Kornevin - instructions for use for seedlings

Tips and ideas

345-Kornevin instructions for use
A beautiful, healthy and successfully fruiting plant is distinguished primarily by its developed root system. In the vegetative breeding method, the cuttings are poorly acclimatized primarily due to poor root formation, and biostimulant fertilizers can help them in this. Kornevin - one of the most popular drugs, containing in its composition all that is necessary to increase the root mass. In order for it to be useful and not to hurt, you need to know all the details of the application before use.

Description of the root and its effect on plants

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Kornevin is a root growth stimulator, an improved analogue of the well-known heteroauxin. Its action is based on the irritation of the epithelial tissues of the plant, as a result of which callus cells begin to form (flowing on the cut or fracture of the cutting or leaf) and roots.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Indolylbutyric acid (IMC) has this effect. Getting into the soil, it is converted into a natural rooting hormone, heteroauxin. This drug differs from its predecessor by a longer action.

The composition of the root, in addition to IMC, includes macro- and microelements that contribute to root formation — potassium, phosphorus, manganese, and molybdenum.

The drug is available in packs of 4, 5, 10, 125 and 250 g and is a cream colored powder. Apply it in both dry and in liquid form.

Stimulator has the following effect:

  • promotes fast and amicable germination of seeds;
  • stimulates the formation of the root system in cuttings;
  • reduces stress and improves the survival rate of seedlings and seedlings;
  • increases the resistance of plants to adverse natural factors - the lack or excess of moisture in the soil, rapid temperature changes.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
All this does not mean that the plant treated with root, will not be prone to pests and diseases. It does not replace fertilizing with organic or mineral fertilizers, but only contributes to the development of a powerful root system, which is the basis of the very existence of the plant. In the photo below: on the right, the root system of the cutting, which was treated with root, on the left - the control sample.

How to use the drug according to the instructions

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Root can only benefit if used properly. To do this, follow the instructions for use of the root. For the preparation of working solution using only clay, enameled or glassware.

When used in dry form, the cut of the cutting is dipped in powder and after some time immersed in water or immediately dropped to the ground. Cuttings for vaccinations are also recommended to powder root.

Experienced gardeners are advised to mix the drug with any fungicide in a ratio of 10 to 1. Such an additive activates the immune system of the plant and protects sections from fungal damage.

To prepare a solution for 1 liter of water with warm water take 1 gram of powder. The resulting substance is well mixed and immediately used. Tubers and bulbs are soaked in the working solution for 20 hours, for the same amount you can soak in the root and seeds. Then planted the planting material in the ground. For better survival of the seedlings, the wells are shed first with clean water and then with a root solution. Next, seedlings are planted, compacted the ground and watered with a root formers again. When watering follow the following recommendations:

  • 2–3 l for saplings of trees and large shrubs;
  • 0.3 l for low and medium tall bushes;
  • 40–50 ml for flower and vegetable seedlings.

Before planting seedlings of apple, plum, pear, cherry, quince, cherry roots are kept in the root solution for 10–12 hours. To 1 liter of water add 1 teaspoon of powder.

Opened packaging is used immediately. The remaining powder should be poured into a tightly curled container. Water solution is not subject to storage.

Application for seedlings

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Instructions for use of the root for seedlings provides for keeping the seeds in aqueous solution for two hours. Crops that do not tolerate root damage are watered with a stimulator during a picking and two weeks after it. In order not to harm the sprouts, you need to know how to properly dissolve the root for watering the seedlings. The working solution is prepared at the rate of 1 g of the drug per 1 l of water. Per plant need no more than 60 ml of liquid funds. Overdose causes stunted growth of the seedling, so the seedlings are watered, carefully measuring the amount per bush.

When transplanting seedlings grown in the ground should focus on the weather. On sunny and warm days, the drug is impractical to use, since additional stimulation of rooting will stop the growth of the aerial part and slow down the beginning of fruiting. Favorable weather conditions themselves contribute to the development of the root system and the further growth of the plant. More use will bring the use of root for seedlings in the protracted cold spring, when the earth is slightly heated by the sun. Sprouts at this time spend a lot of effort to overcome adverse conditions and transplanting into the soil is painful. To help young plants settle down and save power, use a biostimulator. The powder solution is prepared according to the standard scheme described on the package.

Each bush is watered individually, under the root, so as not to cause rapid growth of weeds.

Also, the roots of seedlings are kept in the working solution for several hours immediately before planting in the ground. If the seedlings are well rooted and actively go into growth, do not use more roots.

Root plants for indoor plants

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Instructions for use of root for houseplants suggests several options for its use:

  • soaking seeds in aqueous solution for 2–3 hours;
  • dusting cuts cuttings or leaves;
  • keeping cuttings in one solution.

If the root is used in a dry form, then cut the cuttings moistened with water and dipped in powder. Then the excess drug shake off, and the stalk is planted in the ground or flower pot. Some plants take root better if they are kept in the stimulator solution until the roots appear.

Kornevin is used if cyclamen, orchid or gloxinia dies from improper care. Before sending gloxinia or cyclamen for compulsory rest, they cut off all damaged and rotten roots. The remaining healthy roots before transplanting are kept in the working solution for several hours.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Kornevin able to save the orchid with a rotten root. All diseased roots are cut out, then the flower is kept for two hours in the dark at a temperature of about 27 ° C. This procedure helps cuts to dry out and not to fade again. Prepare a fresh solution of the root, placed in it an orchid and kept in a warm room until the formation of new roots.

Rooting cuttings of grapes

345-Kornevin instructions for use
For rooting grapes cuttings, rootwood is used both in dry form and diluted in water. This culture is fairly easily propagated by cutting, but if there is very little planting material or the variety is particularly valuable, it is worth reinsuring yourself and using a root forcing.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
The dry method is more reliable, it will require a greater consumption of powder and is dangerous due to the likelihood that the cutting will rot. It is used if the selected grade does not root in the solution. The dry method is used if, after 2 weeks of rooting in the solution, callus formation did not occur. The shank should be carefully examined under a magnifying glass: if at least microscopic flows are noticeable, it should be left in an aqueous solution.

How to root a rose from a bouquet using the root

345-Kornevin instructions for use
Sometimes on the stalks of roses from a bouquet of green buds are formed on the site of dangling leaves. If you like the variety, you should try to root the cutting. For this, the stem is pruned at the bottom and top, leaving 3 healthy swollen buds.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
The lower part of the stem from the slice to the lowest buds is scratched with a sharp knife to make the roots easier to germinate. Then this place, including the cut and the lower bud, is dipped in the root, and after a few minutes, the excess is shaken off and the cuttings are planted in the planting container. The upper two buds should remain on the surface. It is advisable to use a special soil for roses.

345-Kornevin instructions for use
From above, the container is covered with polyethylene or covered with a transparent plastic cup and placed in a warm, bright place. From time to time the shelter is removed for airing and, if necessary, moisten the ground.

For rooting, experts advise using rosin with zircon.

If the live cuttings from the bouquet still remain, you can try to root them in an aqueous solution of the drug. Planting material is prepared in the same way as for rooting by the dry method. In the water should remain only the lower kidney cutting.

Rules for handling root

345-Kornevin instructions for use
The preparation belongs to the 3 rd class of danger, and it is necessary to work with it in gloves, and it is better not to throw away the used packaging, but to burn it. The manufacturer of the stimulator prescribes the following handling precautions:

  • the drug is not diluted in food;
  • do not eat, smoke or drink during work;
  • In case of contact with hands, wash immediately with soap and water.
  • if even microscopic doses are accidentally swallowed, drink plenty of water, induce vomiting and take activated carbon;
  • the drug is stored out of the reach of children.

All components of the root are not phytotoxic and are not carcinogenic, but the recommendations should not be neglected.

Using the root allows not only to get healthy strong plants with a strong root system, but also to achieve rooting of the most unusual and exotic crops in their area. With it, it is also easier to learn how to graft different varieties and get strong, viable grafts.

Video about the benefits and dangers of root