How to treat trees in the country

Tips and ideas

104-How to treat trees in the country
Any tree in the territory of the dacha is subject to a number of dangers, due to the impact of which it can get sick and even die. Therefore, you should conduct a systematic inspection of the garden and in time to treat the plants, the deviations in the development of which you found.

The trees in the garden are sick very often, and this is often connected with our personal attitude to the garden, as well as with the state of the neighboring plants. You can spray the garden, prune with thickened crowns, carry out disease prevention, but if the trees in the neighboring garden are sick, diseases can also go to yours. This is an important reason that corrects our actions, encouraging us to pay more attention to the vegetation in the country!

Plants are sick everywhere, and, in fact, there is nothing unnatural. It is necessary only in time to produce prevention and treatment, if the tree seems to be weakened. After all, every summer resident knows that only a weakened garden is plagued by diseases and serious infections!

104-How to treat trees in the country

Weak trees, to which the correct rules of agrotechnology do not apply, are susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial diseases, and if you do not identify these problems and do not fight them in time, then an outbreak of diseases is possible in your garden, the so-called hearth, which you cannot get rid of too simple. Damage to crowns, bark, trunks, cracks, hollows, wounds and freezers only bring additional trouble in the form of necrosis, rot and cancer, and therefore it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in time to identify problems and pathogens that must be dealt with.

What is the treatment process?

Treating trees is a laborious process that takes a lot of time from a summer resident. Therefore, many of us simply refuse from such events, and then receive a completely extinct garden or trees that do not bear fruit and look in the garden, frankly, weak and painful. Those should not be in the country, because they become carriers of diseases, because of which other vegetation on the site will eventually disappear.

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104-How to treat trees in the country

Such an attitude may soon lead to the fact that the garden will die out, and on the ground for a long time nothing will grow to give a useful harvest.

Treating diseased trees is a whole range of special measures to improve and improve immunity, as well as procedures leading to improved growth and development. That is, it is necessary to maximally tune in to the fight against pathogens and the restoration of the diseased tree, and apply all possible means for this!

This may be spraying with growth inhibitors, fungicides and insecticides, injecting under the bark and into the soil, adding nutrients to the root zone, treating crust cracks, frostbite, embedding serious hollows, other measures. But they all work in the complex, since it is impossible to simply fertilize the soil, thereby adding nutrition to the plant, but not to heal the external wounds on the trunk and branches.

There will be very little of such measures, and the diseases will continue to develop, and the pests will eat away the hardwood and wood from the inside.

Why treat trees

Some diseases of conifers, which we recommend to read here, as well as serious pests of the orchard, are considered to be a pandemic among gardeners. Yes, exactly, the same rot, fungi and infections, as well as bark beetle insects, the material about which we also recommend to be studied, are practically incurable. They can be fought at the initial stages if you are a careful gardener and noticed the problem in time. If the disease is neglected or the insects are completely settled in the trees, the fight against them can go without victories. It is clear that there are many preventive measures, but we so inappropriately forget about them, which is also the cause of serious problems.

That is why, if you notice troubles in the initial stages, even if they are connected with mechanical damages of garden plants, and not with diseases and pests, it is necessary to immediately start taking action!

104-How to treat trees in the country

At the moment, thanks to the activity of infections and insects, the adaptation of the latter to chemicals, as well as the skeptical attitude of summer residents to problems of this kind, we can see quite problematic gardens. Almost all plants are ill here - deciduous and coniferous, ornamental and fruit. Earlier, for example, only Bordeaux liquid could perform a miracle, and the solution on the laundry soap also helped. Then the simplest drugs were introduced into the garden ... but all this does not work today, or it works so poorly that the diseases and pests of the garden simply do not react to them. It is for this additional reason that the treatment of trees is mandatory, and only with the use of effective classical and modern means!

Complex of measures for the treatment of garden trees 

We have already said that only one drug or event, for which the summer resident inadvertently allocated time, is not enough. You need to adjust yourself to a serious loss of free time, to spend a little on a special tool for the garden, for example, the same secateurs, which we discussed in this article earlier, and also choose active preparations that the plants in the garden will process several times per season.

Comprehensive garden inspection

We propose to begin the work on the treatment of the garden and bring it into full order. And the first stage will be our study, inspection, diagnosis, recording and preparation for work. Yes, exactly, we make a plan of work on the treatment of our own garden, take a sheet of paper and a pen, and inspect each tree at the dacha separately.

Immediately you can make a plan of planting, place them dotted according to the garden plan on a leaf, and then inspect and mark each position next to each position, for example "on an old apple tree there are cracked bark on the trunk, thickened crown, bare roots, faded and yellowed foliage on several branches. " So you will understand that it is necessary to clean the bark and close the cracks, find the causes of the disease of the leaves and eliminate them, make light pruning to put the right amount of air and sunlight into the crown.

A similar inspection and recording must be performed when inspecting landings. Next is the analysis of the work done and planning, the choice of drugs, the definition of tasks.

104-How to treat trees in the country

Korchevka sick trees, pruning

After drawing up a plan of action, we suggest immediately undertaking more complex work that can be considered the main one. We are just sure that there will be seriously diseased trees in the garden, even if those that do not need to be removed yet, but seriously prune, yes!

We remove diseased branches that cannot be cured, remove specimens that cannot be saved, pull them out beyond the territory of the dacha, chop them smaller and burn them. This is not categorical, because plant material can be spent on a good cause, for example, in a compost heap, about the construction of which our authors advise to read this article, and also put it in a drovnik, from which ready dry brushwood can be taken to ignite the brazier or stove. But there is always the danger of consecutive infection, and the fact that from just a few branches of infection and pests spread further. 

So, to the maximum we remove the diseased parts of the tree, which will definitely not be treated, and proceed to the next item.

Pruning garden trees, working with crown

Without going far from serious physical labor, we propose to combine two stages. When pruning sick, broken and dry branches from trees in the garden, immediately clear the crown of thickets and tops, which only hinder and pull juices on themselves. Due to the thickening of the crown, the possibility of the development of many diseases arises, the tree is poorly ventilated and illuminated, practically does not warm up, and all this affects its well-being and future harvest.

Remove all unnecessary from the tree, and it will feel much better, and the treatment will benefit even more.

Cleaning the bark, minimizing problems on the trunk

The bark is a protective layer of the whole tree, due to which the wood does not dry out and does not crack, and pathogens do not penetrate inside. But the integrity of the bark is a non-permanent concept, since this layer is destroyed due to climate, atmospheric phenomena, mechanical effects, diseases, and the same insects that want to penetrate inside the tree to feed and form nests. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the quality of the trunk coating, protect it and restore it in case of problems.

If the bark of the tree is damaged or dried and cracked, the bark is cleaned, which can be read here, and measures are taken to restore it. For this, garden pitch, other preparations prepared on their own or purchased in specialized stores are used. Also, whitewash is used, which is very important for protection against insects, a combination of hot sun and frost, and other effects.

By minimizing bark problems, you help with its healing by creating a new, holistic layer of protection that acts as a barrier for many organisms that want to destroy your garden.

104-How to treat trees in the country

Pest and disease control

Destroying foci of diseases and nests of pests, we reduce the negative load on the tree. But it is necessary not only to superficially remove all pathogens, but also to combat them in a complex way, influencing infections and organisms with special means. To do this, we have long had a whole "first-aid kit for the garden," which includes a wide variety of drugs for treating plants, ranging from the simplest, used as prophylaxis, to strong chemistry, after processing which the fruit on the tree must be given a long period of "weathered" poisons. Thus, there is an increase in the resistance of the tree to pests and diseases, but this is not all, because it is necessary to provide the trees in the garden with the strength to combat those.

Eliminating the causes of tree disease is a very correct approach, but restoring its strength, as well as providing all nutrients for further development is also a necessary measure!

Watering, fertilizing and mulching the soil in the garden

The best prevention of diseases of garden trees - compliance with all the rules of agricultural technology. After all, if a tree is timely fueled by a complex of mineral substances, it is watered, clipped, and also protected from drying out, freezing and other external factors, it has the strength to resist many troubles on its own.

Try in time to make the necessary fertilizers for each plant, be sure to water the amount of water, which requires a type of tree, its age, as well as the state at the moment. Do not regret water for autumn charging of trees in the garden, when they need to be given quite a lot of water before wintering, apply high-quality and even self-produced fertilizers to the root. But also do not forget to mulch the soil, protect the roots in pristvolnyh circles, thereby providing a layer from moisture evaporation and weathering of the soil. To do this, you can use sawdust, peat and even expanded clay. But more specific information you can get from the article on mulching!

104-How to treat trees in the country

How to treat trees in the garden: expert advice

There are generally accepted methods of treatment and more modern, which describe the producers of various means of exposure. But we decided to dwell on the classics today, and to give literally a few tips that will definitely come in handy during the care of the garden.

How to cook garden pitch

Garden pitch is used to treat trees from a wide variety of diseases, and has been known to gardeners for decades. But since among us there are many newcomers to the dacha business, we will tell you how to cook a garden pitch.

To prepare the treatment for trees, you need to heat the sunflower oil without salt, add wax and dry fir resin to it (all components are taken in equal parts). You should also be aware that instead of sunflower oil, animal fats can be used in cooking vara, and pine oil can be used instead of fir resin.

Instead of garden pitch, you can use other viscous agents that protect against external influences. It can even be plasticine, putty for wood, paint.

How to treat trees (video)

How to cure freezers

An unprotected tree may suffer from frost. Well, or just his defense will not work in front of a serious minus. In short, after a cold winter in the garden, there are quite a few “battered” trees that need to be corrected instantly!

Initially, frost cracks do not represent serious damage, and even independently of themselves quickly heal under certain conditions. But it is better to find and cure them in time, since in the spring they can deepen and provide serious detachment of the cortex.

Wrapping with polyethylene will help to get rid of the frostbite, nailing the exfoliated bark with small carnations, smearing with garden pitch. But there are more interesting ways, for example, rubbing with fresh sorrel. Further, putting sorrel gruel to a damaged place on a tree, and wrapping a stretch film with food.

It is also possible to stimulate the growth of the bark and its strengthening using the plowing method. For this tree you need to scare in the literal sense of the word. You need to take a knife and make furrows on the bark, shallow, without touching the wood. This stimulates the growth of new tissues, as well as accelerates the healing process in case of any external damage!

Healing of large wounds 

Treating trees in the garden of a summer house means not only lightly blotting and cutting the old bark, but also more serious operations when the damage on the trunk or branches is more than 10 cm wide.

The classical method of treatment is used for this, when a mixture of clay and cow manure is applied fresh to the wound, with a general consistency similar to sour cream. When such a patch is made, it must be immediately wrapped with a piece of polyethylene film so that the mass does not dry out and fall off, but act on the damaged area as long as possible.

If the wounds are very large and are no longer treated by garden pitch or similar putty, they can form fungi that accelerate the destruction of the tree. But you can not give up, because you can always extend the life of a tree for several years. So use nigrol (TAT-15). This engine oil, which can be applied even in the form of waste.

Treating trees in the garden can be, if you find the problem on time. And therefore we once again insist that the garden is not only the territory of the harvest of apples, plums and peaches, but also a certain area for work!