Leaf salad

Tips and ideas

209 Leaf Salad
Leaf lettuce is a herbaceous plant, its benefits are immense. The leaves of the culture contain a large number of trace elements and mineral salts necessary for the body. Eat it should be all year round. The opportunity for this is, the plant is unpretentious. The main condition for a good growth is a large amount of moisture. How to grow leaf lettuce, knows almost every gardener.

Culture culture

Although culture and unpretentious, but the cultivation of lettuce - hard work. It requires not only physical effort, but also good knowledge, which will help provide proper care.

Growing lettuce in a greenhouse is carried out in two ways:

  • on the ground;
  • in hydroponics.

209 Leaf Salad

In the small greenhouses of private estates practiced ground cultivation of leaf lettuce. The culture is sown in early spring. In winter, this method of planting is not possible, since at the slightest frost the soil freezes. You can grow lettuce in boxes or pots, but you need to monitor the level of humidity of the earth and constantly irrigate the planting.

In large farms, the method of growing lettuce hydroponically is used. This means that the roots of plants are immersed in a special environment enriched with minerals and other beneficial substances. The exact proportion of trace elements depends on the type of salad.

209 Leaf Salad

How to grow watercress? Growing watercress practiced on vermiculite. A layer of substance is poured into the tray, on top - river sand to hold the fertilizer. After that, fill the tray with water.

Growing watercress has gained wide popularity. Each bush is placed in small piles without a bottom. The upper edges of the pile are held by the flooring. When it is put on the pallet, the roots of the plants are in the water. Water is periodically drained, replacing fresh.

When solving the issue of growing lettuce in hydroponics, it is better to choose the most advanced method of planting - flow hydroponics.

Each bush is placed in gutters, where water circulates from the nutrient reservoir to planting and back. There is no need to constantly disturb delicate plants, then raising, then lowering the tray to replace the water.

209 Leaf Salad

The amount of fertilizer, the supply of fresh solution and its temperature is controlled and carried out automatically. The cost of electronics quickly pays off, as it is easy to grow lettuce in a greenhouse in winter.

Growing crops in greenhouses all year round is divided into 2 periods:

  • in September - December;
  • in January - April.

At the beginning of each season, lettuce seeds are spread in small containers on wet peat, covered with foil and placed in a special chamber with bright lighting. After 3 days, when sprouts appear, the plants are planted in pots with wet soil for growing seedlings. At the same time, the temperature should not exceed 20 ° С, since the culture does not like heat and grows poorly at higher temperature indices.

When the lettuce leaves develop, after about 2 weeks, the seedlings are placed in gutters on hydroponics. After 2-3 weeks, when the lettuce grows in the greenhouse, the planting is removed. Growing lettuce in greenhouses is carried out under certain conditions. When germinating seeds and growing seedlings culture should provide maximum coverage.

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For germination of seeds need absolute moisture content of the soil and the temperature is not higher than 10-18 ° C. For growing seedlings humidity may be less, but the permissible temperature is not higher than 18 - 20 ° C.

Growing lettuce from seedlings requires high humidity if planting is ground. Allowable temperature - up to 23 ° C. At higher temperatures, the plant begins to throw out arrows and bloom. Illumination is allowed moderate, since the landing is already strong and develops well, even with some shading.

To grow this garden crop in a greenhouse, flow hydroponics is the most effective method. If the air temperature suddenly became higher than 25 ° С, it is possible to cool the plantings by running a cooled solution not higher than 10 ° С along the gutters. Plants will not freeze and will not begin to bloom.

Variety of varieties

For what purposes is it necessary to grow lettuce in such large volumes? The fact is that leaf salad is very tasty and juicy. Its caloric content is very low, so it is used in food with other products. From this the taste of the salad only benefit. Dishes with him acquire a special highlight.

There are various types of leaf lettuce. There are varieties of bright emerald green color (Moscow greenhouse), muted green (corn, Romano), light green (dubochek, tornado), with a reddish tinge (lollo-rosso), painted in burgundy (roblen).

Each species has its own special taste. There are neutral varieties (iceberg, romano), with a spicy taste (root, cress), with a sharp aftertaste (lettuce, radicchio, arugula). In Europe, a popular variety of arugula with a tart taste and some sourness is popular. Vegetable stews, pasta, various sauces are cooked with arugula leaves.

It is difficult not to say about the popularity of the variety Romano. Most Russians, this salad is almost the main vitamin supplement to food. He is incredibly juicy. One can hardly imagine a Caesar salad without a novel. Fresh astringency of its leaves is the highlight of the dish.

Oak varieties, oaklif not withstand heat treatment. Serve them to the table is necessary only fresh. The privyaschie leaves have no taste at all.

It is impossible not to recall the root. This savory variety of salad is served on toasted bread, it is added to salads, sauces, and pasta dressings. It is tasty raw, stewed, fried.

Lollo-rosso lettuce variety is combined not only with vegetables and pasta. This type of salad is tasty with meat dishes. It is added to cutlets, chops, entrecote.

Many types of salads in combination with other foods represent a real gastronomic abundance. What only recipes are not invented, which include this tasty and healthy plant.

209 Leaf Salad

Not only tasty, but also healthy

Salad leaves are not only a tasty addition to dishes. They are a storehouse of vitamins, trace elements, and mineral salts. The benefits of culture are invaluable. Leaf lettuce should be eaten at any age: in early childhood, adolescence, young and adulthood, in old age.

Who has the salad is always on the table, differ excellent health. The effect of useful greenery on the body is great. Salad has the following actions:

  • boosts immunity;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
  • improves stomach function;
  • increases appetite.

If you eat at least a bunch of plant leaves every day, you will never get a headache, magnetic storms become uneasy.

Lettuce leaves insist and give to drink for insomnia, nervous overstrain. They have a weak hypnotic effect, promote relaxation.

Salad helps to restore stool, facilitates the digestion of food, has a beneficial effect on the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. It is useful to eat people with stomach ulcers. Some healers claim that the leaves of this culture can cure this disease. Salad is useful for heavy bleeding, as it contributes to blood clotting. Regulates menstruation, helps with bleeding gums.

But in some cases, the salad can be harmful to health. It should not be eaten by people with diarrhea, flatulence, phosphaturia, oxalaturia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma. Caution must be exercised and do not abuse the dishes with the addition of the leaves of the plant to those who have exacerbated gastritis.

How to grow a salad at home (video)

For cheerfulness and wellness

The advantages of leaf lettuce are difficult to enumerate. In combination with other types of herbs for health benefits can not be compared with the currently popular dietary supplements.

Real refreshment, lightness and good mood gives a refreshing drink, which consists of lettuce leaves - this is a green cocktail. It is useful to drink it several times a day for babies, pregnant women and the elderly. Green cocktail helps to gain strength after a long severe illness, and people with overweight will help to lose those extra pounds.

209 Leaf Salad

Here is the recipe for this wonderful drink: leaves of lettuce, nettle, dandelion, dill, parsley, young beet tops are carefully washed from the sand and passed through a juicer. The resulting drink is poured into tall glasses, put a straw. You can drink.

How to plant greens at home (video)

Gallery: Lettuce (15 photos)

209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad
209 Leaf Salad