Irrigation systems

Underground watering
Irrigation methods at the moment can be very different and depend on the size of the area and the crops that will be planted there. Underground irrigation system is used quite often. It is chosen if the gardener is not able to frequently irrigate the plants planted on the site.

Underground watering is to create a special ditch in which a plastic pipe is laid. It must contain uniform holes. For this irrigation system, the following requirements must be met:
- trench depth - 15-18 cm;
- the pipe must be made of plastic;
- pipe diameter - 20 mm.
Underground version in this case involves the creation of the proposed branching throughout the site. Therefore, it is necessary to initially determine how plants will be grown. All pipes used must be interconnected - so the underground method of irrigation will ensure the simultaneous feeding of all crops.
For underground irrigation is characterized by ease of use. The proposed system is connected to a water source in such a way that the supply of the latter is not carried out under great pressure. This irrigation design allows optimal irrigation, as the process of moistening can occur slowly and at the right time.
In the underground variant of irrigation, besides the possibility of effective soil moistening, there are a large number of advantages. This irrigation system is capable of destroying large weeds, conducting an effective fight against powdery mildew, which often affects plants.
The procedure is rare, only 2 times a week. If summer days are very hot, then you can increase the number of times. The considered method may be subject to certain modifications.
Excellent sprinkler system
Modern irrigation systems consist of an automatic irrigation system, which makes it possible to water the plants in accordance with the established schedule. It should be mounted during the autumn period to avoid any damage to the plant.

Automatic watering is done thanks to small fountains that contribute to a uniform and beautiful growth of the lawn, flowers, etc. If the installation of the watering system is done correctly, then the combination of the required mechanisms can be easily hidden under the ground, disguised. Such actions will help maintain the attractive appearance of the landscape. Irrigation is carried out on the basis of predetermined programs, so you can not worry about plants, even if the owner left, the water flow is constantly monitored.
Automatic sprinkling completely justifies the substantial costs of purchasing a mechanism. The advantage is the presence of a console that helps in the management process. The console acts as a mini-computer. If it is rainy outside, the pump stops automatically and the system shuts down by itself. A specially built weather station (portable) is capable of tracking weather changes.
Installation of the remote is allowed in any room or in the open air. You can set the program for a specific time. In the process it is necessary to determine the number of plots that need watering, the number and frequency of irrigation during the day.
When sprinkling is done automatically, the pipes should be supplied to the solenoid valves. According to the program, you can specify their closing or opening, which allows you to supply water to each head.

Such irrigation systems function due to the presence of a sprinkler (watering head). It is installed in the ground during the stay of the system under the optimum pressure level. Watering is done by sliding nozzles.
Fan heads are most often used for irrigation of a small area. They are used for flower beds, flower beds. Captured radius is about 5 m.
Manufacturers make special tips for such heads. They are needed for radical irrigation and manipulation associated with the ingress of water over long distances.
With unidirectional spraying, it is good to water the plants, lawns at the sidewalks or paths. The length of the hose is adjusted to cover the required area.
The sprayer is rotary type. There is a mechanism of circular rotation, which makes it possible to process significant areas. It is allowed to make both watering of a lawn, and an irrigation of sports grounds.
For gardens and greenhouses
For irrigation in the greenhouse and in the open field beds, you can use various mechanisms. You can make a convenient mechanism, a watering system in the greenhouse with your own hands. But you can use the finished automatic option. This is a drip system. This irrigation system is very popular among consumers. It is economical, install it inexpensively.

In the absence of large areas there is no need to use a sprinkler. Drip device allows excellent watering in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Watering the garden will be a certain pattern. The distribution of water for each bed is made evenly. The liquid comes from a capacious tank in the form of a barrel. This irrigation system for a greenhouse or vegetable garden makes you feel comfortable with every crop. Drip irrigation clearly regulates the flow of water. You can apply the liquid together with mineral fertilizers. Limited doses come to the root area of each bush.
The system of watering for the greenhouse, the seasonal dacha for the winter period does not need dismantle. A person is only required to purge the pipeline before the onset of cold weather. The mechanisms that do not require any adjustment after winter idleness need only be started.
Drip automatic irrigation methods involve the use of hoses made of soft material. Plastic has a high frost resistance, which leads to a peaceful stay of the device on the street throughout the winter.

Control of watering in greenhouses, kitchen gardens, gardens, can be carried out using the controller. It needs to be connected to the device. Using the controller increases the level of convenience during operation. When it rains, the system stops functioning. All work is done according to the installed program, automatically.
The sprayer with the device of water supply connects hoses, cranes. In the automatic device, the main structural elements are:
- automatic parts
- pump;
- tank;
- set of dividers;
- pipes.
Make a selection for the optimal model of the pump, select the desired volume of capacity will help the seller. It relies on the amount of functioning of the mechanism. Without the help of a professional, it will be possible to decide on dividers and automatic elements. In the process, you must be guided by your financial capabilities, take into account the frequency with which irrigation measures will be taken at the site.
During installation, the tank should be installed at a short distance from the ground (approximately 1.5 m). This will avoid flooding the plants. It is most convenient to use barrels with a capacity of 150 to 200 liters. The barrel should be covered with a lid.
Materials for self-creation of irrigation systems
Various irrigation systems are used for the site, you can also make them with your own hands, but for this you need to know certain features. Moreover, numerous options for irrigation devices are designed for greenhouses. You can create a sprayer with your own hands - this is the most common and simple option. To do this, you need to purchase a special material or use handy devices, such as nozzles from used sprayers.
But we can talk about more serious designs of a device for watering. Initially, the calculation of systems must be carried out, and for this it is necessary to prepare a special plan and create a scheme. This is very important, since it is possible to determine exactly how many materials are required based on them.
Watering the greenhouse with their own hands involves the use of hoses. A more complex option allows the use of pipes, which can also be irrigated greenhouses and open areas.

If you use a pipe, then watering your own hands will be much easier. They are usually connected in such a way that the water supply is as convenient as possible. When creating this design, you need to provide the number of joints. In addition, it is necessary to determine the need to purchase other items (sprinkler), especially when it comes to the greenhouse.
In order to carry out watering in the greenhouse with their own hands, special pipes can be used. It is better if they are made of metal, their use may be longer. How to organize watering if there is no main water supply nearby? Special capacity will come to the rescue, which has a large capacity. It is filled with water and fixed at a certain height. Later it needs to be connected with the rest of the irrigation elements that are involved in the design.
Drip irrigation systems (video)
Do-it-yourself irrigation system
It is not very difficult to make lawn irrigation systems with your own hands; they can be made similar to the store. Based on the type of irrigation, you need to make certain preparations. To arrange automatic watering with your own hands, you need a hose that can be placed in various ways. It can be buried in the ground. At the outlet are installed taps that regulate the process of water supply.
It can be done differently. Someone more convenient to just put the hoses on the ground, if we are talking about the site. For watering greenhouses, the hose is suspended from the structure. In this case, the fixation is carried out in such a way that the irrigation and feeding system reaches all the planted crops.
The irrigation system allows the use of a funnel and a special drive. They can be made from unnecessary plastic cans. Other similar containers will be useful for this. The drive can be fixed on something wooden. A funnel is also attached there, and a pipe is connected to it through which the irrigation procedure will be carried out.
Irrigation systems at the present stage are distinguished by their diversity. Each summer resident has the right to purchase the option that is best suited for the conditions created. Only proper use of structures makes it possible to get a rich harvest.
Hose fog (video)
Gallery: irrigation systems (15 photos)