How peanuts grow
Tell me, how does peanuts grow? Last year I saw several beds with lush bushes with my acquaintances, but I could not find any fruit on them, despite the fact that it was already September.

What does peanut look like culture? 

If you compare the annual with those vegetables that are in each garden, then it is a cross between peas and potatoes. Externally, the bushes are very similar to pea or lentils: they have the same oval, pinnate, leaves with a light fuzz, and long stems are actively branching. The structure of the inflorescences is also similar, except that they are painted yellow.
But they differ in the root system: the peanut bush is so simple, it’s not possible to tear the hands out of the ground - the taproot goes deeper into the soil for more than half a meter and you cannot do without a shovel.
Features of fruiting 

Unlike peas, in which fruits ripen at the place of inflorescences, in the aerial part of the bush, the peanut fruits grow in the ground, like in potatoes. For this reason, harvesting is like digging potatoes, but here all the similarities end.
The elongated pods with a pair of beans inside are located far from the root system (in the sense, closer to the surface of the soil), but they are still tied on the shoots. This happens as follows:
- first, the bushes bloom, and bloom lasts a day;
- then they self-pollinate, as a result of which a ginofor is tied up - a new escape;
- Finally, the gynofor goes deep into the soil, where, in fact, the fruit are set and ripened.
To get the crop, the peanut flowers must be above the ground not higher than 15 cm, otherwise the ginofors will not be able to reach the ground and simply wither without forming an ovary.
One of the advantages of peanuts is the absence of the need for pollination, due to which it can be grown even as a pot culture indoors. In the open ground, heat-loving peanuts are successfully cultivated in the southern regions of the country and even in mid-latitudes.