How to plant pepper on seedlings

Tips and ideas

In our family, everyone loves paprika, so we plant it in decent quantities. They always bought ready-made seedlings, but last year it was not very good and had a lot of pain, and it was decided to grow homemade pepper. Tell me how to plant pepper on seedlings? Do I need to soak the seeds before sowing?

186-How to plant pepper in seedlings
As you know, a pledge of a bountiful harvest is a strong seedling. Is no exception and pepper. This culture is characterized by a long growing season, so the cultivation of seedlings approximates the time of its fruiting. In addition, young bushes are demanding to temperature and watering, and the seedling method allows the seedlings to provide comfortable conditions, thanks to which they grow more developed and form a larger ovary. To get high-quality and healthy plants, it is important to know how to plant pepper on seedlings. The timing of sowing, the preparation of seeds, the selection of nutritious soil — all these factors play a decisive role, so we’ll dwell on them today.

Sowing time

Pepper is a thermophilic culture, and in order to grow it in the open field, seeds are sown on seedlings in early spring. The exact time depends on the climatic conditions, because by the time the bushes are planted in the ground, there should be a stable positive temperature and warm soil, namely:

  • in the south, it is possible to sow pepper in early February;
  • in the middle lane, it is better to wait until the end of the month;
  • in northern latitudes it is not worth sowing at all earlier than at the end of March.

Seed preparation
186-How to plant pepper in seedlings

To accelerate the germination of seeds, they must first prepare. For this:

  • select hollow seeds, soaking everything in salt water (good ones will remain at the bottom, and those that come up should be thrown away);
  • disinfect by soaking in a solution of pink potassium permanganate for half an hour;
  • stimulate by soaking in Épinay for 20 minutes.

It is better to germinate the treated seeds before sowing, because in dry form it will take a long time to sprout. Make it easy: you need to put the seeds on a piece of cloth and cover the top with a second patch. The rag should be sprayed periodically, and as soon as the shoots appear, plant immediately.

What soil is needed for seedlings?
186-How to plant pepper in seedlings

Healthy pepper seedlings will grow only on fertile land, which will be able to give the plants the necessary nutrition. Such soil mixtures are sold in the store (on the package should be written "for seedlings"). Also, the soil can be prepared independently by mixing;

  • 1 share of sand;
  • 2 shares of peat;
  • 3 share garden land.

Home substrate is subject to mandatory decontamination by piercing in the oven.

How to plant pepper for seedlings?
186-How to plant pepper in seedlings

Pepper is very freedom-loving, requires a lot of light and space and does not tolerate the tightness of planting. In this regard, it is better to sow the seeds immediately in small individual cups, putting in each 1-2 seeds.

The most convenient option - peat tablets or pots, it is also easy to grow seedlings in cassettes.

When sowing, it is not necessary to deepen the seeds, just sprinkle them lightly with earth, otherwise the sprouts will delay their appearance for some time. Planted pepper sprinkle profusely and build a shelter above the tanks to create greenhouse conditions. After germination it can be removed. Seedlings should be moistened periodically (pepper loves moisture) and kept in a bright place, if necessary, by providing additional light so that it does not stretch out.

Video about the intricacies of sowing pepper to seedlings