Lighting the corridor of the apartment - doing the right

Tips and ideas

Perhaps someone thinks that there is nothing difficult in arranging the lighting in a small corridor.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Often this room is used exclusively utilitarian, has a minimum of furnishings and lacks daylight.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

However, it is worth considering that it is the corridor of any housing that meets the hosts and guests. What is necessary for the arrival of lighting? We recommend to see photos of lighting in the corridor, as well as useful recommendations in our article.

Corridor lighting options

Not often there are layouts of the hall with a window opening. Lamps of various types are used as illumination. The main thing is that in such a small space there are no unlit angles.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Tip In a small room, large lighting fixtures with an intricate design look ridiculous, besides occupies a maximum of space.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Pay attention to the compact small size lighting devices, equipped with a ceiling, or a wall surface.

Ceiling devices should not be excessively bright. It is preferable to choose frosted lamps or lampshades with tinted, which diffuse light. The best option - light upwards.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Experts offer a variety of options for the location of lighting in the hallway and their competent combination. Original lighting looks like a light hidden behind the ceiling surface. On a similar ceiling is a pattern that attracts attention.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

If the ceiling is low, then the LED tape hidden behind the ceiling eaves will be the best choice for it. Such lights will draw attention to the chandelier in the center of the ceiling.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Hallway lighting

What kind of lighting is needed for the corridor and how to use it in different layouts? In the narrow and long hallway lighting is characterized by its features.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Lamps must be placed in such a way that the light is directed towards the wall surface and upwards. Such a composition of light will increase the room visually, giving it space. Note! How to calculate the room illumination correctly? 99 photos of ready-made design projects!

216-Lighting corridor apartments

If the ceiling surface is above average, it is advisable to use halogen spots, whose design involves adjusting the luminous flux.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Thus, you can eliminate the effect of the tunnel, visually push the wall surface, and also divert maximum attention from the ceiling surface.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Lighting in the lobby with a stretch-type ceiling also has certain nuances. Below is a photo of the application of spot lights.

Such devices are mainly installed above the entrance with the subsequent location through a uniform distance along the length of the corridor.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

One of the convenient is the square hall. Here you can arrange a multi-level ceiling with hidden lighting. It is problematic to arrange the illumination of the l-shaped room.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Here it is necessary to carry out the zoning of the light so that it is well highlighted every corner.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Wall lighting techniques

In order to increase the narrow space, it is important to direct the lighting device in such a way that the light is reflected from opposite walls.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

This can be done with wall lights and with the help of ceiling light. It can be deployed in different directions.

It is good to correct the high ceiling surface, using devices, rays of light, which illuminate the wall in its lower part.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

They can be fixed slightly below the ceiling. So, the ceiling surface will not be too lit, which means that the height will also be hidden.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Point-like lighting of the decor will add magic to the interior space. Perhaps highlighting and decorative elements.

Main missteps

Lighting in the lobby is designed to adjust the room. No need to focus solely on the brightness. A wall lamp suitable for a large room may not fit into a small room in the corridor.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

In addition to attracting special attention, it will emphasize the disadvantages of small-sized space. An exceptional combination of various lighting scenarios can fix such an unwanted mistake.

Take advantage of our recommendations and let your entrance hall be unique, thanks to well-equipped lighting.

216-Lighting corridor apartments

Photo lighting apartment corridor

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments

216-Lighting corridor apartments