Mallow growing

Transformation of the flower with modern breeding methods
The garden plant mallow has several names: mallow, little roll, stock-rose. The forerunner of the flower was the annual Mallow Forest. Its Latin name is Altea, derived from the Greek word for cure. In nature, up to 30 species of annual plants grow, while breeders breed up to 60 varieties of mallow, including biennials and perennials.
The top of floriculture became unsurpassed specimens with semi-double and double petals of flowers of various colors. The number of flowers on one stem is several dozen. They bloom upwards. Cut inflorescences can maintain their freshness and beauty for a long time, gradually opening the buds.

The height of an ordinary plant ranges from 40 to 120 cm. But the mallow varieties grown can reach 2 meters in height and are no longer a grassy plant, but a tree. Thanks to a powerful root, the flowers are not at all afraid of drought, on the contrary, the excess moisture is not favorable for development.
In addition to the forest mallow, there are the following types:
- musky;
- Sudanese Rose (Sabdarif Hibiscus);
- stock rose or alceia wrinkled;
- hybrid.
Mallow - the perfect plant for the garden plot. So, its planting with tall varieties is a picturesque hedge and can serve as an excellent background plan, highlighting low flowers.

Mallow flower: planting and care (video)
Breeding plants in greenhouse conditions
Planted in the open field, the stock-rose seeds planted in May-June no longer have time to delight you with beautiful buds before the gardener's cold weather. Therefore, many, especially impatient, try to grow flowers through seedlings in greenhouse conditions. For this, prepared seeds are sown in greenhouses in February and no later than March. In this case, the first flowers will bloom in late July - early August.
Since the mallow is a heat-loving plant, it is afraid of abundant watering and high humidity, it is necessary for the plant to maintain an appropriate microclimate by installing good ventilation. How to grow mallow healthy and disease resistant?

It is not fastidious to the composition of the soil, but it is better that the seeds are laid in loose soil with good aeration. For example, two parts of the earth and one sand and humus.
Mallow seeds have excellent germination over three years. It should be noted that the three-year-old seeds germinate much better than the annual.

Before planting in a greenhouse, they are soaked in warm water for 12 hours. The best option would be growing seedlings in special cups or peat pots. If there are no glasses, the seeds are placed at a depth of 2-3 cm and at a distance of 3-4 cm between them.
After planting the seeds they are covered with a thin layer of soil, well moistened and covered with a film. In order for the flowers to feel good in greenhouse conditions, the air temperature should be at least 18ºС. For seedlings suitable conditions. As soon as the seeds germinate, the film can be removed.

It is possible to grow mallow from seedlings in an apartment. Then immediately after the first sprouts reach the surface of the ground, the cups must be placed in a warm and lighted place, for example, a window sill. In greenhouses and greenhouses, artificial lighting should be resorted to, since in the winter time a short day is not enough for normal development of seedlings.
If there is a shortage of light, the seedlings will be pale, the stem will be slender and painful.
It is necessary to replant a plant with an earthy lump, having previously wedged out the seedlings, while its roots have not intertwined. When the seedlings grow, they can be brought to the fresh cool air for hardening.

Mallow root is longish and long, so when transplanting into open ground you need to be careful not to damage it.
Cultivation of mallow: from seeds to flowers (video)
Gallery: garden mallow (15 photos)