Linoleum in the interior
Linoleum in the interior: types, rules of choice
Modern construction market offers a wide range of materials for finishing the floor, ceiling, walls. Perhaps the most common flooring is linoleum. This material, thanks to its undoubted advantage over many other coatings, has been deservedly popular among consumers for more than a decade. Linoleum in the interior is the choice of those buyers who prefer high-quality, safe, beautiful flooring for their home.

The advantages of using linoleum in the interior
This flooring has a lot of advantages:
- reliable and durable (with proper installation will last for many years);
- ease of care (it is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or vacuum);
- wear and moisture resistance;
- aesthetically pleasing appearance;
- a wealth of colors (a variety of ornaments, even imitating parquet, the structure of wood, stone, a large selection of different colors and shades);
- a wide range of prices (natural linoleum is much more expensive than synthetic);
- environmental friendliness.
In terms of its external properties, linoleum is in no way inferior to laminate, and in terms of moisture resistance, it even surpasses it.

Photo: linoleum in the interior of the kitchen combined with the dining room

Photo: zoning by different floor coverings

Types of linoleum
Today, this material can be purchased at any hardware store for every taste and any price. The most common types of linoleum include the following:
- baseless - the cheapest floor covering consisting of one layer, its thickness is about 1 mm, is used in rooms with high humidity, requires certain conditions for installation: the base under such a coating should be perfectly level; disadvantage - fragility (no more than 5 years);
- polyvinyl chloride - more durable and high-quality than baseless material, consists of several layers, is made on a fabric and clothless basis; the disadvantage is that at low temperatures it shrinks more;
- household - it has high strength and flexibility, is made on the basis of fiberglass, protected on both sides by layers of polyvinyl chloride; the ornament of such a coating protects the transparent layer of PVC, which ensures its durability;
- with foam base - it is distinguished by high wear resistance, flexibility, durability, heat and sound insulation; on such material, due to the large thickness of the upper layer, there are no dents left from furniture and heels;
- commercial - the highest quality of all the above types of linoleum, consists of several layers, is used in public places, which speaks of its high durability, strength, durability; disadvantage is high cost.

Photo: polyvinyl chloride and commercial linoleum
Tip: choose linoleum in accordance with the purpose of the premises, why buy more expensive commercial linoleum in the hallway in the apartment, because there is still no such high permeability as public places, when buying, ask the advice of the seller-consultant.
The choice of linoleum for the interior of the premises
Today you can buy linoleum with original decor. This material is suitable not only for the kitchen or hallway, it can be laid in the living room and even in the bedroom. For any interior, you can choose a coating with a variety of colors, patterns, designs, graphics.
When choosing linoleum for a particular room, you need to focus on the location of the apartment in general and the room in particular. For a room located on the sunny side, it is better to choose the material of cold shades (blue, green, gray). For darkened rooms, a cover in pastel colors (lemon, pink, apricot, pistachio, peach colors) is suitable, delicate shades visually brighten the interior.

When decorating the floor with linoleum, you must observe the following rules:
- a pronounced floor must be combined with at least one interior detail;
- the color of the coating affects the subconscious perception of the interior;
- the coating of a fresh light shade makes the interior joyful and elegant;
Tip: choosing colors for the floor, mentally imagine your future interior even in small things, you can use special computer programs that allow you to see the room on the monitor.
The market of floor materials is rapidly developing, offering its customers linoleum for every taste, color, cost. Sometimes it is very difficult to choose. No need to rush. Consult with a specialist first. Take into account when choosing a flooring features of the room, its purpose. Seek advice from a sales assistant, he will help you choose the most suitable type of linoleum, its quantity, indicate the method of installation. When buying, carefully inspect the material, feel it, check the degree of flexibility.
Having chosen the right linoleum in quality and color, having correctly laid it, you can enjoy the original and cozy interior of your house or apartment for a long time.