the country
Article from the rubric "Calendar of gardener's and gardener's works"
These recommendations were compiled by experienced agronomists and are designed for novice gardeners. The article details what works are performed in the garden, garden and flower garden in May.
Your garden: work of the month.

May Garden
In early May, plantings of fruit crops and grafting “behind the bark” and “in splitting” are stopped.
How to feed in May garden plants
Feed trees and shrubs with liquid organic or complex mineral fertilizers before flowering. Bring them into the annular grooves with a depth of 10-15 cm, dug at the level of the projection of the crown or a little closer to the trunk, in shrubs - in the bowl around the bush.
In the mid-end of May, feed the same slurry of berry bushes. Pre-water the ground, and then - organic.
When shoots start to grow, add a layer of soil (pile up) up to 15 cm, make sure that it is constantly wet. In the fall or next spring, cut the layers into pieces and plant them in a permanent place.
After flowering, spend watering garden plants. You can combine it with additional feeding infusion of mullein or bird droppings (1:15) + 1 tbsp. urea spoon.
Do not forget about the fight against diseases and pests of the garden
During the flowering period, insecticides cannot be used, otherwise bees will die. But there is a solution - biological products. The most effective of bioinsecticides (against pests) is lepidocide.

He almost 100 percent destroy younger caterpillars, moths, leaf wrenches, and other openly feeding larvae. It is safe enough for bees, beneficial insects. Spray better in the evening.
In cold and rainy weather during flowering (in the first two days of flowering) it is necessary to protect the stone fruit from scab and moniliosis. You can apply chom (40 g) or chorus (2-3 g per 10 liters of water).
These drugs will also protect young shoots, leaves, ovaries from perforated spotting (cluster sporosis), coccomycosis and other dangerous diseases. These preparations do not affect the processes of pollination and formation of ovaries.
Scab prevention
The most critical period for infection with a scab is from a pink bud to full shedding of petals. Hom, colloidal sulfur, 1% Bordeaux liquid are effective. If it is not long and cold, it is enough to apply these contact fungicides.
But in rainy weather, systemic fungicide is faster or more reliable. Strobe rescues even in those cases, if there are prolonged rains and the temperature drops to 0.5-1 degrees.
How to treat a scab, if the trees are still sick, read here.
Treating trees with this preparation (2 g per 10 liters of water) in the pink bud phase (prior to the beginning of the central bud loosening) prevents moniliosis infection.
But you can not use the same drug, especially systemic, constantly, because the addiction of the pathogen appears and the effectiveness of the drug decreases.
When infecting with a monilial burn, it is necessary to cut and burn diseased shoots at the first signs of the disease and 2-3 weeks after that.
Some varieties of apple, pear, berry are affected by powdery mildew. In such trees and bushes, diseased shoots are cut out and destroyed, and the outwardly healthy annual shoots are shortened in May and August.

Powdery mildew apple leaves
Sulfur-containing drugs (colloidal sulfur, tiovit jet) or infusion are used against the disease: pour straw or hay dust, or leaves (1 part) with water (3 parts), leave for 3-4 days in a warm place, then 1 part is infused with 3 parts water, filtered and sprayed. Only in extreme cases, apply topaz.
Be sure to spend work on the destruction of weeds
During flowering in the garden it is necessary to dig up the soil with the turnover of the reservoir. This will reduce the number of weeds, improve air access to the roots, retain moisture, and also reduce the number of pests left in the soil.
It is necessary to restrain the growth of weeds, timely remove them from under the trees. Many of them feed on spider mites, tsadok larvae, caterpillars scoop, meadow moth.
At the end of flowering, the caterpillars of the first-generation mining moles hatch, ticks are settled on the crown, the first wave of summer of the Codling moth butterfly begins.
If you have not carried out spraying of trees with insecticides (lepidocide), then by the end of flowering many mites may appear. On the pear there settles a pear mediata, on all fruit trees there are colonies of aphids and a mass of ants, lovers of honey dew secreted by aphids. Against them, sticky belts with ALT glue or ash infusion are used.
Fungicides, insecticides and acaricides (sulfur) are used in tank mixes in case it is necessary to protect the garden from a complex of diseases, harmful insects and ticks.
The garden, populated by the Californian shield, needs to be sprayed with a fufanon nova or N30 (250 g per 10 l of water). The processing time is the same as spraying against the first generation of the moth: 10-12 days after the start of the shedding of the anise petals (autumn ripening period - mid-September).
If the mining moths are widely spread, it can be used for spraying Kinmiks, inta-vir. The caterpillars of these pests are in mines, and fufanon will not work on them. But synthetic pyrethroids increase the threat of tick outbreaks. Therefore, it is necessary to add colloidal sulfur (50-80 g) to these preparations.
Against cherry flies and plum moths 10-14 days after flowering, cherry, plum, apricot is sprayed with fufanon nova.
May care gardeners
Your garden: work of the month
If in April, some gardeners could not afford to rush, then in May it is no longer possible to postpone matters until later.
We hurry with crops ...
When on the street twenty-five and above, it is difficult to get friendly shoots of cold-resistant crops: carrots, parsley, onions. Uncovered soil dries quickly, failing to saturate the seeds with moisture.
If to cover a bed with a film, gentle shoots can die from high temperature and humidity. Therefore, in spite of the fact that May hurries, we will do everything thoroughly.

Sow carrot seeds.
On dug-up beds we will make sowing grooves, spill them with warm water. It is better to do this in 2-3 steps: water, wait until the water is absorbed, and water again ... We sow the seeds at the bottom of the wet grooves.
We try not to pour even the smallest ones, but throw them one by one. It is better now to spend more time, but then we will save it, because it will not be necessary to thin out the shoots. In addition, we will save the seeds.
We fill up the grooves with the soil between the rows, lightly slam the rake so that the soil “lies” on the seeds and they do not end up in any air “pocket”. If there is compost or humus, mulch the surface of the beds or cover it with non-woven material.
Watering from above even from a watering can is undesirable: a crust is formed, through which the seedlings will be difficult to penetrate. In addition, the compacted top layer facilitates the rapid evaporation of moisture.
Crop rotation is a prerequisite for success
Choosing the beds for sowing seeds, planting seedlings, consider the compatibility of crops. Of course, it was necessary to make a crop rotation in the winter or even in the fall, but if we couldn’t, at least remember in what area tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants grew last year, so as not to occupy it again, do not plant celery on the former carrot bed after the cucumber zucchini.
"Shuffle" the beds on several acres is difficult, but still necessary. The permanent cultivation of crops is fraught with a decrease in yield, accumulation of pests, diseases. The alternation of cultures is necessary, even the simplest, for example, by family.
Cruciferous (cabbage, radishes) are grown after solanaceous (pepper, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes), umbrella (carrot, celery, parsnip, dill, parsley) - after pumpkin (cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin).
After sideratov, dug up in the spring, it is better to grow seedlings. Seeds on such beds will be difficult to grow. After the peas, you can plant, sow any vegetables: this is a benevolent culture.
Good "neighbors"
We will not abandon the combined plantings, crops, taking into account the compatibility of cultures. You can sow peas, basil, and plant early varieties of cabbage or kohlrabi on the eggplant bed.

For cabbage favorable neighborhood of fragrant herbs. The smell of anise, calendula, coriander, mint, dill, basil confuses pests that have a lot of cabbage.
Classic is considered to be a combination of carrots and onions on one bed. You can sow carrots along the edge of a garlic bed or, if the distance permits, between the rows. At first, the carrot grows slowly, so it will not interfere with radishes as an intermediate crop.
Between the plants of cucumbers grown on the trellis, you can throw a grain of peas or curling beans. Next to the tomatoes land
- basil
- Tagetes (marigolds)
- melissa
- borage
There are few places in the country gardens, but I want to have everything - from vegetables for salads, preparations to spicy herbs for flavoring home culinary masterpieces.
Plant cucumbers
At the beginning of the month, we sow cucumbers either under temporary shelter or in cassettes, so that at the stage of cotyledons or of one real leaflet they should be transplanted into a flower bed. In the middle of the month, as a rule, cucumber seeds sprout well and being sown in open beds.
Cucumbers grow quickly and one should not lose time when to begin processing against their main pests - ticks and thrips. The earlier we start spraying the fitoverm, the more chances to protect plants from damage, to preserve their productivity.
In May, you can sow everything:
- beans
- corn
- melons
- fragrant greens
The first days of May is the deadline for digging the siderates in the beds, where we plan to plant seedlings of heat-loving crops. Clogging siderata, you can make a little urea: nitrogen will help recycle fresh organic faster.
For those who still do not use the green manure on their sites, it would be useful to read the article: "They put the siderats, and what next?"
Placing vegetables on the site, we always try to find a well-lit place for everyone. True, there are few such dachas at most: either the trees cast a shadow, or the fence or buildings interfere with the sun’s rays.

Cabbage seedlings in spring.
But let's not forget that we have plenty of sunshine in the middle of summer, so most vegetables grow beautifully, even if the sun does not shine on them all day. And in the beds that are protected from scorching rays at noon, they even feel better than well lit from morning to evening.
Just plant the plants on such penumbra beds a little less than on the sun: the bushes will not shade each other, they will be well ventilated. The latter circumstance is important for the prevention of fungal diseases.
Planting seedlings
Every year at the end of April - beginning of May, summer residents are concerned about the question: when should they plant seedlings?
It all depends on the weather. If it is warm, on the May holidays it is already possible to plant some of the hardened tomato seedlings in open ground. But to provide shelter in case of return frost.
In recent years, frosts, although rare, but still happen, especially in low places. If the weather does not disappoint, the tomatoes planted in early May will have an advantage over plants later planting.
At what distance to plant seedlings of tomatoes
We determinate the determinant varieties of tomatoes in 30–35 cm in a row, stepping back from the row by 50–60 cm. Indeterminate ones require a larger supply area, therefore we plant them in 60–70 cm in a row, and increase the row spacing to 80–90 cm.

Planting pepper seedlings.
After May 9, we plant seedlings of pepper, eggplants (20-25 cm - the distance in the row, 50-60 cm - between the rows), and if the soil warms up sufficiently, then cucumbers (20-35 cm - the distance between the plants in the row, 70 cm - row spacing).
Helping seedlings adapt
So that the seedlings soon took root and formed a powerful root system, in order to better adapt to the weather, day and night temperatures, immediately after disembarking we spray it with a solution of zircon (4 drops of the drug per liter of water).
Processing zircon is carried out during the flowering of the first, and then the third and fourth brushes. Spray zircon is better in the morning or evening, because the drug is not stable in the light.
Zircon can be strengthened and planting potatoes. Do it in the phase of full germination (4 drops per 3 liters of water).
Seedlings before planting for 1-2 hours can be immersed in the phytosporin-M solution or, three days after planting, water under the root. It does not make sense to bring the norms, because phytosporin is produced in different preparative forms (powder, paste, liquid) and each has its own norms.
In warm soil, phytosporin bacteria are activated and begin to suppress fungal and bacterial diseases of plants. In addition, phytosporin increases the immunity of plants and enhances their growth. Preventive spraying of vegetable plants with phytosporin is carried out every 10-15 days.
If you do not neglect such treatments, it is likely that we will not have to resort to chemical fungicides.
You can choose for the prevention of diseases, strengthen the immune system of plants, other drugs, for example, extrasol.
With working solutions of extrasol, phytosporin-M, it is possible to water the plant residues that have accumulated after the autumn and spring harvesting of the garden and vegetable garden so that they can quickly become the compost needed for the soil.
How to feed vegetables in May
At the beginning of the month we will feed cabbage planted in April. It is better to prepare an organic infusion (mullein, green grass - 1:10, consumption - 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water). For cauliflower and broccoli, which form a rich vegetative mass, the first dressing can be supplemented with urea - Art. spoon per square. m
Often seedlings of tomatoes, peppers in open ground gardeners already planted with flower buds. After the plants take root, start growing, it is important to help them shape the crop with additional feedings.

Feeding tomatoes in May.
The first is carried out in the flowering phase. What fertilizer to choose? Many people like to give urea to vegetables: they fed them and after a week the result is visible. But “nitrogen” beauty and pomp do not mean health and productivity.
Such plants, having pleased with bright greens, do not hasten to form fruits, become more susceptible to diseases, they prefer pests. To the requirements of tomatoes in the flowering phase, supplemental feeding is more appropriate with organic extract (0.5 l of bird droppings infusion) and superphosphate extract (1-1.5 tbsp of fertilizer spoon per 10 liters of water).
Summer residents, who have no opportunity to devote much time to the dacha, choose a more economical version of top dressing - complex, organic-mineral fertilizers, the choice of which is now rich.
In the phase of budding and flowering we feed pepper, eggplant: Art. spoon complex fertilizer per 10 liters of water or 0.5 liters of organic infusion per 10 liters of water.
Support need to feed and potatoes.
Potatoes will receive the necessary potassium, trace elements. No ash - we give potatoes potassium sulphate or potato fertic (Art. Spoon per sq. M).
But onions for the growth of feather need to give nitrogen: a teaspoon of urea in 10 liters of water. Opponents of mineral fertilizers can feed an onion bed with organic extract of mullein or green grass (1:10, consumption — 0.5 liters per 20 liters).
In May we hold the second dressing of garlic - 1-2 tbsp. spoon complex fertilizer for 10 liters of water. We fed urea garlic in April.

Cucumber seedling in late spring.
At the beginning of flowering, cucumbers are fed with small doses of mineral fertilizers (a teaspoonful of urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate, or st. Spoon of complex fertilizer). Mineral can be replaced by organic matter: 0.5 liters of mullein per 10 liters of water.
Fruiting plants are fed every 7-10 days to stimulate the growth of shoots and formation on the growth of flowers and ovaries. The concentration of fertilizers still should not be high: for a teaspoon of urea and potassium sulfate per 10 liters of water.
At the end of the month will require fertilizing and carrots in the winter and April crops. You can water the young plants with a weak organic extract (0.5 liters of mullein or bird droppings for 2 buckets of water) or put them in the row spacing of a teaspoonful of urea and Art. a spoon of potassium magnesia per square meter. m
Crops onions and carrots before feeding, thin out.
Works of flower growers in May
What works are expected in May flower lovers, read the next page
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